[comp.sources.amiga] v02i074: gimme.lib - misc library routines, Part01/07

page@swan.ulowell.edu (Bob Page) (12/02/88)

Submitted-by: oscvax!jan@uunet.UU.NET (Jan Sven Trabandt)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 74
Archive-name: libraries/gimme.1

Gimme.lib is a bunch of routines I've grouped together over the year
and is particularly useful for dealing with Intuition structures as
well as some devices.  It's a (Manx) library to be linked in to a

Look at the file "gimmefuncs.h" to see the function prototypes
for the whole kit-and-kaboodle (there are around 120 functions).

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#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar:    Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	DOCS.part1
# This archive created: Thu Dec  1 19:44:20 1988
cat << \SHAR_EOF > DOCS.part1
 * NAME:	gimmeBitMap
 * SYNOPSIS:	bm = gimmeBitMap( depth, width, height );
 *		struct BitMap *bm;
 * INPUTS:	SHORT	depth;	    number of required bitplanes
 *		SHORT	width;	    number of columns wide in pixels
 *		SHORT	height;     number of rows high in pixels
 * DESCRIPTION: Allocate and initialize/clear a BitMap struct.
 *		If the depth, width and height parameters are strictly positive,
 *		the required bit-planesare allocated as well, and the BitMap
 *		is properly initialized,
 *		otherwise the BitMap is cleared.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to a BitMap, or NULL if anything went wrong.
 * SEE ALSO:	getRidOfBitMap

 * NAME:	getRidOfBitMap
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = getRidOfBitMap( bitmap );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct BitMap	*bitmap;	pointer to initialized bitmap
 * DESCRIPTION: Deallocate memory for a bitmap, including bitplanes.
 *		Number of bitplanes determined from bitmap.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeBitMap

 * NAME:	gimmeBitPlanes
 * SYNOPSIS:	flags = gimmeBitPlanes( bm, myflags );
 *		ULONG flags;
 * INPUTS:	struct BitMap	*bm;	    ptr to initialized BitMap
 *		ULONG		myflags;    flags for routine
 * DESCRIPTION: Allocate bit-plane(s) given an initialized BitMap struct,
 *		according to the flags:
 *		  - contiguous	- all planes allocated contiguously,
 *				    as required for Image data
 *		  - separate	- all planes allocated individually
 *		  - default	- try contiguous first, then separate
 *		Note: the "initialized" BitMap struct should not have any
 *		planes allocated for it prior to this call, as the plane
 *		pointers are stored in the BitMap's Planes[] field.
 * RESULTS:	Returns actual flags used.
 *		Check if bm->Planes[0] is non-NULL to see if successfull,
 *		or if the returned flags equals the error flag defined in
 *		bitplane.h
 * SEE ALSO:	getRidOfBitPlanes

 * NAME:	getRidOfBitPlanes
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = getRidOfBitPlanes( bitmap, myflags );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct BitMap	*bitmap;	pointer to initialized bitmap
 *		ULONG		myflags;	flags for routine
 * DESCRIPTION: Deallocate memory for a bitmap's bitplanes.
 *		Number of bitplanes determined from bitmap.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeBitPlanes

 * NAME:	getDefaultColors
 * SYNOPSIS:	colortable = getDefaultColors();
 *		USHORT *colortable;
 * DESCRIPTION: Get pointer to the default color table.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to the default color table,
 *		or NULL if there is none.

 * NAME:	setColors
 * SYNOPSIS:	error = setColors( screen, colortable, colors );
 *		short error;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    pointer to Intuition screen
 *		USHORT	*colortable;	    or use NULL for default color table
 *		SHORT	colors; 	    number of colors to set
 * DESCRIPTION: Set the colors of an Intuition screen.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error (eg. if default color table
 *		requested but not large enough).

 * NAME:	checkColors
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = checkColors( screen, colors );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;	pointer to Intuition screen
 *		SHORT	colors; 		number of colors to check
 * DESCRIPTION: Check colors of an Intuition screen by writing "hi!" in
 *		every color on the screen.
 *		Note: This is intended for "debug" purposes, as it will
 *		overwrite the screen's display.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.

 * NAME:	c_init
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_init();
 *		short err;
 * DESCRIPTION: Initialize the communication interface software.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_open

 * NAME:	c_open
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_open( parms );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct c_parameters *parms;	serial setup parameters
 * DESCRIPTION: Open the communications channel to the serial device.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_setup, c_init

 * NAME:	c_setup
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_setup( parms );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct c_parameters *parms;	serial setup parameters
 * DESCRIPTION: Set the parameters that configure the serial port for
 *		communication.
 *		The different modes for serial configuration are not set in
 *		this function. They are only done in c_open.
 *		NOTE: the serial port must already be successfully opened by
 *		c_open and there should be no pending commands on the port.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero error code (see shandler.h) upon error.
 * SEE ALSO:	c_open

 * NAME:	c_getc
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_getc( charptr );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	char	*charptr;	pointer to location to put character
 * DESCRIPTION: Get a single character from the serial channel, with a
 *		"large" timeout.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_gets, c_getline, c_emptyc

 * NAME:	c_emptyc
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_emptyc();
 *		short err;
 * DESCRIPTION: Flush the buffer, with a "small" timeout.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_getc, c_gets, c_getline

 * NAME:	c_putc
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_putc( character );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	char	character;	    character to send
 * DESCRIPTION: Send one character to the serial channel.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_puts

 * NAME:	c_gets
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_gets( buffer, num_to_get );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	char	*buffer;	buffer to store characters
 *		SHORT	num_to_get;	number of characters to get
 * DESCRIPTION: Get the specified number of characters from
 *		the input channel and places them in the buffer.
 *		Note: does NOT stop reading on a '\0', nor is a '\0' appended.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_getc, c_getline

 * NAME:	c_getline
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_getline( buffer, num_to_get );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	char	*buffer;	buffer to store characters
 *		SHORT	num_to_get;	number of characters to get
 * DESCRIPTION: Get up to the specified number of characters,
 *		or until the end-of-line character is found,
 *		from the input channel and place them in the buffer.
 *		The default end-of-line character is 0x0d (CR) (check
 *		gimmelib/shandler.h to be sure), but this can be changed
 *		using the c_setEOL() routine.
 *		Note: the end-of-line character is kept in the buffer
 *		and NO '\0' is appended.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_setEOL, c_getc, c_gets

 * NAME:	c_setEOL
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_setEOL( eol_character )
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	char	eol_character;	    new end-of-line character
 * DESCRIPTION: Set the end-of-line character for use with c_getline().
 *		Note: the end-of-line character must be changed (if desired)
 *		after each c_open().
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_getline, c_open

 * NAME:	c_puts
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_puts( buffer, num_to_put );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	char	*buffer;
 *		SHORT	num_to_put;
 * DESCRIPTION: Send the specified number of characters to the serial port
 *		starting at the location pointed to by buffer.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_putc

 * NAME:	c_close
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_close();
 *		short err;
 * DESCRIPTION: Close the communications channel.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_init, c_open

