[comp.sources.amiga] v02i111: complex - complex functions

page@swan.ulowell.edu (Bob Page) (12/31/88)

Submitted-by: kim@uts.amdahl.com (Kim E. DeVaughn)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 111
Archive-name: applications/complex.1

Here are some complex number functions.  There are versions for both
x,y and polar representations.	You know, wonderful things like +, -,
*, /, sin, cos, tan, exp, ln and power.  Sorry, no hyperbolic complex


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#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
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# This archive created: Fri Dec 30 13:04:13 1988
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The implementations of these functions are hereby released to the public
domain.  I think it would be silly to try to sell this because:
1. limited market.
2. anyone with half a brain can do the same after looking in a frosh
   level calculus textbook.

If you have find any mistakes, have a better implementation or
have any questions contact me at

225B Hillcrest Manor Ct
Utica, NY 13501

-------------- complex math routines ---------------

Basic notation:

 z = x + iy                               one mapping       (x, y)
   = r7[ cos(theta) + i sin(theta) ]      infinite mappings (r, 2pi7k7theta)
   = r7cis(theta);
      where cis(theta) = cos(theta) + i sin(theta)

   = r7e                                  infinite mappings (r, 2pi7k7theta)

Result Methodology:
   Since most compilers can't return a structure as a function result
   this implementation maintains a 'result pool'. All functions
   return pointers to an entry in the result pool (set to 100 currently).

   Why do it this way? Well, I want to nest functions within functions,
   and it ain't handy (hell, it ain't possible) when the result is passed
   back through the argument list (you need all sorts of intermediate
   variables, uggh).

   For example, I can now write an expression like
          zprime = cMult (cMult (z,z), cExp (z));
   voila! z' = z27exp(z)

   Dangers: Any variable that is to be a result of these functions
            must be a pointer to allocated memory.

      If predefined variables of type complex are going to be used
      the addresses of these variables must be passed to the functions.

         complex z1, z2;      / * complex variable * /
         complex *result;     / * pointer to complex variable * /
         real    modulus;

         z1.R = 0;
         z1.i = 2;    / * 2i * /
         z2.R = 1;
         z2.i = 2;    / * 1 + 2i * /

         modulus = cMod (&z1);    / * argument is a pointer * /
         result = cSin (&z2);     / * argument is a pointer, as is result * /
         / * result is a pointer to an entry in the result pool * /

         modulus = cMod (cMult (&z1, &z2));  / * nested call * /

      If predefined variables of type *complex are going to be used
      you must first allocate memory and pass the pointer returned
      [i.e. the variable] to the functions.

         complex *z1, *z2;    / * pointers to complex variable * /
         complex *result;     / * pointer to complex variable * /
         real modulus;

         z1 = malloc (sizeof(complex));
         z1->R = 0;
         z1->i = 2;     / * 2i * /
         z2->R = 1;
         z2->i = 2;     / * 1 + 2i * /

         modulus = cMod (z1);    / * argument is a pointer * /
         result = cSin (z2);      / * argument is a pointer, as is result * /
         / * result is a pointer to an entry in the result pool * /

         modulus = cMod (cMult (z1, z2));

         and be sure to free up any memory you allocate using Amiga memory
         allocation functions.

   Personally I prefer the first method.

available functions:
 c prefix requires complex arguments
 p prefix requires polar arguments

   cNextResult - maintains result pool, don't play with it
   pNextResult - maintains result pool, don't play with it
   cRe         - Real part
   pRe         - Real part
   cIm         - Imaginary part
   pIm         - Imaginary part
   cMod        - Modulus (radius)
   pMod        - Modulus (radius)
   cArg        - Argument (angle)
   pArg        - Argument (angle)
   cTOp        - convert complex to polar
   pTOc        - convert polar to complex
   cConj       - complex conjugate
   pConj       - complex conjugate
   MakeComplex - return a complex* from two reals
   MakePolar   - return a polar* from two reals
   cAdd        - addition
   cSub        - subtraction
   cMult       - multiplication
   cDiv        - division, check for /0
   cExp        - exponentiation
   cLn         - natural logarithm, check for /0
   cSin        - sine
   cCos        - cosine
   cTan        - tangent, check for /0
   cIPower     - integer power
   cPower      - complex to complex power
   pAdd        - addition
   pSub        - subtraction
   pMult       - multiplication
   pDiv        - division, check for /0
   pExp        - exponentiation
   pLn         - natural logarithm, check for /0
   pSin        - sine
   pCos        - cosine
   pTan        - tangent, check for /0
   pIPower     - integer power
   pPower      - complex to complex power


