[comp.sources.amiga] v89i190: xoper - examine & control your kernel, Part01/03

root%swap@Sun.COM (Operator) (10/28/89)

Submitted-by: g35@dhdurz1@bitnet (Werner Guenther)
Posting-number: Volume 89, Issue 190
Archive-name: kernel/xoper20.1

Changes in V2.0:

The user interface has been rewritten from scratch, and a small iconify
routine has been added.

To customize the whole thing a little bit, there are a few new commands:
 MinimumChars, HistoryLines, ShowHistory, KillHistory, OutputLines,
 IconifyOff, BackDropIcon, UseScreen, UseWindow.
Other new commands include:
 TimerIO, RemResident, Repeat, TrapGuru, Setfont, DiskChange, Alias,

Addresses are now shown as 32-Bit values for 68020 compatibility.
'display commands' separated by blanks will display the lists
one by one rather than all at once.
The 'interrupt list' has two new fields.
'Time' w/o parameters shows current setting.
The 'More' command is obsolete and has been removed.

[NOTE: The source file was too big to fit in one posting, so I broke
it into three parts, labeled xoper.a1 though xoper.a3.  Once you
unshar all three parts, join the three .aX files into Xoper.a ..bob]

# This is a shell archive.
# Remove anything above and including the cut line.
# Then run the rest of the file through 'sh'.
# Unpacked files will be owned by you and have default permissions.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar: SHell ARchive
# Run the following text through 'sh' to create:
#	xoper.a1
# This is archive 1 of a 3-part kit.
# This archive created: Fri Oct 27 23:48:52 1989
echo "extracting xoper.a1"
sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > xoper.a1
X*					 *
X* Xoper 2.0 Copyright (C) Werner Gunther *
X*					 *
X*    Written for the A68K Assembler	 *
X*   (Fish 110) by Charlie Gibbs and      *
X*	   Brian R. Anderson		 *
X*					 *
X*  Do not use Smallcode/Smalldata when	 *
X*	      linking			 *
X	    XREF    _LVOSwitch
X	    XREF    _LVOAddTask
X	    XDEF    _SysBase
Xsysbase     equ     4
X	    xref    _LVO\1
X	    move.l  \2,a6
X	    jsr     _LVO\1(a6)
X	    ENDM
X	    xref    _\1
X	    jsr     _\1
X	    ENDM
Xcmdnum	    set     cmdnum+1
X	    dc.b    \1,0
X	    ENDM
X;Program startup. If called from DOS we
X;use segment splitting to detach
X;from our DOS-task.
Xstart	    moveq   #3,d0
X	    lea     dummyinput,a1
Xgetparm     move.b  (a0)+,(a1)+
X	    dbf     d0,getparm
X	    move.b  #10,in
X	    lea     conname(PC),a1
X	    move.l  sysbase,a0
X	    lea     350(a0),a0
X	    CALL    FindName,sysbase
X	    move.l  d0,condev
X	    lea     dosname(PC),a1
X	    move.l  sysbase,a0
X	    lea     378(a0),a0
X	    move.l  a0,-(a7)
X	    CALL    FindName,sysbase
X	    move.l  d0,dosbase
X	    move.l  0(a7),a0
X	    lea     gfxname(PC),a1
X	    CALL    FindName,sysbase
X	    move.l  d0,gfxbase
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a0
X	    lea     intuiname(PC),a1
X	    CALL    FindName,sysbase