 * NAME:	c_done
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = c_done();
 *		short err;
 * DESCRIPTION: De-initialize the communication interface software,
 *		i.e. tell it you are completely done with it.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a non-zero code on error (see gimmelib/shandler.h).
 * SEE ALSO:	c_init, c_open, c_close

 * NAME:	copyDataImage
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = copyDataImage( data, image );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	USHORT		*data;	    pointer to start of data to copy
 *		struct Image	*image;     image to receive data
 * DESCRIPTION: Copy the data into the image's data buffer (in chip memory).
 *		Note: the image must already have a data buffer.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeImage, copyImageData

 * NAME:	copyImageData
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = copyImageData( image, data );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Image	*image;     image to receive data
 *		USHORT		*data;	    pointer to start of data to copy
 * DESCRIPTION: Copy the image's actual data into a supplied buffer.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeImage, copyDataImage

 * NAME:	copyBorder
 * SYNOPSIS:	border = copyBorder( memheadptr, oldborder, numbord, myflags );
 *		struct Border *border;
 * INPUTS:	void		**memheadptr;	pointer to chained-memory head
 *		struct Border	*oldborder;	border to copy (first of list)
 *		SHORT		numbord;	# of borders to copy, -1 for all
 *		ULONG		myflags;	flags for this routine
 * DESCRIPTION: Copy numbord Border structs beginning with oldborder.
 *		A numbord of -1 means all the borders in the list.
 *		The flags define how much detail should be copied.
 *		NOTE: chainAllocMem is used and you
 *		should use chainFreeMem eventually to free the memory;
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to Border, or NULL.
 * SEE ALSO:	chainAllocMem, chainFreeMem, gimmeBorder

 * NAME:	copyImage
 * SYNOPSIS:	image = copyImage( memheadptr, oldimage, numimage, myflags );
 *		struct Image *image;
 * INPUTS:	void		**memheadptr;	pointer to chained-memory head
 *		struct Image   *oldimage;     image to copy (first of list)
 *		SHORT		numimage;	 # of images to copy, -1 for all
 *		ULONG		myflags;	flags for this routine
 * DESCRIPTION: Copy numimage Image structs beginning with oldimage.
 *		A numimage of -1 means all the images in the list.
 *		The flags define how much detail should be copied.
 *		NOTE: chainAllocMem is used and you
 *		should use chainFreeMem eventually to free the memory;
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to Image, or NULL.
 * SEE ALSO:	chainAllocMem, chainFreeMem, gimmeImage

 * NAME:	copyIntuiText
 * SYNOPSIS:	it = copyIntuiText( memheadptr, olditext, numitext, myflags );
 *		struct IntuiText *it;
 * INPUTS:	void		 **memheadptr;	 pointer to chained-memory head
 *		struct IntuiText *olditext;	 itext to copy (first of list)
 *		SHORT		 numitext;	 # of itexts to copy, -1 for all
 *		ULONG		 myflags;	 flags for this routine
 * DESCRIPTION: Copy numitext IntuiText structs beginning with olditext.
 *		A numitext of -1 means all the IntuiTexts in the list.
 *		The flags define how much detail should be copied.
 *		NOTE: chainAllocMem is used and you
 *		should use chainFreeMem eventually to free the memory;
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to IntuiText, or NULL.
 * SEE ALSO:	chainAllocMem, chainFreeMem, gimmeIntuiText

 * NAME:	copyMenuItem
 * SYNOPSIS:	item = copyMenuItem( memheadptr, olditem, numitem, numsub,
 *					    myflags );
 *		struct MenuItem *item;
 * INPUTS:	void		**memheadptr;	pointer to chained-memory head
 *		struct MenuItem *olditem;	item to copy (first of list)
 *		SHORT		numitem;	#items to copy, -1 for all
 *		SHORT		numsub; 	#subitems to copy, -1 for all
 *		ULONG		myflags;	flags for this routine
 * DESCRIPTION: Copy numitem MenuItem structs beginning with olditem.
 *		A numitem of -1 means all the items in the list.
 *		For each MenuItem copied, numsub subitems will be copied as
 *		well (a numsub of -1 means all subitems).
 *		The flags define how much detail should be copied.
 *		NOTE: chainAllocMem is used and you
 *		should use chainFreeMem eventually to free the memory;
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to MenuItem, or NULL.
 * SEE ALSO:	chainAllocMem, chainFreeMem, gimmeMenuItem

 * NAME:	copyMenu
 * SYNOPSIS:	menu = copyMenu( memheadptr, oldmenu, nummenu, numitem,
 *					numsub, myflags );
 *		struct Menu *menu;
 * INPUTS:	void		**memheadptr;	pointer to chained-memory head
 *		struct Menu	*oldmenu;	menu to copy (first of list)
 *		SHORT		nummenu;	#menus to copy, -1 for all
 *		SHORT		numitem;	#menus to copy, -1 for all
 *		SHORT		numsub; 	#submenus to copy, -1 for all
 *		ULONG		myflags;	flags for this routine
 * DESCRIPTION: Copy nummenu Menu structs beginning with oldmenu.
 *		A nummenu of -1 means all the menus in the list.
 *		For each Menu copied, numitem menuitems will be copied as
 *		well (a numitem of -1 means all menuitems) via copyMenuItem
 *		using numsub for the number of subitems to copy.
 *		The flags define how much detail should be copied.
 *		NOTE: chainAllocMem is used and you
 *		should use chainFreeMem eventually to free the memory;
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to Menu, or NULL.
 * SEE ALSO:	chainAllocMem, chainFreeMem, gimmeMenu, copyMenuItem

 * NAME:	makeDBuf
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = makeDBuf( screen, bmptr );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to single-buffered screen
 *		struct BitMap	**bmptr;    ptr to bitmap ptr for second buffer
 * DESCRIPTION: Change a single-buffered Intuition screen into a
 *		double-buffered screen.
 *		If you already have your own bitmap for the secondary buffer,
 *		bmptr should point to the bitmap pointer;
 *		otherwise bmptr should point to a NULL pointer, in which case
 *		a bitmap of the same depth/width/height as the screen is
 *		dynamically created, and the pointer to this bitmap is
 *		returned in *bmptr.
 *		Note: you must not alter the bitmap pointer placed in *bmptr.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	unmakeDBuf, swapDBuf

 * NAME:	unmakeDBuf
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = unmakeDBuf( screen, bmptr, bm );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to double-buffered screen
 *		struct BitMap	**bmptr;    ptr to bitmap ptr for second buffer
 *		struct BitMap	*bm;	    ptr to bitmap to be freed
 * DESCRIPTION: Changes a double-buffered screen [as made by makeDBuf]
 *		back into a single-buffered screen.
 *		The screen's buffers are swapped if necessary to ensure that
 *		a CloseScreen() will work properly.
 *		If bm is non-NULL, the bitmap will be freed (de-allocated);
 *		this is intended primarily to be used to free the bitmap that
 *		was created by makeDBuf if you did not previously have
 *		a bitmap for the secondary buffer.
 *		Note: the screen and bmptr parameters should be exactly the
 *		same as those given to makeDBuf.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	makeDBuf, swapDBuf