#ifndef sqrt
#include <math.h>

#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE  0

#define  pi    3.1415926

#define  cPoolSize   100   /* don't put those freakin' commas */
#define  pPoolSize   100   /*  after a define!! */

typedef struct {
   float R;
   float i;
} complex;

typedef struct {
   float r;
   float theta;
} polar;

static complex  cResultPool [cPoolSize];
static polar    pResultPool [pPoolSize];

static complex  *ComplexResult;
static polar    *PolarResult;

static int ComplexIndex = 0;    /* index into result pool */
static int   PolarIndex = 0;    /* index into result pool */

int divisionByZero = FALSE;

cNextResult ()    /* arrrgh! remember, no commas here! */
   ComplexResult = &cResultPool [ComplexIndex++];
   if (ComplexIndex == cPoolSize)
      ComplexIndex = 0;
/* cNextResult */

pNextResult ()
   PolarResult = &pResultPool [PolarIndex++];
   if (PolarIndex == pPoolSize)
      PolarIndex = 0;
/* pNextResult */

cRe (z)           /* real part */
complex *z;
   return (z->R);
/* cRe */

pRe (z)           /* real part */
polar *z;
   return (z->r * cos (z->theta));
/* pRe */

cIm (z)           /* imaginary part */
complex *z;
   return (z->i);
/* cIm */

pIm (z)           /* imaginary part */
polar *z;
   return (z->r * sin (z->theta));
/* pIm */

cMod (z)          /* modulus (radius) */
complex *z;
   return (sqrt ( z->R * z->R  +  z->i * z->i ));
/* cMod */

pMod (z)          /* modulus (radius) */
polar *z;
   return (z->r);
/* pMod */

cArg (z)          /* angle */
complex *z;
   arg z is a one to infinite mapping. (infinite number of solutions)
   arg z is a one to one mapping (one soln) using the principal determination.
   a + bi = (R,theta)
   where theta = principal_theta 1 27pi7k; where k is an integer
   and theta in (-pi,pi] is the principal determination
   float temp;

   if (z->R == 0.0)  /* no radius */
      if (z->i > 0.0) return ( pi / 2.0);
      if (z->i < 0.0) return (-pi / 2.0);
      else /* origin */
         return (0.0);
      /* Manx's atan returns the arc tangent in the range -pi/2 to pi/2 */
      return (atan (z->i / z->R));
/* cArg */

pArg (z)          /* angle */
polar *z;
   return (z->theta);
/* pArg */

polar *
cTOp (z)          /* convert complex to polar */
complex *z;
   PolarResult->r     = cMod (z);
   PolarResult->theta = cArg (z);
   return (PolarResult);
/* cTOp */

complex *
pTOc (z)          /* convert polar to complex */
polar *z;
   ComplexResult->R = pRe (z);
   ComplexResult->i = pIm (z);
   return (ComplexResult);
/* pTOc */

complex *
cConj (z)         /* complex conjugate */
complex *z;
   ComplexResult->R =  z->R;
   ComplexResult->i = -z->i;
   return (ComplexResult);
/* cConj */

polar *
pConj (z)         /* complex conjugate (polar form) */
polar *z;
   PolarResult->r     =    z->r;
   PolarResult->theta = - (z->theta);
   return (PolarResult);
/* pConj */

complex *
MakeComplex (R, i)
float R, i;
   ComplexResult->R = R;
   ComplexResult->i = i;
   return (ComplexResult);
/* MakeComplex */

polar *
MakePolar (r, theta)
float r, theta;
   PolarResult->r     = r;
   PolarResult->theta = theta;
   return (PolarResult);
/* MakePolar */

