[comp.sources.amiga] v02i056: cdecl - C & C++ declaration composer/decoder, Part03/03

page@swan.ulowell.edu (Bob Page) (11/05/88)

Submitted-by: finkel@taurus.bitnet (Udi Finkelstein)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 56
Archive-name: languages/cdecl.3

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar:    Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	cdgram.old.c
#	cdlex.l
#	makefile
#	makefile.old
#	string.h
#	testset
#	testset++
# This archive created: Fri Nov  4 18:02:06 1988
cat << \SHAR_EOF > cdgram.old.c

# line 2 "cdgram.y"
/* Yacc grammar for ANSI and C++ cdecl. */
/* The output of this file is included */
/* into the C file cdecl.c. */
char cdgramsccsid[] = "@(#)cdgram.y	2.2 3/30/88";

# line 8 "cdgram.y"
typedef union  {
	char *dynstr;
	struct {
		char *left;
		char *right;
		char *type;
	} halves;
# define ARRAY 257
# define AS 258
# define CAST 259
# define COMMA 260
# define DECLARE 261
# define DOUBLECOLON 262
# define EXPLAIN 263
# define FUNCTION 264
# define HELP 265
# define INTO 266
# define OF 267
# define MEMBER 268
# define POINTER 269
# define REFERENCE 270
# define RETURNING 271
# define SET 272
# define TO 273
# define CHAR 274
# define CLASS 275
# define CONSTVOLATILE 276
# define DOUBLE 277
# define ENUM 278
# define FLOAT 279
# define INT 280
# define LONG 281
# define NAME 282
# define NUMBER 283
# define SHORT 284
# define SIGNED 285
# define STRUCT 286
# define UNION 287
# define UNSIGNED 288
# define VOID 289
# define AUTO 290
# define EXTERN 291
# define REGISTER 292
# define STATIC 293
#define yyclearin yychar = -1
#define yyerrok yyerrflag = 0
extern int yychar;
extern short yyerrflag;
#define YYMAXDEPTH 150
YYSTYPE yylval, yyval;
# define YYERRCODE 256

# line 855 "cdgram.y"

short yyexca[] ={
-1, 1,
	0, -1,
	-2, 0,
-1, 27,
	282, 81,
	40, 81,
	42, 81,
	38, 81,
	-2, 87,
-1, 37,
	260, 31,
	41, 31,
	-2, 81,
-1, 87,
	282, 82,
	40, 82,
	42, 82,
	38, 82,
	-2, 80,
-1, 92,
	260, 31,
	41, 31,
	-2, 81,
# define YYNPROD 89
# define YYLAST 322
short yyact[]={

  67,  79,  28,  69,  72,  68,  66,  76, 159,  13,
  77,  75,  78,  73,  74,  70,  79,  16,  17,  18,
  19,  16,  17,  18,  19,  67, 129,  78,  69, 103,
  68,  66, 125,  25,  76,  39,  23,  77,  75, 128,
  70,  74, 118,  22, 115, 137, 117, 118,  85, 115,
  86, 117,  83,  23, 152,  25,  30, 100,  23,  10,
  22,  56,  25,  23,  47,  22,  60,  59,  37,  97,
  22, 121,  25,  40,  41, 123,  58,  25,  20,  34,
 139, 110,  25, 161, 144,  93, 145,  92,  94,  32,
  24,  57, 147,  71, 126,  29,  81,  21,  42,  55,
   8, 136, 108, 150,  12, 135,  33, 106,  11, 114,
  31,  10,  62, 151, 132, 134,  44,  45,  48,  49,
 156,  43,  35,   2,  63,  15,  53,   1,  54,  14,
  50,  64,  27,  65,  52, 101,  26,  46,  87,  82,
  61,  38,   0,  90,  80,  88,   0,   0,  89,   0,
  95,  96,  98, 108,  91, 108,   0,   0, 108,   0,
  11,   0,  51,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
   0,   0,   0,   0, 109,   0, 111, 104, 102,   0,
   0,   0, 105, 112, 107,   0, 122,  99,   0, 113,
   0, 119, 120,   0,   0,   0,   0, 127,   0,   0,
   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, 124, 131,   0, 133,   0,
   0,   0,   0, 142,   0,   0, 130, 143,   0,   0,
   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, 138, 146, 140, 141, 148,
   0, 149,   0,   0,   0,   0, 127,   0,   0,   0,
 153,   0,   0,  25, 158,   0,   0, 127,   0, 128,
 155, 160,  16,  17,  18,  19, 154,   0,   0,   0,
   0, 157,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  25,   0,   0,
   0,   0,   0, 128,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, 116,   0,   0,   0,
   0, 116,  84,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  36,
   0,   0, 145, 145,  92,   9,   0,   0,   5,   0,
   4,   0,   6,   0,   3,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
   0,   7 };
short yypact[]={