 * NAME:	swapDBuf
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = swapDBuf( screen, minterm );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to double-buffered screen
 *		SHORT		minterm;    minterm for the copy
 * DESCRIPTION: Switch the display and draw buffers for the screen.
 *		The minterm is used to specify the type of blit used to copy
 *		the new displayed buffer (source) to the new hidden/drawing
 *		buffer (dest).
 *		Some common minterms are:
 *			0x000	- clear destination
 *			0x0c0	- vanilla copy (result: source only)
 *			0x0a0	- no copy (result: dest only)
 *		Note: this routine hums along fine if the screen is not
 *		actually double-buffered, doing no swap and no copy.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	makeDBuf, unmakeDBuf

 * NAME:	makeDBufQuick
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = makeDBufQuick( screen, bmptr, lcprptr, scprptr );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to single-buffered screen
 *		struct BitMap	**bmptr;    ptr to bitmap ptr for second buffer
 *		struct cprlist	**lcprptr;  ptr to (long) copper list pointer
 *		struct cprlist	**scprptr;  ptr to (short) copper list pointer
 * DESCRIPTION: Change a single-buffered Intuition screen into a
 *		double-buffered screen.
 *		If you already have your own bitmap for the secondary buffer,
 *		bmptr should point to the bitmap pointer;
 *		otherwise bmptr should point to a NULL pointer, in which case
 *		a bitmap of the same depth/width/height as the screen is
 *		dynamically created, and the pointer to this bitmap is
 *		returned in *bmptr.
 *		Note: you must not alter the bitmap pointer placed in *bmptr.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	unmakeDBufQuick, swapDBufQuick

 * NAME:	unmakeDBufQuick
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = unmakeDBufQuick( screen, bmptr, bm,
 *						lcprptr, scprptr );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to double-buffered screen
 *		struct BitMap	**bmptr;    ptr to bitmap ptr for second buffer
 *		struct BitMap	*bm;	    ptr to bitmap to be freed
 *		struct cprlist	**lcprptr;  ptr to (long) copper list pointer
 *		struct cprlist	**scprptr;  ptr to (short) copper list pointer
 * DESCRIPTION: Changes a double-buffered screen [as made by makeDBufQuick]
 *		back into a single-buffered screen.
 *		The screen's buffers are swapped if necessary to ensure that
 *		a CloseScreen() will work properly.
 *		If bm is non-NULL, the bitmap will be freed (de-allocated);
 *		this is intended primarily to be used to free the bitmap that
 *		was created by makeDBufQuick if you did not previously have
 *		a bitmap for the secondary buffer.
 *		Note: the screen and bmptr parameters should be exactly the
 *		same as those given to makeDBufQuick.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	makeDBufQuick, swapDBufQuick

 * NAME:	swapDBufQuick
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = swapDBufQuick( screen, minterm, lcprptr, scprptr );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to double-buffered screen
 *		SHORT		minterm;    minterm for the copy
 *		struct cprlist	**lcprptr;  ptr to (long) copper list pointer
 *		struct cprlist	**scprptr;  ptr to (short) copper list pointer
 * DESCRIPTION: Switch the display and draw buffers for the screen.
 *		The minterm is used to specify the type of blit used to copy
 *		the new displayed buffer (source) to the new hidden/drawing
 *		buffer (dest).
 *		Some common minterms are:
 *			0x000	- clear destination
 *			0x0c0	- vanilla copy (result: source only)
 *			0x0a0	- no copy (result: dest only)
 *		Note: this routine hums along fine if the screen is not
 *		actually double-buffered, doing no swap and no copy.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	makeDBufQuick, unmakeDBufQuick

 * NAME:	makeDBufVQuick
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = makeDBufVQuick( screen, bmptr );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to single-buffered screen
 *		struct BitMap	**bmptr;    ptr to bitmap ptr for second buffer
 * DESCRIPTION: Change a single-buffered Intuition screen into a
 *		double-buffered screen.
 *		If you already have your own bitmap for the secondary buffer,
 *		bmptr should point to the bitmap pointer;
 *		otherwise bmptr should point to a NULL pointer, in which case
 *		a bitmap of the same depth/width/height as the screen is
 *		dynamically created, and the pointer to this bitmap is
 *		returned in *bmptr.
 *		Note: you must not alter the bitmap pointer placed in *bmptr.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	unmakeDBufVQuick, swapDBufVQuick

 * NAME:	unmakeDBufVQuick
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = unmakeDBufVQuick( screen, bmptr, bm );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to double-buffered screen
 *		struct BitMap	**bmptr;    ptr to bitmap ptr for second buffer
 *		struct BitMap	*bm;	    ptr to bitmap to be freed
 * DESCRIPTION: Changes a double-buffered screen [as made by makeDBufVQuick]
 *		back into a single-buffered screen.
 *		The screen's buffers are swapped if necessary to ensure that
 *		a CloseScreen() will work properly.
 *		If bm is non-NULL, the bitmap will be freed (de-allocated);
 *		this is intended primarily to be used to free the bitmap that
 *		was created by makeDBufVQuick if you did not previously have
 *		a bitmap for the secondary buffer.
 *		Note: the screen and bmptr parameters should be exactly the
 *		same as those given to makeDBufVQuick.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	makeDBufVQuick, swapDBufVQuick

 * NAME:	swapDBufVQuick
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = swapDBufVQuick( screen, minterm );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to double-buffered screen
 *		SHORT		minterm;    minterm for the copy
 * DESCRIPTION: Switch the display and draw buffers for the screen.
 *		The minterm is used to specify the type of blit used to copy
 *		the new displayed buffer (source) to the new hidden/drawing
 *		buffer (dest).
 *		Some common minterms are:
 *			0x000	- clear destination
 *			0x0c0	- vanilla copy (result: source only)
 *			0x0a0	- no copy (result: dest only)
 *		Note: this routine hums along fine if the screen is not
 *		actually double-buffered, doing no swap and no copy.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	makeDBufVQuick, unmakeDBufVQuick

 * NAME:	makeDualPlayfield
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = makeDualPlayfield( screen, ri, reldepth );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;    ptr to single-playfield screen
 *		struct RasInfo	*ri;	    ptr to RasInfo for second playfield
 *		SHORT	reldepth;	    depth of second playfield relative
 *					      to first playfield (0 or -1)
 * DESCRIPTION: Change a single-playfield Intuition screen into a
 *		dual-playfield screen.
 *		Fully initializes the RasInfo struct pointed at by ri,
 *		and links it into the screen's RasInfo.
 *		A bitmap of the appropriate depth and same width/height will
 *		be dynamically created - the pointer is returned in ri->BitMap
 *		The possible depth combinations are limited (see RKM), but
 *		essentially:
 *		- the first playfield can be at most depth 3
 *		- the second playfield must have same depth or 1 less.
 *		Therefore "reldepth" must be 0 or -1.
 *		NOTE: present default: the first playfield is given video
 *		priority over the second playfield (though you can set the
 *		PFBA flag yourself if you do it right - CAUTION!).
 *		Note: you must have opened the screen using OpenScreen()
 *		without specifying DUALPF in the NewScreen's Flags field before
 *		calling this routine to keep things consistent (1.2 Intuition
 *		does not support opening/closing DUALPF screens properly).
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	unmakeDualPlayfield