/* Complex */

complex *
cAdd (z1, z2)     /* addition, z1+z2 */
complex *z1, *z2;
   ComplexResult->R = z1->R + z2->R;
   ComplexResult->i = z1->i + z2->i;
   return (ComplexResult);
/* cAdd */

complex *
cSub (z1, z2)     /* subtraction, z1-z2 */
complex *z1, *z2;
   ComplexResult->R = z1->R - z2->R;
   ComplexResult->i = z1->i - z2->i;
   return (ComplexResult);
/* cSub */

complex *         /* multiplication, z1*z2 */
cMult (z1, z2)
complex *z1, *z2;
   ComplexResult->R = z1->R * z2->R  -  z1->i * z2->i;
   ComplexResult->i = z1->R * z2->i  +  z1->i * z2->R;
   return (ComplexResult);
/* cMult */

complex *
cDiv (z1, z2)     /* division, z1/z2 */
complex *z1, *z2;
   float z2_modulusSquared;

   z2_modulusSquared = z2->R * z2->R  +  z2->i * z2->i;
   if (z2_modulusSquared == 0.0) { 
      divisionByZero = TRUE;
      ComplexResult->R = 0.0;
      ComplexResult->i = 0.0;
   else {
      divisionByZero = FALSE;
      ComplexResult->R = (z1->i * z2->i  +  z1->R * z2->R)
                / z2_modulusSquared;
      ComplexResult->i = (z1->i * z2->R  -  z1->R * z2->i)
                / z2_modulusSquared;
   return (ComplexResult);
/* cDiv */

complex *
cExp (z)          /* exponentiation */
complex *z;
    z        --   n
   e  == 1 + \   z
             /  ----
             --  n!

OR the method used (by the following equality):

    z     x + iy     x   iy      x                x
   e  == e       == e 7 e   ==  e * cos(y) + i * e * sin(y) 

   float eToTheX;

   eToTheX = exp (z->R);
   ComplexResult->R = eToTheX * cos (z->i);
   ComplexResult->i = eToTheX * sin (z->i);
   return (ComplexResult);
/* cExp */

complex *
cLn (z)           /* natural logarithm */
complex *z;
   ln z is a one to infinite mapping. (infinite number of solutions)
   ln z is a one to one mapping (one soln) using the principal determination.

   complex   real
       ln z =  ln(|z|) + i * arg(z)
   if (cMod (z) == 0.0) {
      divisionByZero = TRUE;
      ComplexResult->R = 0.0;
      ComplexResult->i = 0.0;
   else {
      divisionByZero = FALSE;
      ComplexResult->R = log ( cMod (z) );
      ComplexResult->i = cArg (z);   /* principal determination */

   return (ComplexResult);
/* cLn */

complex *
cSin (z)          /* sine */
complex *z;
             --        k
   sin z  == \     (-1)     2k+1
             /  ---------- z
             --  (2k + 1)!

OR the method used (by the following equality):

             1     iz    -iz
   sin z == --- [ e   - e   ]
         == sin(x)7cosh(y) + i cos(x)7sinh(y)
              where cosh is the hyperbolic cosine and
                    sinh is the hyperbolic sine.
return (cMult (MakeComplex (0.0, -0.5),   /* 1/27i */
               cSub (cExp (cMult (MakeComplex (0.0, 1.0), z)),
                     cExp (cMult (MakeComplex (0.0,-1.0), z))
/* cSin */

complex *
cCos (z)          /* cosine */
complex *z;
             --      k
   cos z  == \   (-1)   2k
             /  ------ z
             --  (2k)!