-1000,  49,-1000, 101,-273,-204, -38,-226,-1000, 101,
-187, 101,  28,-248,-196,-214,-212,-214,-214, 101,
-1000,-1000,-269, 101,-194,-1000,-194,-221,-191,-1000,
-206,-207,-1000,-274,-1000,-1000,  10,-214,  10,-1000,
-1000,-194,-1000, 101,-1000,  44,-170,-1000,-194,-199,
  10, 101,  67,-214,-181,-214,  10,-1000, 101,   9,
-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000, 101,-1000,  -9,-1000, -67,  10,
  72,  10,  74,-1000,  64,   4,-182,   9,   9,-1000,
-173,-194,-1000,-259,-1000,-1000,  43,-1000,-1000,-1000,
  -1,-1000,  10,-1000,-1000,-226,-1000,-1000,  62,  71,
  11,  11,-1000,-228,-1000,-243,   9,-1000,-1000, 101,
  80,   9,-194,-174,  11,-1000, -33,  11,-1000,-1000,
  42,-1000 };
short yypgo[]={

   0,  99, 141, 140, 109,  94,  96, 139, 101, 137,
  93, 112, 135, 133,  90,  95, 129, 125, 131, 124,
  98,  91, 127, 123, 100, 121 };
short yyr1[]={

   0,  22,  22,  23,  23,  23,  23,  23,  23,  23,
  23,  23,  23,  23,  23,  24,  24,  15,  15,   6,
   6,   6,   6,   7,   7,   7,   7,   7,   5,   5,
   5,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   4,   4,   4,   4,
   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   8,   8,  21,  21,  21,
  21,  21,  21,  21,   2,   2,  20,  25,   3,   3,
   3,   3,  18,  18,  18,  10,  10,  19,  19,  19,
  19,  19,  11,  11,  12,  12,  13,  13,  13,  13,
  14,  14,   9,  17,  17,  17,  17,  16,  16 };
short yyr2[]={

   0,   0,   2,   2,   6,   4,   5,   3,   6,   5,
   5,   8,   3,   1,   2,   1,   1,   1,   0,   1,
   3,   4,   3,   3,   4,   2,   3,   1,   3,   3,
   1,   0,   3,   1,   1,   3,   0,   2,   5,   6,
   3,   4,   2,   2,   2,   2,   3,   3,   6,   4,
   4,   8,   4,   2,   0,   1,   2,   0,   1,   1,
   2,   2,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
   1,   1,   2,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
   2,   0,   2,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   0 };
short yychk[]={

-1000, -22, -23, 265, 261, 259, 263, 272, -24, 256,
  10,  59, -24, 282, -16, -17, 290, 291, 292, 293,
 282, -21, 264, 257, -14, 276, -16, -17,  40, -15,
 282, -24, 258, -21, 266, -24, 271,  40,  -2, 283,
 269, 270, -20, -25, -14, -14,  -9, 276, -14, -14,
 -24, -16, -24, -21, -21,  -1, 282, -21, 267, 273,
 273,  -3, -11, -19, -18, -13, 280, 274, 279, 277,
 289, -10, 278, 287, 288, 285, 281, 284, 286, 275,
 -20,  -6,  -7,  42, 282,  38,  40, -14,  -6, -20,
 -21, -24, 260,  41, 258, -21, -21, 268, -21, -19,
 282, -12, -11, 276,  -6, -24,  40,  -8,  91, -14,
 262, -14,  -6, -24,  -4,  40, 282,  42,  38, -24,
  -1, 271, -21, 267, -24,  41,  -5, -14, 282,  93,
 283,  -6,  42,  -6,  41,  41,  -8,  41,  -4, 262,
  -4,  -4, -21, -10,  41, 260, -20,  93,  -6, -15,
  41,  42, 282,  -5,  -4, -24,  40,  -4, -21,  41,
  -5,  41 };
short yydef[]={

   1,  -2,   2,   0,  88,  81,  88,  18,  13,   0,
  15,  16,   3,   0,  81,  87,  83,  84,  85,  86,
   0,   0,   0,  54,  57,  81,  81,  -2,  81,   0,
  17,  14,  88,   0,  81,   7,  81,  -2,   0,  55,
   0,   0,  53,   0,  80,  57,   0,  81,   0,  57,
  12,  81,   5,   0,  47,   0,  33,  34,  81,  81,
  81,  56,  58,  59,   0,  73,  67,  68,  69,  70,
  71,  62,  63,  64,  76,  77,  78,  79,  65,  66,
   0,   0,  19,  81,  27,  81,   0,  -2,   0,  36,
   0,   6,  -2,   0,  81,  49,  50,   0,  52,  60,
  61,  72,  74,  75,   0,  10,  81,  25,   0,   0,
   0,   0,   0,   9,   0,  36,   0,  36,  36,   4,
  32,  81,  35,   0,   8,  23,   0,  57,  30,  45,
   0,  20,   0,  22,  26,  18,  44,  37,   0,   0,
  42,  43,  48,   0,  24,  81,  36,  46,  21,   0,
  40,  36,  81,  28,  29,  11,  81,  41,  51,  38,
   0,  39 };
#ifndef lint
static	char yaccpar_sccsid[] = "@(#)yaccpar 1.2 86/07/18 SMI"; /* from UCB 4.1 83/02/11 */