X	    move.l  d0,intuibase
X	    move.l  d0,a0
X	    move.l  $38(a0),a0
X	    move.w  12(a0),d0
X	    sub.w   #550,d0
X	    move.w  d0,window_l
X	    move.l  sysbase,a4
X	    move.l  276(a4),a4
X	    tst.l   $ac(a4)
X	    bne.s   notwb
X	    lea     $5c(a4),a0
X	    CALL    WaitPort,sysbase
X	    lea     $5c(a4),a0
X	    CALL    GetMsg,sysbase
X	    move.l  d0,wbmsg
X	    move.w  #$740a,in
X	    lea     xopcon,a1
X	    CALL    FindPort,sysbase
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    bne     oops
X       ENDC
X	    tst.l   wbmsg
X	    beq.s   fromdos
X	    jmp     mainprg
X	    cmp.w   #'-b',dummyinput
X	    bne.s   stt1
X	    CALL    Output,dosbase
X	    move.l  d0,-(a7)
X	    move.l  #windowname,d2
X	    move.l  d0,d1
X	    moveq.l #newname-windowname-1,d3
X	    CALL    Write,dosbase
X	    move.l  #cr,d2
X	    move.l  (a7)+,d1
X	    moveq.l #1,d3
X	    CALL    Write,dosbase
Xstt1	    lea     start(PC),a1
X	    move.l  -4(a1),d3
X	    move.l  d3,myseg
X	    move.l  #mainprg,d3
X	    subq    #4,d3
X	    lsr.l   #2,d3
X	    clr.l   -4(a1)
X	    CALL    Forbid,sysbase
X	    move.l  #newname,d1
X	    clr.l   d2
X	    move.l  #3500,d4
X	    CALL    CreateProc,dosbase
X	    CALL    Permit,sysbase
X	    moveq   #0,d0
X	    rts
Xoops	    suba.l  a0,a0
X	    CALL    DisplayBeep,intuibase
X	    CALL    Forbid,sysbase
X	    move.l  wbmsg,d0
X	    beq.s   leave
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    CALL    ReplyMsg,sysbase
X	    moveq   #0,d0
Xleave	    rts
Xdosname     dc.b    'dos.library',0
Xintuiname   dc.b    'intuition.library',0
Xgfxname     dc.b    'graphics.library',0
Xconname     dc.b    'console.device',0
X	    EVEN
Xmain	    CODE    xoper
Xmainprg     move.l  sysbase,a0
X	    move.l  a0,_SysBase
X	    move.l  a7,realstack
X	    move.l  276(a0),a0          ;ExecBase->ThisTask
X	    move.l  a0,mytask
X	    move.l  50(a0),oldproctrap  ;original AmigaDos Trap-Handler
X	    move.l  #newname,10(a0)
X	    pea     0
X	    pea     xopcon
X	    LIBCALL CreatePort
X	    addq    #8,a7
X	    move.l  d0,replyport
X	    pea     0
X	    pea     0
X	    LIBCALL CreatePort
X	    addq    #8,a7
X	    move.l  d0,timerport
X	    lea     timerio,a1
X	    move.l  d0,14(a1)
X	    move.l  d0,a2
X	    move.b  15(a2),d0
X	    ext.w   d0
X	    move.w  d0,timersig
X	    lea     timernam(PC),a0
X	    moveq   #0,d1
X	    moveq   #1,d0
X	    CALL    OpenDevice,_SysBase(PC) ;open 'timer.device'
X;install a counter to determine the amount of CPU-time each
X;Task uses.
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a1
X	    move.l  #_LVOSwitch,a0
X	    move.l  2(a1,a0),oldswitch
X	    move.l  #myswitch,d0
X	    CALL    SetFunction,_SysBase(PC)
X;install a counter for PORT-Interrupts
X	    lea     IOCounter(PC),a1
X	    moveq   #3,d0
X	    CALL    AddIntServer,_SysBase(PC)
X;Attempt to open a startup script
X	    move.l  mytask(PC),a4      ;disable the 'please insert'