 * NAME:	unmakeDualPlayfield
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = unmakeDualPlayfield( screen );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Screen	*screen;	pointer to dual-playfield screen
 * DESCRIPTION: Changes a dual-playfield screen [as made by makeDualPlayfield]
 *		back into a single-playfield screen.
 *		NOTE: The bitmap *currently* used for the second-playfield is
 *		de-allocated, making the second playfield's RasInfo's BitMap
 *		pointer invalid. This will be the same bitmap that was
 *		allocated by makeDualPlayfield ONLY if you don't play
 *		around with the second-playfield's RasInfo's BitMap pointer.
 *		Note: you must call this routine before you do a CloseScreen()
 *		to keep things consistent (1.2 Intuition does not fully support
 *		opening/closing DUALPF screens properly).
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error (eg screen is NULL or screen is not
 *		dual-playfield).
 * SEE ALSO:	makeDualPlayfield

 * NAME:	gimmeFont
 * REQUISITES:	struct DiskfontBase *DiskfontBase;	properly initialized
 * SYNOPSIS:	textfont = gimmeFont( textattr );
 *		struct TextFont *textfont;
 * INPUTS:	struct TextAttr *textattr;	    ptr to font description
 * DESCRIPTION: Load specified font from disk (check in memory first).
 *		NOTE: the textattr may be altered to reflect actual font found.
 *		NOTE: you must have a global variable named DiskfontBase,
 *		declared as a "struct DiskfontBase *", already initialized by
 *		by opening the diskfont.library with code similar to the
 *		following:
 *		    struct DiskfontBase *DiskfontBase;
 *		    DiskfontBase = (struct DiskfontBase *)
 *					OpenLibrary("diskfont.library", 0L);
 *		    { check for NULL pointer returned on error }
 * RESULTS:	Returns TextFont or NULL on error.
 *		The TextAttr's ta_YSize and ta_Style fields are altered to
 *		reflect those of the actual font found if successful.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeFontLazy, getRidOfFont

 * NAME:	gimmeFontLazy
 * REQUISITES:	struct DiskfontBase *DiskfontBase;	properly initialized
 * SYNOPSIS:	textfont = gimmeFontLazy( name, size );
 *		struct TextFont *textfont;
 * INPUTS:	UBYTE	*name;		name of desired font
 *		UWORD	size;		y-size of desired font
 * DESCRIPTION: Load specified font from disk (check in memory first).
 *		NOTE: a similar font may be used if the exact font is not found.
 *		NOTE: you must have a global variable named DiskfontBase --
 *		see gimmeFont for information on how to initialize it.
 * RESULTS:	Returns TextFont or NULL on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeFont, getRidOfFont

 * NAME:	getRidOfFont
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = getRidOfFont( textfont );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct TextFont *textfont;	pointer to TextFont
 * DESCRIPTION: Releases access to a disk font obtained via gimmeFont(Quick).
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeFont, gimmeFontLazy

 * NAME:	getRidOfGadgets
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = getRidOfGadgets( firstgadget );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Gadget	*firstgadget;	    pointer to first Gadget
 * DESCRIPTION: Frees memory allocated for each gadget in chain, starting
 *		with firstgadget, using chainFreeMem.
 *		NOTE: uses a gadget's UserData field as pointer to head of
 *		memory-chain, as returned by chainAllocMem and set by the
 *		other gimme-gadget routines.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	chainAllocMem, chainFreeMem, gimmeXXXGadget

 * NAME:	gimmeBoolGadget
 * REQUISITES:	struct GfxBase *GfxBase;    properly initialized - but only if
 *					      ysize == -1, !window && !textattr
 * SYNOPSIS:	gp = gimmeBoolGadget( window, id, left, top, xsize, ysize,
 *					s, s2, textattr, myflags );
 *		struct Gadget *gp;
 * INPUTS:	struct Window	*window;    window for gadget, or NULL
 *		USHORT	id;		    non-zero id for gadget
 *		SHORT	left;		    left offset in pixels
 *		SHORT	top;		    top offset in pixels
 *		SHORT	xsize;		    total width in pixels, or -1
 *		SHORT	ysize;		    total height in pixels, or -1
 *		UBYTE	*s;		    main text string
 *		UBYTE	*s2;		    auxiliary text string, or NULL
 *		struct TextAttr *textattr;  pointer to font, or NULL
 *		ULONG	myflags;	    flags for the routine
 * DESCRIPTION: Allocate and initialize a boolean Gadget structure,
 *		including a border.
 *		The border is created appropriately enough to enclose
 *		the string nicely. Note: this routine succeeds even if no
 *		border was allocated (check gp->GadgetRender for a non-NULL
 *		value if you want to be sure that a border was allocated).
 *		NOTE: For text (with a border), not an image.
 *		If the window is non-NULL, some further customization of the
 *		gadget is done; notably the FgPen, BgPen and DrawMode of the
 *		window's rastport are used.
 *		If xsize or ysize are non-positive (use -1), appropriate
 *		value(s) are calculated to enclose the string nicely.
 *		If the auxiliary string s2 is NULL, a *hit select* boolean
 *		gadget is constructed, otherwise a *toggle select* boolean
 *		gadget is constructed -- NOTE: due to the odd nature of the
 *		toggle-selected text, you must use toggleBoolGadget upon
 *		receiving the GADGETDOWN message to effect the toggle visibly
 *		in the window.
 *		If xsize is non-positive and s2 is non-NULL,
 *		the border is constructed to enclose the longer string nicely
 *		and the shorter string is centred in the box accordingly,
 *		without residue of the longer string when displayed (toggled).
 *		The textattr can be NULL to use the default font.
 *		The flags (see gimmelib/postext.h) allow special effects for
 *		positioning the gadget:
 *		    - if xsize is "real" (positive):
 *			- x-flags cause the final gadget box to be placed
 *			  accordingly within the region from left to left+xsize
 *			  (eg. x-centre means the gadget is centred within
 *			    xsize bits, offset by the left parm)
 *		    - if xsize is -1 (non-postive):
 *			- the left parameter is taken to be the coordinate
 *			  as specified by the x-flags
 *			  (eg. x-centre means the left parm is actually the
 *			    centre of the gadget in the x-direction)
 *		    - the y-flags always modify the meaning of the top parm
 *			  (eg. y-centre means the top parm is actually the
 *			    centre of the gadget in the y-direction)
 *		NOTE: The auxiliary string's IntuiText is stored in
 *		the gadget's SelectRender field. You must leave this field
 *		alone, which also means do not use the GADGHIMAGE flag.
 *		The two strings can be switched and displayed by using
 *		toggleBoolGadget.
 *		NOTE: To remove the border permanently, do something similar
 *		to the following (with appropriate error checking):
 *			gp = gimmeBoolGadget(...);
 *			pluckChainMem( &gp->UserData, gp->GadgetRender );
 *			gp->GadgetRender = NULL;
 *		(the pluckChainMem is not absolutely necessary, since the
 *		border's memory would be freed when getRidOfGadgets is called)
 *		If all goes well, the head pointer to chained memory for the
 *		gadget and its other required structures is stored in the
 *		gp->UserData field. You must preserve this pointer!!
 *		If you need to use the UserData yourself, be sure to save
 *		gp->UserData somewhere safe after calling this routine.
 *		When you are done with the gadget you must ensure that the
 *		chained memory head pointer is restored into gp->UserData
 *		before you call getRidOfGadgets.
 *		NOTE: if you supply an auxiliary string s2 to create a toggle
 *		gadget, and window is non-NULL, then the window's rastport's
 *		drawmode should be JAM2 otherwise visual confusion may occur
 *		upon toggling and/or clearing.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to boolean gadget, or NULL.
 *		Note: The gadget is NOT added to the window.
 * SEE ALSO:	toggleBoolGadget, getRidOfGadgets, gimmeBoolImageGadget