# define YYFLAG -1000
# define YYERROR goto yyerrlab
# define YYACCEPT return(0)
# define YYABORT return(1)

/*	parser for yacc output	*/

#ifdef YYDEBUG
int yydebug = 0; /* 1 for debugging */
YYSTYPE yyv[YYMAXDEPTH]; /* where the values are stored */
int yychar = -1; /* current input token number */
int yynerrs = 0;  /* number of errors */
short yyerrflag = 0;  /* error recovery flag */

yyparse() {

	short yys[YYMAXDEPTH];
	short yyj, yym;
	register YYSTYPE *yypvt;
	register short yystate, *yyps, yyn;
	register YYSTYPE *yypv;
	register short *yyxi;

	yystate = 0;
	yychar = -1;
	yynerrs = 0;
	yyerrflag = 0;
	yyps= &yys[-1];
	yypv= &yyv[-1];

 yystack:    /* put a state and value onto the stack */

#ifdef YYDEBUG
	if( yydebug  ) printf( "state %d, char 0%o\n", yystate, yychar );
		if( ++yyps>= &yys[YYMAXDEPTH] ) { yyerror( "yacc stack overflow" ); return(1); }
		*yyps = yystate;
		*yypv = yyval;


	yyn = yypact[yystate];

	if( yyn<= YYFLAG ) goto yydefault; /* simple state */

	if( yychar<0 ) if( (yychar=yylex())<0 ) yychar=0;
	if( (yyn += yychar)<0 || yyn >= YYLAST ) goto yydefault;

	if( yychk[ yyn=yyact[ yyn ] ] == yychar ){ /* valid shift */
		yychar = -1;
		yyval = yylval;
		yystate = yyn;
		if( yyerrflag > 0 ) --yyerrflag;
		goto yystack;

	/* default state action */

	if( (yyn=yydef[yystate]) == -2 ) {
		if( yychar<0 ) if( (yychar=yylex())<0 ) yychar = 0;
		/* look through exception table */

		for( yyxi=yyexca; (*yyxi!= (-1)) || (yyxi[1]!=yystate) ; yyxi += 2 ) ; /* VOID */

		while( *(yyxi+=2) >= 0 ){
			if( *yyxi == yychar ) break;
		if( (yyn = yyxi[1]) < 0 ) return(0);   /* accept */

	if( yyn == 0 ){ /* error */
		/* error ... attempt to resume parsing */

		switch( yyerrflag ){

		case 0:   /* brand new error */

			yyerror( "syntax error" );

		case 1:
		case 2: /* incompletely recovered error ... try again */

			yyerrflag = 3;

			/* find a state where "error" is a legal shift action */

			while ( yyps >= yys ) {
			   yyn = yypact[*yyps] + YYERRCODE;
			   if( yyn>= 0 && yyn < YYLAST && yychk[yyact[yyn]] == YYERRCODE ){
			      yystate = yyact[yyn];  /* simulate a shift of "error" */
			      goto yystack;
			   yyn = yypact[*yyps];

			   /* the current yyps has no shift onn "error", pop stack */

#ifdef YYDEBUG
			   if( yydebug ) printf( "error recovery pops state %d, uncovers %d\n", *yyps, yyps[-1] );

			/* there is no state on the stack with an error shift ... abort */


		case 3:  /* no shift yet; clobber input char */

#ifdef YYDEBUG
			if( yydebug ) printf( "error recovery discards char %d\n", yychar );

			if( yychar == 0 ) goto yyabort; /* don't discard EOF, quit */
			yychar = -1;
			goto yynewstate;   /* try again in the same state */