X	    move.l  184(a4),-(a7)
X	    move.l  #-1,184(a4)        ;requester
X	    move.l  #startupname+2,d1  ;'Xoper.Startup'
X	    move.l  #1005,d2
X	    CALL    Open,dosbase(PC)
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    bne.s   7$
X	    move.l  #startupname,d1    ;'S:Xoper.Startup'
X	    move.l  #1005,d2
X	    CALL    Open,dosbase(PC)
X7$	    move.l  (a7)+,184(a4)      ;reenable the requester
X	    move.l  d0,infile
X	    beq.s   nostartup
X6$	    move.b  #1,fromfile
X8$	    lea     dummy,a5
X	    moveq   #-1,d5
X5$	    addq.l  #1,d5
X	    move.l  infile(PC),d1
X	    move.l  a5,d2
X	    add.l   d5,d2
X	    moveq.l #1,d3
X	    CALL    Read,dosbase(PC)
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    bgt.s   10$
X	    move.l  infile(PC),d1
X	    CALL    Close,dosbase(PC)
X	    clr.l   infile
X	    tst     d5
X	    beq.s   endstartup
X	    bra.s   9$
X10$	    cmp.b   #10,0(a5,d5)
X	    beq.s   9$
X	    cmp.b   #13,0(a5,d5)
X	    bne.s   5$
X9$	    move.l  d5,d0
X	    addq    #1,d0
X	    bsr     cli 	       ;execute the script as if typed in
X	    tst.l   infile
X	    bne.s   8$
Xendstartup  clr.b   fromfile
Xnostartup   tst.l   wbmsg
X	    bne.s   noin
X	    cmp.b   #10,dummyinput
X	    beq.s   noin
X	    cmp.w   #'-b',dummyinput   ;requested as a background task ?
X	    beq.s   noin
X	    move.l  dummyinput,in
X	    move.b  #10,in+4
X	    bra.s   nostartup2
Xnoin	    cmp.b   #10,in
X	    beq.s   default
X	    tst.b   in
X	    bne.s   nostartup2
Xdefault     move.w  #$740a,in	       ;couldn't find defaults, defaults to
X				       ;tasks
Xnostartup2  cmp.w   #'-b',dummyinput
X	    beq     instback
X;This code just opens a Window. Position
X;and size are taken from window_l,window_t,
Xrestart     tst.b   ownscreen
X	    beq.s   1$
X	    bsr     createscreen
X	    bra.s   2$
X1$	    bsr     setupwindow
X2$	    move.l  mytask(PC),a0
X	    clr.l   26(a0)              ;clear 'spurious' signals
X	    clr.l   ptr
X	    tst.b   gotguru
X	    beq.s   3$
X	    bsr     showguru
X	    clr.b   gotguru
X3$	    bra     processmsgs
X;show a list. The string entered from keyboard is stored
X;in 'in'.Every character is interpreted as one command
X;i.e. 'rip' means 'resources'+'interrupts'+'ports'.
X;search the command to be executed. If none is found,
X;show a help message
Xshowwhat    tst.b   fromfile
X	    bne     endshow
X	    move.w  cmdptr(PC),d7
Xinput	    lea     in,a0
X	    move.b  0(a0,d7.w),d0
X	    beq     endshow
X	    addq.b  #1,d7
X	    cmpi.b  #' ',d0
X	    bne.s   1$
X	    bsr     testifend
X	    beq     endshow
X	    move.w  d2,cmdptr
X	    bra     notfinished
X1$	    cmpi.b  #10,d0
X	    beq     endshow
X	    or.b    #32,d0
X	    cmpi.b  #'q',d0
X	    beq     exit
X	    lea     params(PC),a0
X	    moveq   #0,d1
Xi1	    cmp.b   0(a0,d1),d0
X	    beq.s   foundp
X	    addq.b  #1,d1
X	    cmpi.b  #parmnum,d1
X	    bne.s   i1
X	    move.l  #usetxt,d0
X	    move.b  #1,mnflag
