[comp.sources.amiga] v89i054: archie - arexx scripts for directory management

page@swan.ulowell.edu (Bob Page) (03/16/89)

Submitted-by: CB%frambo.DEC@decwrl.dec.com  (Christian Balzer)
Posting-number: Volume 89, Issue 54
Archive-name: util/archie.1

Archie.rexx will copy all files that don't have the archive bit set
from SOURCE and it's subdirectories to DESTINATION. If these
directories don't exist at DESTINATION, Archie will try to create them
on the fly and thus preserving the original structure at SOURCE.
After the file has been copied, it's archive bit will be set.

Equalize.rexx is a utility for Archie and will scan all files at
SOURCE and it's subdirectories and compare them to the files at
DESTINATION and the corresponding subdirectories. ALL files at
DESTINATION that can't be found in SOURCE will be DELETED!!!  This
goes for directory trees, too!!!

System requirements:
Any Amiga model, 512 KB, ARexx.
Especially useful for people with more than one hard disk or other
mass storage devices. I call Archie every 2 hours from AmiCron and
Equalize once a week to keep a backup of valuable data from my large
HD on my smaller one.

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar:    Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	Archie.rexx
#	Equalize.rexx
# This archive created: Wed Mar 15 13:22:18 1989
cat << \SHAR_EOF > Archie.rexx
/* Archie.rexx -- a backup utility by <CB> aka Christian Balzer
   based on du.rexx by Larry Phillips.
    _  _
 / /  | \ \  <CB> aka Christian Balzer  - The Software Brewery -
< <   |-<  > UUCP: decwrl!frambo.dec.com!cb OR cb@frambo.dec.com
 \ \_ |_/ /  CIS : 71001,210 (be brief!) | Phone: +49 6150 4151 (CET!)
------------ Mail: Im Wingertsberg 45, D-6108 Weiterstadt, F.R.G.

Usage: [rx] Archie SOURCE DESTINATION [-options]

SOURCE and DESTINATION are valid AmigaDOS path's WITHOUT trailing
slashes '/'.
Valid options are: Currently none...

Archie will copy all files that don't have the archive bit set
from SOURCE and it's subdirectories to DESTINATION. If these
directories don't exist at DESTINATION, Archie will try to create
them on the fly and thus preserving the original structure at SOURCE.
After the file has been copied, it's archive bit will be set.

Note: The files will be copied with 'CLONE' flag of the COPY command
set. This of course only works with the 1.3 version of COPY. 
In this version of Archie, filenames or directories containing blanks
(like "My Dir:My File"), are NOT supported!  */

/* This is Public Domain, read the source and learn */

say 'Archie 1.6 (12-Jan-89) by <CB>'

/* open the Rexx support library */

if ~show('L',"rexxsupport.library") then do
   if addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0) then
      say 'added rexxsupport.library'
   else do;
      say 'support library not available'
      exit 10

address command
call pragma 'priority',-1

arg rein

/* The parser */ 
copt = 'clone'

if words(rein) < 2 then do
	say 'Come on, gimme a SOURCE *AND* a DESTINATION path'
	say 'Ya better try again... Bye!'
	exit 10

root = subword(rein,1,1)
dest = subword(rein,2,1)

if ~ exists(root) then do
	say 'Source not found'
	say 'Exiting... Check your parameters'
	exit 10

if ~ exists(dest) then do
	say 'Destination not found'
	say 'I''ll try to create it for you...'
	'makedir 'dest
	if ~ exists(dest) then do
		say 'Exiting... Check your parameters'
		exit 15
	say 'Created 'dest

if right(root,1) ~= ':' then
  root = root || '/'
if root = '/' then root = ''

if right(dest,1) ~= ':' then
  dest = dest || '/'
if dest = '/' then dest = ''

rlen = length(root)

bytes = 0
blocks = 0
files = 0
dircount = 1

say 'Archie is doing it''s job on 'root

call dolist(root)

say 'Archived:' bytes 'bytes,' blocks 'blocks, ',
     files 'files in a total 'dircount' directories.'
exit 0