	/* reduction by production yyn */

#ifdef YYDEBUG
		if( yydebug ) printf("reduce %d\n",yyn);
		yyps -= yyr2[yyn];
		yypvt = yypv;
		yypv -= yyr2[yyn];
		yyval = yypv[1];
			/* consult goto table to find next state */
		yyn = yyr1[yyn];
		yyj = yypgo[yyn] + *yyps + 1;
		if( yyj>=YYLAST || yychk[ yystate = yyact[yyj] ] != -yyn ) yystate = yyact[yypgo[yyn]];
case 2:
# line 33 "cdgram.y"
			prev = 0;
			} break;
case 3:
# line 40 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: help\n"));
			} break;
case 4:
# line 46 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: DECLARE NAME AS opt_storage adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-4].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_storage='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.type));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			dodeclare(yypvt[-4].dynstr, yypvt[-2].dynstr, yypvt[-1].halves.left, yypvt[-1].halves.right, yypvt[-1].halves.type);
			} break;
case 5:
# line 58 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: DECLARE opt_storage adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_storage='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.type));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			dodeclare(NullCP, yypvt[-2].dynstr, yypvt[-1].halves.left, yypvt[-1].halves.right, yypvt[-1].halves.type);
			} break;
case 6:
# line 69 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: CAST NAME AS adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.type));
			docast(yypvt[-3].dynstr, yypvt[-1].halves.left, yypvt[-1].halves.right, yypvt[-1].halves.type);
			} break;
case 7:
# line 79 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: CAST adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tacdecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].halves.type));
			docast(NullCP, yypvt[-1].halves.left, yypvt[-1].halves.right, yypvt[-1].halves.type);
			} break;
case 8:
# line 88 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: EXPLAIN opt_storage opt_constvol_list type cdecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_storage='%s'\n", yypvt[-4].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\ttype='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			dodexplain(yypvt[-4].dynstr, yypvt[-3].dynstr, yypvt[-2].dynstr, yypvt[-1].dynstr);
			} break;
case 9:
# line 99 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: EXPLAIN storage opt_constvol_list cdecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tstorage='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			dodexplain(yypvt[-3].dynstr, yypvt[-2].dynstr, NullCP, yypvt[-1].dynstr);
			} break;
case 10:
# line 109 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: EXPLAIN opt_storage constvol_list cdecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_storage='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tconstvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			dodexplain(yypvt[-3].dynstr, yypvt[-2].dynstr, NullCP, yypvt[-1].dynstr);
			} break;
case 11:
# line 119 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: EXPLAIN ( opt_constvol_list type cast ) optNAME\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-5].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\ttype='%s'\n", yypvt[-4].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcast='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			docexplain(yypvt[-5].dynstr, yypvt[-4].dynstr, yypvt[-3].dynstr, yypvt[-1].dynstr);
			} break;
case 12:
# line 130 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "stmt: SET optNAME\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\toptNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			} break;
case 14:
# line 138 "cdgram.y"
			} break;
case 15:
# line 144 "cdgram.y"
			} break;
case 16:
# line 148 "cdgram.y"
			} break;
case 17:
# line 154 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "optNAME: NAME\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 18:
# line 161 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "optNAME: EMPTY\n"));
			yyval.dynstr = ds(unknown_name);
			} break;
case 20:
# line 169 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdecl: * opt_constvol_list cdecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-0].dynstr,yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(strlen(yypvt[-1].dynstr)?" pointer to ":"pointer to "),NullCP);
			prev = 'p';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 21:
# line 179 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdecl: NAME DOUBLECOLON '*' cdecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			if (!CplusplusFlag)
				unsupp("pointer to member of class", NullCP);
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-0].dynstr,ds("pointer to member of class "),yypvt[-3].dynstr,ds(" "),NullCP);
			prev = 'p';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 22:
# line 191 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdecl: & opt_constvol_list cdecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			if (!CplusplusFlag)
				unsupp("reference", NullCP);
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-0].dynstr,yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(strlen(yypvt[-1].dynstr)?" reference to ":"reference to "),NullCP);
			prev = 'r';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 23:
# line 204 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdecl1: cdecl1()\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl1='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-2].dynstr,ds("function returning "),NullCP);
			prev = 'f';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 24:
# line 213 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdecl1: cdecl1(castlist)\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl1='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcastlist='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-3].dynstr, ds("function ("),
				  yypvt[-1].dynstr, ds(") returning "), NullCP);
			prev = 'f';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 25:
# line 224 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdecl1: cdecl1 cdims\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl1='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdims='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds("array "),yypvt[-0].dynstr,NullCP);
			prev = 'a';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 26:
# line 234 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdecl1: (cdecl)\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdecl='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-1].dynstr;
			/* prev = prev; */
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 27:
# line 243 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdecl1: NAME\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			savedname = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			yyval.dynstr = ds("");
			prev = 'n';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 28:
# line 254 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "castlist: castlist1, castlist2\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcastlist1='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcastlist2='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-2].dynstr, ds(", "), yypvt[-0].dynstr, NullCP);
			} break;
case 29:
# line 262 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "castlist: opt_constvol_list type cast\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\ttype='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcast='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-0].dynstr, yypvt[-2].dynstr, ds(strlen(yypvt[-2].dynstr) ? " " : ""), yypvt[-1].dynstr, NullCP);
			} break;
