[net.jobs] Looking for job in biophysics or biomedicin

anders@lth.UUCP (Anders Ardo) (05/20/85)

   I am posting this for a friend of mine is looking for a new jobb in 
the biophysical or biomedical fields.
Please contact him directly at his address in Pittsburgh. Do not respond by
electronic mail as he dont have access to the net.

    Thanks   Anders Ardo.
                       CURRICULUM VITAE

Name:           Jan Frans Marie Post
Date of birth:  september 19, 1948
Nationality:    Dutch
Current address: 5262 Beelermont Place
                 Pittsburgh, Pa 15217
Education:      Grammar school, Maastricht, The Netherlands
                State University of Groningen, The Netherlands
                  Kandidaats : october 29 1971, chemistry
                  Doctoraal  : march 25, 1975, physical chemistry and
                  Ph.D.      : may 1, 1981, biophysics

Remarks:        command of English, German and French;
                U.S. scientific correspondent for "Natuur en Techniek";
                previously member of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society.

Previous occupations:
1. Pre-doctoral fellowship, october 1, 1975 - april 1, 1977, spent in Leeds,
   UK, in the laboratory of Dr. N. Boden.
2. Scientific Assistant in the laboratory of physical chemistry at the
   University of Groningen, april 1, 1977 - april 1, 1981, under the
   supervision of Prof. Dr. H.J.C. Berendsen.
3. Post-doctoral Research Associate, july 1, 1981 - july 1, 1984, at
   Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA, in the laboratory of
   Dr. Chien Ho, Dept. of Biological Sciences.
Present position:
   Research Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Medical Chemistry of
   the University of Pittsburgh, since july 1, 1984.
Career goal:
   To establish myself as an independent scientist in the biophysical and/or
   biomedical field, either in a tenured faculty position or as a staff
   member of a research institute.

1. M.A. Hemminga, J.F.M. Post,"Lipid-Protein Interactions in Model Membranes
   from Bovine Brain White Matter: An ESR Spin-Label and Electron Microscope
   study", Biochimia et Biophysica Acta 436, 222, 1976.
2. J.F.M. Post,"Solid State NMR and Model Membranes",Ph.D. Thesis, State
   University of Groningen, may 1, 1981.
3. J.F.M. Post, H.J.C. Berendsen, E. James,"19-F Pulse NMR Experiments
   with a 19-F labeled Lyotropic Liquid Crystal",Bulletin of Magnetic
   Resonance 2, 320, 1981.
4. J.F.M. Post, E.E.J. de Ruiter, H.J.C. Berendsen,"A Flourine NMR Study of
   Model Membranes containing 19-F labeled Phospholipids and an intrinsic
   Membrane Protein", FEBS Letters 132, 257, 1981.
5. J.F.M. Post, E. James, H.J.C. Berendsen,"Multipulse Flourine NMR Experi-
   ments on Lyotronic Liquid Crystals: I. Determination of Order Parameter
   Tensor", Journal of Magnetic Resonace 47, 251, 1982.
6. J.F.M. Post, R.L. Kamman, H.J.C. Berendsen,"Multipulse Flourine NMR Experi-
   ments on Lyotronic Liquid Crystals: II. Phase Transitions in 4,4-difluoro
   -K-Myristate/D-2O", Journal of Magnetic Resonace 47, 264, 1982.
7. J.F.M. Post, C. Dijkema,"An ESR Spin-label Study of Lipophilin in Oriented
   Phospholipid Bilayers",Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 225,795,1983
8. J.F.M. Post,"DNA en Daarna", Natur en Techniek, august 1984, 642.
9. J.F.M. Post, P.F.Cottam, V.Simplaceanu, C.Ho,"A Fluorine-19 Nuclear
   Magnetic Resosnace Study of Histidine Binding Protein-J of Salmonella
   Typhimurium", Journal of Molecular Biology 179, 729,1984.
10.J.F.M. Post, B.W. Cook, S.R. Dowd, I.j. Lowe, C. Ho,"A Fluorine-19 Multiple
   Pulse Nuclear Magnetic Resonace Investigation of Fluorine-19-labeled
   Phospholipids", Biochemistry 23, 6138, 1984.
11.C. Ho, S.R. Dowd, J.F.M. Post,"NMR Investigations of Membranes", Current
   Topics in Bioenergetics, Vol 14, 1984, in press.

In Preparation:
1. B.W. Cook, J.F.M. Post, I.J. Lowe,"A pulsed Broadband RF Power Amplifier",
   accepted for publication in the Journal of Magnetic Resonace.
2. N. Boden, Y.K. Levine. J.F.M. Post, A.J.I. Ward,"A Pulse NMR Study of the
   Phase Transitions in a Phospholipid Bilayer System", to be submited.
3. J.F.M. Post,"Local Order in Protein Solutions", to be submited to the
   Biophysical Journal.