 * NAME:	gimmeBoolImageGadget
 * SYNOPSIS:	gp = gimmeBoolImageGadget( window, id, left, top, depth, width,
 *					    height, myflags, dep2, wid2, ht2 );
 *		struct Gadget *gp;
 * INPUTS:	struct Window	*window;    window for gadget, or NULL
 *		USHORT	id;		    non-zero id for gadget
 *		SHORT	left;		    left offset in pixels
 *		SHORT	top;		    top offset in pixels
 *		SHORT	depth;		    depth of primary image
 *		SHORT	width;		    width of primary image, in pixels
 *		SHORT	height; 	    height of primary image, in pixels
 *		ULONG	myflags;	    flags for the routine
 *		SHORT	dep2;		    depth of secondary image, or <= 0
 *		SHORT	wid2;		    width of secondary image, or <= 0
 *		SHORT	ht2;		    height of secondary image, or <= 0
 * DESCRIPTION: Allocate and initialize a boolean Gadget structure,
 *		including Image structure(s) and data memory (via gimmeImage)
 *		for the primary image, and for the secondary image if the
 *		3 size specifications for it are strictly positive.
 *		Note that for the primary image, you can specify zero for any
 *		of its dimensions so that an Image structure but no data memory
 *		is allocated.
 *		NOTE: For images, not text.
 *		If the secondary image's dimensions are improper, a *hit select*
 *		boolean gadget is constructed, otherwise a *toggle select*
 *		boolean gadget is constructed.
 *		NOTE: if you wish the secondary image to merely be highlighting
 *		imagery for a *hit select* boolean gadget, you should do this:
 *			gp->Activation = RELVERIFY;
 *		after this function call (note your two images should overlap
 *		exactly to keep things clean on the screen).
 *		NOTE: if you wish to toggle manually, do the following:
 *			gp->Flags = GADGIMAGE | GADGHNONE;
 *			gp->Activation = GADGIMMEDIATE;
 *		after this function call. Then, when you receive a GADGETDOWN
 *		message, call toggleBoolGadget to switch the imagery. This is
 *		similar to the system toggle select except that toggleBoolGadget
 *		erases the current image before drawing the "alternate" image
 *		and redefines the gadget's select box for the new image.
 *		The flags (see gimmelib/postext.h) alter the meaning of the
 *		top and left parameters, with respect to the size of the
 *		primary image.
 *		If all goes well, the head pointer to chained memory for the
 *		gadget and its other required structures is stored in the
 *		gp->UserData field. You must preserve this pointer!!
 *		If you need to use the UserData yourself, be sure to save
 *		gp->UserData somewhere safe after calling this routine.
 *		When you are done with the gadget you must ensure that the
 *		chained memory head pointer is restored into gp->UserData
 *		before you call getRidOfGadgets.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to boolean gadget, or NULL.
 *		Note: The gadget is NOT added to the window.
 * SEE ALSO:	toggleBoolGadget, getRidOfGadgets, gimmeBoolGadget

 * NAME:	gimmePropGadget
 * SYNOPSIS:	gp = gimmePropGadget( window, id, left, top, xsize, ysize,
 *				       label, textattr, activflags, propflags );
 *		struct Gadget *gp;
 * INPUTS:	struct Window	*window;    window for gadget, or NULL
 *		USHORT	id;		    non-zero id for gadget
 *		SHORT	left;		    left offset in pixels
 *		SHORT	top;		    top offset in pixels
 *		SHORT	xsize;		    total width in pixels
 *		SHORT	ysize;		    total height in pixels
 *		UBYTE	*label; 	    gadget label, or NULL
 *		struct TextAttr *textattr;  pointer to font, or NULL
 *		ULONG	activflags;	    gadget Activation flags
 *		ULONG	propflags;	    flags for PropInfo
 * DESCRIPTION: Allocate and initialize a string Gadget structure,
 *		including PropInfo and optional label.
 *		If the window is non-NULL, some further customization of the
 *		gadget is done; notably the FgPen, BgPen and DrawMode of the
 *		window's rastport are used for the label.
 *		The xsize and ysize parms define the size of the actual,
 *		gadget, NOT including the (optional) label.
 *		Note: if xsize and/or ysize are non-positive, you must set
 *		the appropriate flags (such as GRELWIDTH, GRELHEIGHT) in the
 *		gadget's Flags field after this routine returns.
 *		If label is non-NULL, a label is set up with the actual prop
 *		gadget to the right of the label.
 *		The textattr can be NULL to use the default font.
 *		The activflags are set in the gadget's Activation field.
 *		The propflags are set in the gadget's PropInfo structure - see
 *		gimmePropInfo for details on how these flags are used.
 *		Note: if you wish to change the knob imagery to your own, do
 *		something similar to the following after this routine:
 *		    gp->GadgetRender = (APTR) <your image or border>;
 *		    ((struct PropInfo *)gp->SpecialInfo)->Flags &= ~AUTOKNOB;
 *		    gp->Flags &= ~GADGIMAGE;	;; ONLY if you want a BORDER
 *		If all goes well, the head pointer to chained memory for the
 *		gadget and its other required structures is stored in the
 *		gp->UserData field. You must preserve this pointer!!
 *		If you need to use the UserData yourself, be sure to save
 *		gp->UserData somewhere safe after calling routine.
 *		When you are done with the gadget you must ensure that the
 *		chained memory head pointer is restored into gp->UserData
 *		before you call getRidOfGadgets.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to prop gadget, or NULL.
 *		Note: The gadget is NOT added to the window.
 * SEE ALSO:	getRidOfGadgets, gimmePropInfo