case 30:
# line 271 "cdgram.y"
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 31:
# line 277 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adecllist: EMPTY\n"));
			yyval.dynstr = ds("");
			} break;
case 32:
# line 283 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adecllist: adecllist1, adecllist2\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecllist1='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecllist2='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-2].dynstr, ds(", "), yypvt[-0].dynstr, NullCP);
			} break;
case 33:
# line 291 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adecllist: NAME\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 34:
# line 298 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adecllist: adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.type));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-0].halves.type, ds(" "), yypvt[-0].halves.left, yypvt[-0].halves.right, NullCP);
			} break;
case 35:
# line 307 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adecllist: NAME AS adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.type));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-0].halves.type, ds(" "), yypvt[-0].halves.left, yypvt[-2].dynstr, yypvt[-0].halves.right, NullCP);
			} break;
case 36:
# line 318 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cast: EMPTY\n"));
			yyval.dynstr = ds("");
			/* prev = prev; */
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 37:
# line 326 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cast: ()\n"));
			yyval.dynstr = ds("function returning ");
			prev = 'f';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 38:
# line 334 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cast: (cast)()\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcast='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-3].dynstr,ds("function returning "),NullCP);
			prev = 'f';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 39:
# line 343 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cast: (cast)(castlist)\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcast='%s'\n", yypvt[-4].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcastlist='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-4].dynstr,ds("function ("),yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(") returning "),NullCP);
			prev = 'f';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 40:
# line 353 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cast: (cast)\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcast='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-1].dynstr;
			/* prev = prev; */
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 41:
# line 362 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cast: NAME::*cast\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcast='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			if (!CplusplusFlag)
				unsupp("pointer to member of class", NullCP);
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-0].dynstr,ds("pointer to member of class "),yypvt[-3].dynstr,ds(" "),NullCP);
			prev = 'p';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 42:
# line 373 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cast: *cast\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcast='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-0].dynstr,ds("pointer to "),NullCP);
			prev = 'p';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 43:
# line 382 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cast: &cast\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcast='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			if (!CplusplusFlag)
				unsupp("reference", NullCP);
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-0].dynstr,ds("reference to "),NullCP);
			prev = 'r';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 44:
# line 393 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cast: cast cdims\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcast='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tcdims='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds("array "),yypvt[-0].dynstr,NullCP);
			prev = 'a';
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 45:
# line 404 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdims: []\n"));
			yyval.dynstr = ds("of ");
			} break;
case 46:
# line 410 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "cdims: [NUMBER]\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNUMBER='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(" of "),NullCP);
			} break;
case 47:
# line 418 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adecl: FUNCTION RETURNING adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.type));
			if (prev == 'f')
				unsupp("Function returning function",
				       "function returning pointer to function");
			else if (prev=='A' || prev=='a')
				unsupp("Function returning array",
				       "function returning pointer");
			yyval.halves.left = yypvt[-0].halves.left;
			yyval.halves.right = cat(ds("()"),yypvt[-0].halves.right,NullCP);
			yyval.halves.type = yypvt[-0].halves.type;
			prev = 'f';
			Debug((stderr, "\n\tadecl now =\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yyval.halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yyval.halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yyval.halves.type));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 48:
# line 441 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adecl: FUNCTION (adecllist) RETURNING adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecllist='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.type));
			if (prev == 'f')
				unsupp("Function returning function",
				       "function returning pointer to function");
			else if (prev=='A' || prev=='a')
				unsupp("Function returning array",
				       "function returning pointer");
			yyval.halves.left = yypvt[-0].halves.left;
			yyval.halves.right = cat(ds("("),yypvt[-3].dynstr,ds(")"),yypvt[-0].halves.right,NullCP);
			yyval.halves.type = yypvt[-0].halves.type;
			prev = 'f';
			Debug((stderr, "\n\tadecl now =\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yyval.halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yyval.halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yyval.halves.type));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 49:
# line 465 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adecl: ARRAY adims OF adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadims='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.type));
			if (prev == 'f')
				unsupp("Array of function",
				       "array of pointer to function");
			else if (prev == 'a')
				unsupp("Inner array of unspecified size",
				       "array of pointer");
			else if (prev == 'v')
				unsupp("Array of void",
				       "pointer to void");
			if (arbdims)
				prev = 'a';
				prev = 'A';
			yyval.halves.left = yypvt[-0].halves.left;
			yyval.halves.right = cat(yypvt[-2].dynstr,yypvt[-0].halves.right,NullCP);
			yyval.halves.type = yypvt[-0].halves.type;
			Debug((stderr, "\n\tadecl now =\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yyval.halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yyval.halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yyval.halves.type));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 50:
# line 495 "cdgram.y"
			char *op = "", *cp = "", *sp = "";