/* The real thing */

dolist: procedure expose bytes blocks files dest rlen dircount copt
parse arg x
contents = showdir(x);
do i = 1 to words(contents)
  temp = x || word(contents,i)
  flen = length(word(contents,i))
  type = statef(temp)
  if word(type,1) = 'FILE' then
      if substr(word(type,4),4,1) = '-' then
		target = dest || right(temp,(length(temp) - rlen))
		'copy 'temp target copt
/*		if RC > 0 then
		  say 'Error archiving 'temp
		else */
		  files = files + 1
		  bytes = bytes + word(type,2)
		  blocks = blocks + word(type,3) + 1
		  'protect 'temp 'a add'
/*		  if RC > 0 then
		    say 'Error protecting 'temp
		  else */
		  say 'Archived: 'temp
  if word(type,1) ='DIR' then do
	subdir = dest || right(temp,(length(temp) - rlen))
	if ~ exists(subdir) then
	    'makedir' subdir
	    if ~ exists(subdir) then do
	      say 'Sorry... Exiting'
	      exit 20
	    say ' *** Created directory' subdir
	call dolist(temp || '/')
	dircount = dircount + 1
cat << \SHAR_EOF > Equalize.rexx
/* equalize.rexx -- a utility for Archie by Christian '<CB>' Balzer

--  _  _
 / /  | \ \  <CB> aka Christian Balzer  - The Software Brewery -
< <   |-<  > UUCP: decwrl!frambo.dec.com!cb OR cb@frambo.dec.com
 \ \_ |_/ /  CIS : 71001,210 (be brief!) | Phone: +49 6150 4151 (CET!)
------------ Mail: Im Wingertsberg 45, D-6108 Weiterstadt, F.R.G.

Usage: [rx] equalize SOURCE DESTINATION [-options]

SOURCE and DESTINATION are valid AmigaDOS path's WITHOUT trailing
slashes '/'.
Valid options are: -p	This option will only print the differing
			filenames, but not delete them. Use it to
			see if you aren't about to destroy your work!

Equalize will scan all files at SOURCE and it's subdirectories and
compare them to the files at DESTINATION and the corresponding
subdirectories. ALL files at DESTINATION that can't be found in
SOURCE will be DELETED!!! This goes for directory trees, too!!!

WARNING!!! Use this beast only when you know what you're doing! :-)

BTW, the name of this utility wasn't inspired by the TV series 
"The Equalizer". Or was it? :-)

In this version, filenames or directories containing blanks
(like "My Dir:My File"), are NOT supported!  */

/* This is Public Domain, read the source and learn */

say 'Equalize 1.2 (13-Jan-88) by <CB>'

/* open the Rexx support library */

if ~show('L',"rexxsupport.library") then do
   if addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0) then
      say 'added rexxsupport.library'
   else do;
      say 'support library not available'
      exit 10

address command
call pragma 'priority',-1

arg rein

/* The parser */ 
copt = 'clone'

if words(rein) < 2 then do
	say 'Come on, gimme a SOURCE *AND* a DESTINATION path'
	say 'Ya better try again... Bye!'
	exit 10

root = subword(rein,1,1)
dest = subword(rein,2,1)
dstat = 1

if ~ exists(root) then do
	say 'Source not found'
	say 'Exiting... Check your parameters'
	exit 10

if ~ exists(dest) then do
	say 'Destination not found'
	say 'Exiting... Check your parameters'
	exit 15

if words(rein) > 2 then do
	if subword(rein,3,1) = '-P' then
		dstat = 0

if right(root,1) ~= ':' then
  root = root || '/'
if root = '/' then root = ''

if right(dest,1) ~= ':' then
  dest = dest || '/'
if dest = '/' then dest = ''

dlen = length(dest)

bytes = 0
files = 0
dircount = 1

say 'Equalize is doing it''s job on 'dest

call dolist(dest)

say 'Deleted:' files 'files in a total 'dircount' directories.'
say 'This equalization cleared:' bytes 'Bytes.'
exit 0

/* The real thing */

dolist: procedure expose files root dest dlen dircount bytes dstat
parse arg x
contents = showdir(x);
do i = 1 to words(contents)
  temp = x || word(contents,i)
  type = statef(temp)
  if word(type,1) = 'FILE' then
	snam = root || right(temp,(length(temp) - dlen))
	if ~ exists(snam) then
		files = files + 1
		bytes = bytes + word(type,2)
		if dstat = 1 then 
			'delete 'temp			
			say 'Deleted: 'temp
		else say 'Would have deleted: 'temp
  if word(type,1) ='DIR' then do
	subdir = root || right(temp,(length(temp) - dlen))
	if ~ exists(subdir) then
	  	say 'Subdirectory 'subdir' not found...'
		if dstat = 1 then 
			'delete 'temp' all'			
			say 'Removed: 'temp
		else say 'Would have removed: 'temp
	call dolist(temp || '/')
	dircount = dircount + 1
#	End of shell archive
exit 0
Bob Page, U of Lowell CS Dept.  page@swan.ulowell.edu  ulowell!page
Have five nice days.