 * NAME:	gimmePropInfo
 * SYNOPSIS:	pi = gimmePropInfo( memheadptr, flags );
 *		struct PropInfo *pi;
 * INPUTS:	void	**memheadptr;	pointer to chained-memory head
 *		ULONG	flags;		flags for PropInfo
 * DESCRIPTION: Allocate and initialize a PropInfo structure.
 *		The PropInfo's flags are set to "AUTOKNOB | flags"
 *		which you can change after this function returns.
 *		The allocated memory is chained to the memory chain pointed
 *		at by memheadptr using chainAllocMem.
 *		Eventually chainFreeMem should be called on the memhead.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to PropInfo, or NULL.
 * SEE ALSO:	chainAllocMem, chainFreeMem

 * NAME:	gimmeStringGadget
 * REQUISITES:	struct GfxBase *GfxBase;    properly initialized - but only
 *					      needed if !window && !textattr
 * SYNOPSIS:	gp = gimmeStringGadget( window, id, left, top, width, maxbuf,
 *					s, label, textattr, activflags );
 *		struct Gadget *gp;
 * INPUTS:	struct Window	*window;    window for gadget, or NULL
 *		USHORT	id;		    non-zero id for gadget
 *		SHORT	left;		    left offset in pixels
 *		SHORT	top;		    top offset in pixels
 *		SHORT	width;		    total width in pixels
 *		SHORT	maxbuf; 	    maximum buffer size including '\0'
 *		UBYTE	*s;		    initial text string
 *		UBYTE	*label; 	    gadget label, or NULL
 *		struct TextAttr *textattr;  pointer to font, or NULL
 *		ULONG	activflags;	    gadget Activation flags
 * DESCRIPTION: Allocate and initialize a string Gadget structure,
 *		including border, StringInfo, buffers and optional label.
 *		If the window is non-NULL, some further customization of the
 *		gadget is done; notably the FgPen, BgPen and DrawMode of the
 *		window's rastport are used for the label and border.
 *		The border is width pixels wide and high enough to enclose
 *		the string nicely. Note: this routine succeeds even if no
 *		border was allocated (check gp->GadgetRender for a non-NULL
 *		value if you want to be sure that a border was allocated).
 *		If you want to remove the border, do something similar to this:
 *			pluckChainMem( &gp->UserData, gp->GadgetRender );
 *			gp->GadgetRender = NULL;
 *		If label is non-NULL, a label is set up with the actual string
 *		gadget to the right of the label.
 *		NOTE: the width includes space taken by the label (if any).
 *		The textattr can be NULL to use the default font.
 *		The activflags are set in the gadget's Activation field.
 *		Note: the actual string is rendered in the screen's font.
 *		This is normally the font specified when the screen is opened.
 *		However, doing a SetFont() on the screen's rastport to alter the
 *		font (and even if you change the screen's Font field as well)
 *		will cause the string gadget to be handled a little awkwardly:
 *		the initial rendering will occur in the screen's original font,
 *		and once the gadget is selected, the "new" font will be used for
 *		rendering; however, the "old" font's character width is used to
 *		determine which character in the string gadget is clicked on,
 *		which may result in some visual confusion.
 *		If all goes well, the head pointer to chained memory for the
 *		gadget and its other required structures is stored in the
 *		gp->UserData field. You must preserve this pointer!!
 *		If you need to use the UserData yourself, be sure to save
 *		gp->UserData somewhere safe after calling routine.
 *		When you are done with the gadget you must ensure that the
 *		chained memory head pointer is restored into gp->UserData
 *		before you call getRidOfGadgets.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to string gadget, or NULL.
 *		Note: The gadget is NOT added to the window.
 * SEE ALSO:	getRidOfGadgets, gimmeStringInfo

 * NAME:	gimmeStringInfo
 * SYNOPSIS:	si = gimmeStringInfo( memheadptr, bufsize, s, flags );
 *		struct StringInfo *si;
 * INPUTS:	void **memheadptr;  pointer to chained memory head
 *		SHORT bufsize;	    maximum size including nullchar
 *		UBYTE *s;	    initial string
 *		ULONG flags;	    flags for StringInfo: only LONGINT checked
 * DESCRIPTION: Allocate and initialize a StringInfo structure,
 *		including space for the main and undo buffers.
 *		If the LONGINT flag is set in flags, the initial string s
 *		should consist of a valid long integer in ascii format.
 *		The allocated memory is chained to the memory chain pointed
 *		at by memheadptr using chainAllocMem.
 *		Eventually chainFreeMem should be called on the memhead.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to StringInfo, or NULL.
 * SEE ALSO:	chainAllocMem, chainFreeMem

 * NAME:	clearGadgets
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = clearGadgets( firstgadget, window, req, numgad );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	struct Gadget	    *firstgadget;   first gadget to clear
 *		struct Window	    *window;	    gadget's window
 *		struct Requester    *req;	    gadget's requester, or NULL
 *		SHORT		    numgad;	    # of gadgets to clear, or -1
 * DESCRIPTION: Clear the imagery of numgad gadgets in a window, starting with
 *		firstgadget.
 *		If numgad is negative, the whole list starting with firstgadget
 *		is cleared. If numgad is zero, no gadgets are cleared.
 *		NOTE: the gadget cannot be in a requester, so if the req
 *		parameter is non-NULL, the gadget(s) will not be cleared and
 *		an error returned.
 *		NOTE: The requester is ignored unless the first gadget has the
 *		REQGADGET gadget type flag set; you should ensure that this flag
 *		is consistently set or clear in each gadget in the list.
 *		It is assumed that all gadgets are in the requester if the first
 *		one is.
 *		NOTE: the gadget(s) will be cleared regardless of whether it
 *		actually exists in the window or requester.
 *		If RefreshGadgets() is called after this routine, the gadget(s)
 *		will be displayed normally.
 *		NOTE: active "invisible" gadgets may look odd; especially a
 *		previously activated string gadget and when you click somewhere
 *		else, the cursor in the string gadget is redrawn by Intuition.
 *		The cause of this may be the following: if a string gadget has
 *		the GADGHCOMP flag set, then the cursor is drawn when a
 *		RefreshGadgets() is done (possibly only if the gadget is in a
 *		requester).
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 *		Note that the Gadget's display on screen is cleared to the
 *		background colour of the window's rastport immediately.
 * SEE ALSO:	RefreshGList, RemoveGList, AddGList

 * NAME:	toggleBoolGadget
 * SYNOPSIS:	error = toggleBoolGadget( window, gadget, req );
 *		short error;
 * INPUTS:	struct Window	*window;    gadget's window
 *		struct Gadget	*gadget;    boolean gadget to toggle
 *		struct Requester *req;	    gadget's requester, or NULL
 * DESCRIPTION: Toggle a boolean gadget's text OR image, by switching it
 *		with the alternative text or image respectively.
 *		If it is a text gadget:
 *		    NOTE: the alternative text pointer is originally stored in
 *		    the gadget's SelectRender field by gimmeBoolGadget.
 *		    You must leave this field alone, which also means do not use
 *		    the GADGHIMAGE flag.
 *		If it is an image gadget:
 *		    the current ("old") image is erased before the new image is
 *		    drawn, and the select box of the gadget is altered to the
 *		    dimensions of the new image (this works perfectly only if
 *		    the image's top left corner is the same as the gadget's).
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 *		Note: this routine only refreshes this gadget.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeBoolGadget, clearGadgets

 * NAME:	findGadget
 * SYNOPSIS:	gp = findGadget( firstgadget, id );
 *		struct Gadget *gp;
 * INPUTS:	struct Gadget	*firstgadget;	    pointer to Gadget list
 *		USHORT		id;		    id of Gadget being sought
 * DESCRIPTION: Search linked list of Gadgets, starting with firstgadget,
 *		for the first Gadget with GadgetID equal to id.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to Gadget matching the id, or NULL if none.