			Debug((stderr, "adecl: opt_constvol_list POINTER TO adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.type));
			if (prev == 'a')
				unsupp("Pointer to array of unspecified dimension",
				       "pointer to object");
			if (prev=='a' || prev=='A' || prev=='f') {
				op = "(";
				cp = ")";
			if (strlen(yypvt[-3].dynstr) != 0)
				sp = " ";
			yyval.halves.left = cat(yypvt[-0].halves.left,ds(op),ds("*"),
			yyval.halves.right = cat(ds(cp),yypvt[-0].halves.right,NullCP);
			yyval.halves.type = yypvt[-0].halves.type;
			prev = 'p';
			Debug((stderr, "\n\tadecl now =\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yyval.halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yyval.halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yyval.halves.type));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 51:
# line 525 "cdgram.y"
			char *op = "", *cp = "", *sp = "";

			Debug((stderr, "adecl: opt_constvol_list POINTER TO MEMBER OF ClassStruct NAME adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-7].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tClassStruct='%s'\n", yypvt[-2].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.type));
			if (!CplusplusFlag)
				unsupp("pointer to member of class", NullCP);
			if (prev == 'a')
				unsupp("Pointer to array of unspecified dimension",
				       "pointer to object");
			if (prev=='a' || prev=='A' || prev=='f') {
				op = "(";
				cp = ")";
			if (strlen(yypvt[-7].dynstr) != 0)
				sp = " ";
			yyval.halves.left = cat(yypvt[-0].halves.left,ds(op),yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds("::*"),
			yyval.halves.right = cat(ds(cp),yypvt[-0].halves.right,NullCP);
			yyval.halves.type = yypvt[-0].halves.type;
			prev = 'p';
			Debug((stderr, "\n\tadecl now =\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yyval.halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yyval.halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yyval.halves.type));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 52:
# line 559 "cdgram.y"
			char *op = "", *cp = "", *sp = "";

			Debug((stderr, "adecl: opt_constvol_list REFERENCE TO adecl\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-3].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].halves.type));
			if (!CplusplusFlag)
				unsupp("reference", NullCP);
			if (prev == 'v')
				unsupp("Reference to void",
				       "pointer to void");
			else if (prev == 'a')
				unsupp("Reference to array of unspecified dimension",
				       "reference to object");
			if (prev=='a' || prev=='A' || prev=='f') {
				op = "(";
				cp = ")";
			if (strlen(yypvt[-3].dynstr) != 0)
				sp = " ";
			yyval.halves.left = cat(yypvt[-0].halves.left,ds(op),ds("&"),
			yyval.halves.right = cat(ds(cp),yypvt[-0].halves.right,NullCP);
			yyval.halves.type = yypvt[-0].halves.type;
			prev = 'r';
			Debug((stderr, "\n\tadecl now =\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yyval.halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yyval.halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yyval.halves.type));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 53:
# line 594 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adecl: opt_constvol_list type\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\ttype='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.halves.left = ds("");
			yyval.halves.right = ds("");
			yyval.halves.type = cat(yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(strlen(yypvt[-1].dynstr)?" ":""),yypvt[-0].dynstr,NullCP);
			if (strcmp(yypvt[-0].dynstr, "void") == 0)
			    prev = 'v';
			else if ((strncmp(yypvt[-0].dynstr, "struct", 6) == 0) ||
			         (strncmp(yypvt[-0].dynstr, "class", 5) == 0))
			    prev = 's';
			    prev = 't';
			Debug((stderr, "\n\tadecl now =\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.left='%s'\n", yyval.halves.left));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.right='%s'\n", yyval.halves.right));
			Debug((stderr, "\t\tadecl.type='%s'\n", yyval.halves.type));
			Debug((stderr, "\tprev = '%s'\n", visible(prev)));
			} break;
case 54:
# line 617 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adims: EMPTY\n"));
			arbdims = 1;
			yyval.dynstr = ds("[]");
			} break;
case 55:
# line 624 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "adims: NUMBER\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNUMBER='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			arbdims = 0;
			yyval.dynstr = cat(ds("["),yypvt[-0].dynstr,ds("]"),NullCP);
			} break;
case 56:
# line 633 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "type: tinit c_type\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\ttinit=''\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tc_type='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 57:
# line 643 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "tinit: EMPTY\n"));
			modbits = 0;
			} break;
case 58:
# line 650 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "c_type: mod_list\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tmod_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 59:
# line 657 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "c_type: tname\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\ttname='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 60:
# line 664 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "c_type: mod_list tname\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tmod_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\ttname='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(" "),yypvt[-0].dynstr,NullCP);
			} break;
case 61:
# line 672 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "c_type: StrClaUniEnum NAME\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tStrClaUniEnum='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tNAME='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(" "),yypvt[-0].dynstr,NullCP);
			} break;
case 64:
# line 683 "cdgram.y"
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 66:
# line 690 "cdgram.y"
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 67:
# line 696 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "tname: INT\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tINT='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			modbits |= MB_INT; yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 68:
# line 703 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "tname: CHAR\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tCHAR='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			modbits |= MB_CHAR; yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 69:
# line 710 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "tname: FLOAT\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tFLOAT='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			modbits |= MB_FLOAT; yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 70:
# line 717 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "tname: DOUBLE\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tDOUBLE='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			modbits |= MB_DOUBLE; yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 71:
# line 724 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "tname: VOID\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tVOID='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			modbits |= MB_VOID; yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 72:
# line 732 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "mod_list: modifier mod_list1\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tmodifier='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\tmod_list1='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(" "),yypvt[-0].dynstr,NullCP);
			} break;
case 73:
# line 740 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "mod_list: modifier\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tmodifier='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 74:
# line 748 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "mod_list1: mod_list\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tmod_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 75:
# line 755 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "mod_list1: CONSTVOLATILE\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tCONSTVOLATILE='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			if (PreANSIFlag)
				notsupported(" (Pre-ANSI Compiler)", yypvt[-0].dynstr, NullCP);
			else if (RitchieFlag)
				notsupported(" (Ritchie Compiler)", yypvt[-0].dynstr, NullCP);
			else if ((strcmp(yypvt[-0].dynstr, "noalias") == 0) && CplusplusFlag)
				unsupp(yypvt[-0].dynstr, NullCP);
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 76:
# line 769 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "modifier: UNSIGNED\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tUNSIGNED='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			modbits |= MB_UNSIGNED; yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 77:
# line 776 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "modifier: SIGNED\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tSIGNED='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			modbits |= MB_SIGNED; yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 78:
# line 783 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "modifier: LONG\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tLONG='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			modbits |= MB_LONG; yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 79:
# line 790 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "modifier: SHORT\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tSHORT='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			modbits |= MB_SHORT; yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 80:
# line 798 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "opt_constvol_list: CONSTVOLATILE opt_constvol_list\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tCONSTVOLATILE='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			if (PreANSIFlag)
				notsupported(" (Pre-ANSI Compiler)", yypvt[-1].dynstr, NullCP);
			else if (RitchieFlag)
				notsupported(" (Ritchie Compiler)", yypvt[-1].dynstr, NullCP);
			else if ((strcmp(yypvt[-1].dynstr, "noalias") == 0) && CplusplusFlag)
				unsupp(yypvt[-1].dynstr, NullCP);
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(strlen(yypvt[-0].dynstr) ? " " : ""),yypvt[-0].dynstr,NullCP);
			} break;
case 81:
# line 812 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "opt_constvol_list: EMPTY\n"));
			yyval.dynstr = ds("");
			} break;
case 82:
# line 819 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "constvol_list: CONSTVOLATILE opt_constvol_list\n"));
			Debug((stderr, "\tCONSTVOLATILE='%s'\n", yypvt[-1].dynstr));
			Debug((stderr, "\topt_constvol_list='%s'\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			if (PreANSIFlag)
				notsupported(" (Pre-ANSI Compiler)", yypvt[-1].dynstr, NullCP);
			else if (RitchieFlag)
				notsupported(" (Ritchie Compiler)", yypvt[-1].dynstr, NullCP);
			else if ((strcmp(yypvt[-1].dynstr, "noalias") == 0) && CplusplusFlag)
				unsupp(yypvt[-1].dynstr, NullCP);
			yyval.dynstr = cat(yypvt[-1].dynstr,ds(strlen(yypvt[-0].dynstr) ? " " : ""),yypvt[-0].dynstr,NullCP);
			} break;
case 86:
# line 837 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "storage: AUTO,EXTERN,STATIC,REGISTER (%s)\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 87:
# line 844 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "opt_storage: storage=%s\n", yypvt[-0].dynstr));
			yyval.dynstr = yypvt[-0].dynstr;
			} break;
case 88:
# line 850 "cdgram.y"
			Debug((stderr, "opt_storage: EMPTY\n"));
			yyval.dynstr = ds("");
			} break;
		goto yystack;  /* stack new state and value */