OR the method used (by the following equality):

             1     iz    -iz
   cos z == --- [ e   + e   ]
         == cos(x)7cosh(y) - i sin(x)7sinh(y)
              where cosh is the hyperbolic cosine and
                    sinh is the hyperbolic sine.
return (cMult (MakeComplex (0.5, 0.0),
               cAdd (cExp (cMult (MakeComplex (0.0, 1.0), z)),
                     cExp (cMult (MakeComplex (0.0,-1.0), z))
/* cCos */

complex *
cTan (z)          /* tangent */
complex *z;
             sin z
    tan z = -------
             cos z
   if (cMod (z) == 0.0) { 
      divisionByZero = TRUE;
      ComplexResult->R = 0.0;
      ComplexResult->i = 0.0;
      return (ComplexResult);
   else {
      divisionByZero = FALSE;
      return (cDiv (cSin (z), cCos (z)));
/* cTan */

complex *
cIPower (z, n)    /* complex number to an integer power */
complex *z;
int      n;
    n      n
   z  = |z| 7 cis (n7theta)
   float modulusToTheN, ntheta;

   modulusToTheN = pow (cMod (z), n);        /* Manx's power function */
   ntheta = n * cArg (z);
   ComplexResult->R = modulusToTheN * cos (ntheta);
   ComplexResult->i = modulusToTheN * sin (ntheta);
   return (ComplexResult);
/* cIPower */

complex *
cPower (z1, z2)   /* complex number raised to a complex number */
complex *z1, *z2;
     z2      z2*log(z1)
   z1   = exp
Note: There are an infinite number of points, (r,theta), which equal z1  .
      There is only one point if we take the principal determinations of
      log and exp.
   return (cExp (cMult (z2, cLn (z1))));
/* cPower */

/* Polar */

polar *
pAdd (z1, z2)     /* addition */
polar *z1, *z2;
   return (cTOp (MakeComplex (pRe (z1) + pRe (z2),
                              pIm (z1) + pIm (z2))
/* pAdd */

polar *
pSub (z1, z2)     /* subtraction */
polar *z1, *z2;
   return (cTOp (MakeComplex (pRe (z1) - pRe (z2),
                              pIm (z1) - pIm (z2))
/* pSub */

polar *
pMult (z1, z2)    /* multiplication */
polar *z1, *z2;
   float theta;

   PolarResult->r     = z1->r * z2->r;
   theta = z1->theta + z2->theta;
   principal determination ?
   if ((theta <= -pi) OR (theta > pi)) 
      theta = theta + 2*pi* INT(theta/2/pi)
   PolarResult->theta = theta;
   return (PolarResult);
/* pMult */

polar *
pDiv (z1, z2)     /* division */
polar *z1, *z2;
   if (z2->r != 0.0) {
      divisionByZero = FALSE;
      PolarResult->r = z1->r / z2->r;
   else {
      divisionByZero = TRUE;
      PolarResult->r = 0.0;
   PolarResult->theta = z1->theta - z2->theta;
   return (PolarResult);
/* pDiv */

polar *
pExp (z)          /* exponentiation */
polar *z;
   return (cTOp (cExp (pTOc (z))));
/* pExp */

polar *
pLn (z)           /* natural logarithm */
polar *z;
   return (cTOp (cLn (pTOc (z))));
/* pLn */

polar *
pSin (z)          /* sine */
polar *z;
   return (cTOp (cSin (pTOc (z))));
/* pSin */

polar *
pCos (z)          /* cosine */
polar *z;
   return (cTOp (cCos (pTOc (z))));
/* pCos */

polar *
pTan (z)          /* tangent */
polar *z;
   return (cTOp (cTan (pTOc (z))));
/* pTan */

polar *
pIPower (z, n)    /* polar number to an integer power */
polar *z;
int    n;
   PolarResult->r     = n * z->r;
   PolarResult->theta = n * z->theta;
   return (PolarResult);
/* pIPower */

polar *
pPower (z1, z2)   /* polar number raised to a polar number */
polar *z1, *z2;
   return (cTOp (cPower (pTOc (z1), pTOc (z2))));
/* pPower */
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Bob Page, U of Lowell CS Dept.  page@swan.ulowell.edu  ulowell!page
Have five nice days.