 * NAME:	findMyFirstGadget
 * SYNOPSIS:	gp = findMyFirstGadget( window, id );
 *		struct Gadget *gp;
 * INPUTS:	struct Gadget	*firstgadget;	    pointer to Gadget list
 *		USHORT		id;		    threshold id to skip over
 * DESCRIPTION: Search linked list of Gadgets, starting with firstgadget,
 *		for the first Gadget with GadgetID strictly greater than id.
 * RESULTS:	Returns pointer to first Gadget with a greater id,
 *		or NULL if none.

 * NAME:	gimmeGraph
 * SYNOPSIS:	gr = gimmeGraph( newgraph, bitmap, areainfo, tmpras );
 *		GRAPH *gr;
 * INPUTS:	struct NEWGRAPH *newgraph;	ptr to initialized NEWGRAPH
 *		struct BitMap	*bitmap;	bitmap pointer, or NULL
 *		struct AreaInfo *areainfo;	areainfo pointer, or NULL
 *		struct TmpRas	*tmpras;	tmpras pointer, or NULL
 * DESCRIPTION: Create and initialize a GRAPH structure,
 *		according to the specifications in the newgraph.
 *		The axes and title will be rendered immediately unless the
 *		appropriate flag is set, in which case you can modify the GRAPH
 *		structure, then call drawGraphAxes yourself after this routine.
 *		NOTE: currently the graph routines only properly support 1st
 *		quadrant graphing with a right-handed coordinate system
 *		(ie the axes should increase in value up and to the right).
 *		If you use scrolling (via DELTA flags), you should avoid
 *		values that fall exactly on an axis.
 *		If the newgraph's rastport pointer is non-NULL, the actual
 *		rastport is copied into the graph structure, leaving the
 *		rastport pointed at by the newgraph forever untouched;
 *		otherwise the graph's rastport is initialized by InitRastPort().
 *		If bitmap is non-NULL, the bitmap pointer is copied into the
 *		graph's rastport's bitmap pointer.
 *		NOTE: if you specified a rastport in the newgraph and no bitmap
 *		parameter, the bitmap in that rastport will be used; otherwise
 *		you MUST specify a valid bitmap pointer as a parameter.
 *		The areainfo and tmpras parameters go together, and are used
 *		only if either or both FILLTO flags are set.
 *		If areainfo (or tmpras) is non-NULL, the pointer will be set
 *		in the graph's rastport. If areainfo (or tmpras) is NULL, then
 *		an AreaInfo struct and vector buffer (or TmpRas struct and a
 *		raster the same size as the bitmap) are allocated for you.
 *		NOTE: if you specify the same areainfo and/or tmpras for two
 *		or more graphs, you must ensure that any addToGraph using FILLTO
 *		is not done concurrently, since technically the areainfo/tmpras
 *		structs should be unique for each graph.
 *		The graphing routines are intended to be reasonably flexible;
 *		you can alter the fonts and colours for the various titles and
 *		labvels (title refers to words; label refers to the numbers on
 *		an axis) after this routine -- currently, the labels default to
 *		use the same font as their respective titles; the axes' title
 *		colours default to the same as the title colour; and the axes'
 *		label colours default to the axes colour.
 *		NOTE: if you wish to use different fonts for the labels, you
 *		can set the appropriate graph's textfont pointer, for example
 *		by assigning the title-textfont to the x-label-textfont, or
 *		setting it to NULL to use the "default" font;
 *		however, it is recommended that you do not introduce new fonts
 *		unless you know how to handle fonts properly (in particular
 *		do not play around with the three title font pointers).
 *		Points are added to the graph dynamically using addToGraph.
 *		See gimmelib/graph.h for descriptions of the various graphing
 *		structures and flags; note that some of the newgraph flags
 *		apply to how axis information is used.
 *		Note: all allocated memory, including the GRAPH struct itself,
 *		is chained and the header is stored in the GRAPH's memhead
 *		field, which is used by getRidOfGraph to deallocate memory.
 *		You should use getRidOfGraph to free all the memory allocated
 *		by this routine.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a pointer to a GRAPH, or NULL if anything went wrong.
 * SEE ALSO:	addToGraph, getRidOfGraph, gimmeFont, drawGraphAxes,
 *		chainAllocMem

 * NAME:	getRidOfGraph
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = getRidOfGraph( graph );
 *		short err;
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 * DESCRIPTION: Close a graph, freeing any allocated memory and releasing
 *		access to fonts accessed by gimmeGraph.
 *		May clear the graph first if the flags dictate it.
 * RESULTS:	Returns non-zero on error.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeGraph, clearGraph, getRidOfFont, chainFreeMem

 * NAME:	clearGraph
 * SYNOPSIS:	clearGraph( graph );
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 * DESCRIPTION: Clear a graph.
 *		Effectively this means drawing the axes, labels and titles
 *		in the background colour and then clearing the rectangular
 *		region of the graph (bounded by the axes).
 *		Note: the graph struct is otherwise unchanged after this call.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeGraph, getRidOfGraph

 * NAME:	resetGraph
 * SYNOPSIS:	resetGraph( graph );
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 * DESCRIPTION: Resets a graph to the beginning.
 *		Effectively this means clearing the graph, re-initializing
 *		appropriate variables such as first and last point, undoing
 *		the effects of any scrolling, etc. and redrawing the "empty"
 *		graph if the graph's flags dictate it.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeGraph, clearGraph, drawGraphAxes, getRidOfGraph

 * NAME:	drawGraphAxesOnly
 * SYNOPSIS:	drawGraphAxesOnly( graph );
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 * DESCRIPTION: Draw the axes (lines only -- not labels) of a graph.
 *		Existing axes (if any) are NOT cleared first.
 * SEE ALSO:	drawGraphAxes, gimmeGraph, clearGraph

 * NAME:	drawGraphAxes
 * SYNOPSIS:	drawGraphAxes( graph );
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 * DESCRIPTION: Draw the axes including labels, titles and graph title
 *		of a graph in appropriate fonts, colours and positions.
 *		This means main title centred over the graph quad, the x-title
 *		centred under the x-axis (and labels), and the y-axis vertical
 *		and centred left of the y-axis (and labels).
 *		Existing axes, labels and titles (if any) are NOT cleared first.
 * RESULTS:	Returns the maximum width required for the labels (not titles).
 * SEE ALSO:	drawGraphAxes, gimmeGraph, clearGraph, drawGraphTitle,
 *		    drawGraphXtitle, drawGraphYtitle