cat << \SHAR_EOF > cdlex.l
/* Lexical analyzer description for ANSI and C++ cdecl. */
/* The output of this file is included */
/* into the C file cdecl.c. */
char cdlexsccsid[] = "@(#)cdlex.l	2.2 3/30/88";

N	[0-9]
A	[A-Z_a-z]
AN	[0-9A-Z_a-z]

array		return ARRAY;
as		return AS;
cast		return CAST;
declare		return DECLARE;
exit		return 0;
explain		return EXPLAIN;
function	return FUNCTION;
func		return FUNCTION;
help		return HELP;
into		return INTO;
member		return MEMBER;
of		return OF;
pointer		return POINTER;
ptr		return POINTER;
quit		return 0;
reference	return REFERENCE;
ref		return REFERENCE;
returning	return RETURNING;
ret		return RETURNING;
set		return SET;
to		return TO;
vector		return ARRAY;
::		return DOUBLECOLON;
[?]		return HELP;
[,]		return COMMA;

auto		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return AUTO; }
character	{ yylval.dynstr = ds("char");	return CHAR; }
char		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return CHAR; }
class		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return CLASS; }
constant	{ yylval.dynstr = ds("const");	return CONSTVOLATILE; }
const		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return CONSTVOLATILE; }
double		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return DOUBLE; }
enumeration	{ yylval.dynstr = ds("enum");	return ENUM; }
enum		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return ENUM; }
extern		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return EXTERN; }
float		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return FLOAT; }
integer		{ yylval.dynstr = ds("int");	return INT; }
int		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return INT; }
long		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return LONG; }
noalias		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return CONSTVOLATILE; }
register	{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return REGISTER; }
short		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return SHORT; }
signed		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return SIGNED; }
static		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return STATIC; }
structure	{ yylval.dynstr = ds("struct");	return STRUCT; }
struct		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return STRUCT; }
union		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return UNION; }
unsigned	{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return UNSIGNED; }
void		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return VOID; }
volatile	{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return CONSTVOLATILE; }

{A}{AN}*	{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return NAME; }
{N}+		{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext);	return NUMBER; }

[#].*		;
[\t ]		;
[&*[\]();\n]	return *yytext;
.		{
			(void) printf("bad character '%s'\n",visible(*yytext));
			return *yytext;
cat << \SHAR_EOF > makefile
cdecl.o: cdecl.c
cdecl: cdecl.o
	ln cdecl.o -lcl32
cdeclsym: cdecl.c
	ln -g cdecl.o -lcl32
cat << \SHAR_EOF > makefile.old
# @(#)makefile	2.2 1/20/88
# the following can be added to CFLAGS for various things
# add -DNOVOID		If your compiler can not handle the void keyword.
# add -DBSD		For BSD4.[23] UNIX Systems.
# add -DDOS		For MS-DOS/PC-DOS Systems, Micro-Soft C 4.0, Turbo C
#				Use the ANSI option.
# add -DNOGETOPT	If your library doesn't have getopt().
#				Another routine will be used in its place.
# add -DNOVARARGS	If you have neither <stdarg.h> (ANSI C) or
#				<varargs.h> (pre-ANSI C).
#				Another method will be compiled instead.
# add -Ddodebug		To compile in debugging trace statements.
# add -Ddoyydebug	To compile in yacc trace statements.

CFLAGS= -g -Ddodebug -Ddoyydebug -DBSD
CC= cc
ALLFILES= makefile cdgram.y cdlex.l cdecl.c cdecl.1 testset testset++
BIN= /usr/lubin

cdecl: c++decl test

c++decl: cdgram.c cdlex.c cdecl.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o cdecl cdecl.c
	-ln cdecl c++decl

cdlex.c: cdlex.l
	lex cdlex.l && mv lex.yy.c cdlex.c

cdgram.c: cdgram.y
	yacc cdgram.y && mv y.tab.c cdgram.c

	./cdecl < testset
	./c++decl < testset++

install: c++decl
	mv cdecl $(BIN)/cdecl
	ln $(BIN)/cdecl $(BIN)/c++decl

	rm -f cdgram.c cdlex.c cdecl y.output c++decl

clobber: clean
	rm -f $(BIN)/cdecl $(BIN)/c++decl

cdecl.cpio: $(ALLFILES)
	ls $(ALLFILES) | cpio -ocv > cdecl.cpio

cdecl.shar: $(ALLFILES)
	shar $(ALLFILES) > cdecl.shar
cat << \SHAR_EOF > string.h
char *strcat(), *strncat(), *strcpy(), *strncpy(), index(), rindex();
char *strchr(), *strrchr(), *strpbrk(), *strtok();
int strcmp(), strncmp(), strlen(), strspn(), strcspn();
cat << \SHAR_EOF > testset
set options
# test some declarations
declare x as ptr to character
declare x as func(w as ptr to char, y as int) ret ptr to int
declare x as func(ptr to char) ret ptr to int
declare x as func(int) ret ptr to int
declare x as func(ptr to char, int) ret ptr to int
declare x as function (args) returning pointer to int
# test some explain functions
explain char *x
explain int *x()
explain int *x(args)
explain int *x(char *)
explain int *x(char *, int )
explain int *x(char *, int, float)
explain int *x(int )
# test some casts
cast x into ptr to char
cast x into ptr to func ret int
cast x into ptr to func() ret int
cast x into ptr to func(args) ret int
cast x into ptr to func(x as ptr to char, y as int) ret int
cast x into ptr to func(ptr to char) ret int
cast x into ptr to func(ptr to char, int) ret int
cast x into ptr to func(ptr to char, int, float) ret int
# test explaining some casts
explain (char *)x
explain (int (*)())x
explain (int (*)(char *))x
explain (int (*)(char *, int))x
explain (int (*)(char *, int, float))x
cat << \SHAR_EOF > testset++
set options
# test some declarations
declare x as ptr to character
declare x as reference to character
declare foo as pointer to member of class X int
declare foo as pointer to member of class X function (arg1, arg2) returning pointer to class Y
declare x as func(w as ptr to char, y as int) ret ptr to int
declare x as func(ptr to char) ret ptr to int
declare x as func(int) ret ptr to int
declare x as func(ptr to char, int) ret ptr to int
declare x as function (args) returning pointer to int
# test some explain functions
explain char *x
explain int X::*foo
explain class Y *(X::*foo)(arg1, arg2)
explain int *x()
explain int *x(args)
explain int *x(char *)
explain int *x(char *, int )
explain int *x(char *, int, float)
explain int *x(int )
# test some casts
cast x into ptr to char
cast x into ptr to member of class X int
cast x into ptr to func ret int
cast x into ptr to func() ret int
cast x into ptr to func(args) ret int
cast x into ptr to func(x as ptr to char, y as int) ret int
cast x into ptr to func(ptr to char) ret int
cast x into ptr to func(ptr to char, int) ret int
cast x into ptr to func(ptr to char, int, float) ret int
# test explaining some casts
explain (char *)x
explain (int X::*)x
explain (int (*)())x
explain (int (*)(char *))x
explain (int (*)(char *, int))x
explain (int (*)(char *, int, float))x
#	End of shell archive
exit 0
Bob Page, U of Lowell CS Dept.  page@swan.ulowell.edu  ulowell!page
Have five nice days.