 * NAME:	drawGraphTitle
 * SYNOPSIS:	drawGraphTitle( graph, xoff, yoff, myflags );
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 *		SHORT	xoff;		offset from y-axis in pixels
 *		SHORT	yoff;		offset from x-axis in pixels
 *		ULONG	myflags;	flags ala positionText
 * DESCRIPTION: Draw the main title for a graph in the appropriate font
 *		and colour at (xoff, yoff) relative to the graph origin
 *		as modified by myflags via positionText.
 *		NOTE: yoff is positive upwards from the x-axis, and negative
 *		downwards (opposite to the normal rastport offsets).
 *		Existing title (if any) is NOT cleared first.
 * SEE ALSO:	drawGraphAxes, gimmeGraph, clearGraph, positionText

 * NAME:	drawGraphXtitle
 * SYNOPSIS:	drawGraphXtitle( graph, xoff, yoff, myflags );
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 *		SHORT	xoff;		offset from y-axis in pixels
 *		SHORT	yoff;		offset from x-axis in pixels
 *		ULONG	myflags;	flags ala positionText
 * DESCRIPTION: Draw the title for a graph's x-axis in the appropriate font
 *		and colour at (xoff, yoff) relative to the graph origin
 *		as modified by myflags via positionText.
 *		NOTE: yoff is positive upwards from the x-axis, and negative
 *		downwards (opposite to the normal rastport offsets).
 *		Existing title (if any) is NOT cleared first.
 * SEE ALSO:	drawGraphAxes, gimmeGraph, clearGraph, positionText

 * NAME:	drawGraphYtitle
 * SYNOPSIS:	drawGraphYtitle( graph, xoff, yoff, myflags );
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 *		SHORT	xoff;		offset from y-axis in pixels
 *		SHORT	yoff;		offset from x-axis in pixels
 *		ULONG	myflags;	flags ala positionText
 * DESCRIPTION: Draw the title for a graph's y-axis in the appropriate font
 *		and colour at (xoff, yoff) relative to the graph origin
 *		as modified by myflags via positionText.
 *		NOTE: yoff is positive upwards from the x-axis, and negative
 *		downwards (opposite to the normal rastport offsets).
 *		Existing y-title (if any) is NOT cleared first.
 * SEE ALSO:	drawGraphAxes, gimmeGraph, clearGraph, positionText

 * NAME:	graphWriteLabel
 * SYNOPSIS:	graphWriteLabel( graph, myflags, first, last, step )
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 *		ULONG	myflags;	flags for this routine
 *		SHORT	first;		low coordinate to start at
 *		SHORT	last;		high coordinate to end at
 *		SHORT	step;		fixed step size, 0 for automagic size
 * DESCRIPTION: Draw the labels for one axis of a graph in the appropriate font
 *		and colour (note: does not draw axis title).
 *		Automagically labels an axis between the coords first and last
 *		inclusive (the first and last parms should be reasonable -- not
 *		checked).
 *		If step is zero (0) then labels for first and last are rendered,
 *		and as many labels as reasonably possible are placed starting
 *		next to first and going towards just before last, leaving a
 *		reasonable amount of space between labels.
 *		If step is strictly positive, then a label is written for the
 *		coords: first, first+step, first+step+step,...,last
 *		(note that if last is not n-steps away from first then a label
 *		for last itself will not be drawn).
 *		Note: the step size should not be too small (not checked).
 *		NOTE: exact label "wording" depend on the axis scale and certain
 *		graph flags.
 *		Warning: this is a very recursive routine (unless you give
 *		a fixed step size).
 * RESULTS:	Returns the maximum width of the labels for this axis.
 * SEE ALSO:	drawGraphAxes, gimmeGraph, clearGraph

 * NAME:	addToGraph
 * SYNOPSIS:	addToGraph( graph, x, y );
 * INPUTS:	GRAPH	*graph; 	pointer to a GRAPH structure
 *		SHORT	x;		x coordinate of new point to add
 *		SHORT	y;		y coordinate of new point to add
 * DESCRIPTION: Add a point to the graph, rendered according to the flags
 *		in the graph structure.
 *		This includes lines, block fills etc. as well as scrolling
 *		if necessary.
 *		Note: the point is moved to the boundary of the rectangular
 *		region defined by the origin and the size of the axes
 *		if the point would fall outside of this boundary.
 *		NOTE: if either FILLTO flag is set in the graph, the proper
 *		initialized AreaInfo and TmpRas structures must exist
 *		(gimmeGraph takes care of this if either FILLTO flag was set
 *		when it was called) otherwise crashes will occur.
 * SEE ALSO:	gimmeGraph, getRidOfGraph, drawGraphAxes

 * NAME:	addInputHandler
 * SYNOPSIS:	ioreq = addInputHandler( handler, data, pri, name );
 *		struct IOStdReq *ioreq;
 * INPUTS:	void	(*handler)();       address of handler routine
 *		APTR	data;		    pointer to data area for handler
 *		BYTE	pri;		    priority for the handler
 *		UBYTE	*name;		    name for input handler, or NULL
 * DESCRIPTION: Add an input handler to the system.
 *		The priority indicates the priority level of the input handler;
 *		note that Intuition operates at priority fifty (50).
 *		The name is optional.
 *		Your "real" input handler routine should be written as if called
 *		from the following C-language statement (see manuals):
 *		    newEventChain = handler( oldEventChain, data );
 *		This isn't entirely true... the routine "handler" should
 *		actually expect the oldEventChain and data parameters
 *		in A0 and A1 respectively (see manuals).
 *		IF your real input handler is written in C, make your real
 *		input handler act like the above C-language call and also
 *		you must set up an interface routine similar to the following:
 *		  #asm
 *		  _handler:
 *		    MOVEM.L	D2/D3/A4/A6,-(sp)       ; save some registers
 *		    MOVEM.L	A0/A1,-(sp)             ; set up parms for C
 *		    JSR 	_myrealhandler
 *		    LEA 	8(sp),sp                ; pop parms
 *		    MOVEM.L	(sp)+,D2/D3/A4/A6       ; restore registers
 *		    RTS 				; return in D0
 *		  #endasm
 *		then call this routine using "handler", NOT "myrealhandler",
 *		as the handler parameter.
 *		NOTE: your "real" input handler may have to do a geta4() as
 *		the first thing (or the Lattice equivalent) to set up a special
 *		pointer for small code/data models.
 *		NOTE: do not fiddle with the iorequest; in particular, you
 *		must not alter the ioreq->io_Data pointer.
 * RESULTS:	Returns a pointer to a IOStdReq, or NULL if unsuccessful.
 * SEE ALSO:	removeInputHandler

 * NAME:	removeInputHandler
 * SYNOPSIS:	err = removeInputHandler( ioreq );
#	End of shell archive
exit 0
Bob Page, U of Lowell CS Dept.  page@swan.ulowell.edu  ulowell!page
Have five nice days.