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    clr.b   mnflag
X	    bra     endshow
Xfoundp	    lsl.b   #2,d1
X	    lea     subs(PC),a0
X	    move.b  #1,mnflag
X	    jsr     0(a0,d1)
X	    clr.b   mnflag
X	    bsr     testifend
X	    beq     input
X	    bsr     newline
X	    bra     input
Xtestifend   lea     in,a0
X	    lea     0(a0,d7),a0
X	    move.w  d7,d2
X2$	    move.b  (a0)+,d0
X	    beq.s   1$
X	    cmpi.b  #' ',d0
X	    bne.s   3$
X	    addq    #1,d2
X	    bra.s   2$
X3$	    cmpi.b  #10,d0
X1$	    rts
Xendshow     tst.b   fromfile
X	    bne.s   nomore
X	    clr.w   cmdptr
Xnotfinished bsr     starttimer
Xnomore	    tst.b   fromfile
X	    bne.s   1$
X	    clr.l   lastprinted
X	    bsr     blastout
X1$	    rts
X;get the string from inputbuffer; search and execute
X;the command, if any.
Xcli	    lea     dummy,a0
X	    subq    #1,d0
Xcl2	    subq    #1,d0
X	    bmi.s   cl1
X	    cmp.b   #' ',0(a0,d0)
X	    beq.s   cl2
Xcl1	    addq    #1,d0
X	    move.b  #10,0(a0,d0)
X	    bsr     kllblnks
X	    cmpi.b  #10,0(a0)
X	    beq     showwhat
X	    cmpi.b  #';',0(a0)
X	    beq     nomore
X	    bsr     findcmd
X	    tst.l   d2
X	    bpl.s   okcmd
X	    bsr     findalias
X	    tst.l   d2
X	    bmi.s   nm1
Xokcmd	    clr.b   procnum
X	    adda.w  d1,a0
X	    bsr     kllblnks
X	    lsl     #2,d2
X	    lea     cmdaddr(PC),a1
X	    jsr     0(a1,d2)
X	    bra     nomore
Xnm1	    lea     in,a1
X	    lea     buffer,a2
Xnm2	    move.b  (a1)+,(a2)+
X	    cmp.b   #10,-1(a1)
X	    bne.s   nm2
X	    lea     in,a1
Xnm0	    move.b  (a0)+,(a1)+
X	    cmp.b   #10,-1(a1)
X	    bne.s   nm0
X	    lea     dummy,a2
X	    lea     buffer,a1
Xnm3	    move.b  (a1)+,(a2)+
X	    cmp.b   #10,-1(a1)
X	    bne.s   nm3
X	    clr.w   cmdptr
X	    bra     showwhat
Xfindcmd     bsr     strbuf
X	    move.l  a0,a5
X	    lea     commds(PC),a2
X	    moveq   #0,d2
X1$	    lea     buffer,a0
X	    move.l  a2,a1
X	    bsr     strcmp
X	    beq     3$
X2$	    tst.b   (a2)+
X	    bne.s   2$
X	    addq    #1,d2
X	    cmp.w   #cmdnum,d2
X	    bne.s   1$
X	    moveq   #-1,d2
X3$	    move.l  a5,a0
X	    rts
Xfindalias   move.l  a0,a5
X	    move.l  aliaslist(PC),d4
X1$	    beq.s   3$
X	    move.l  d4,a4
X	    lea     buffer,a0
X	    lea     5(a4),a1
X	    move.b  4(a4),d2
X	    ext.w   d2
X	    ext.l   d2
X	    bsr     strcmp
X	    beq     4$
X	    move.l  0(a4),d4
X	    bra.s   1$
X3$	    moveq   #-1,d2
X4$	    move.l  a5,a0
X	    rts
Xsubs	    bra     showtask
X	    bra     showaddr
X	    bra     showdevs
X	    bra     showlibs
X	    bra     showres
X	    bra     showresi
X	    bra     showmem
X	    bra     showprt
X	    bra     showint
X	    bra     stack
X	    bra     clicomm
Xcmdaddr     bra     settime
X	    bra     taskpri
X	    bra     info
X	    bra     pri
X	    bra     flush
X	    bra     freeze
X	    bra     warm
X	    bra     signal
X	    bra     break
X	    bra     alert
X	    bra     lastalert
X	    bra     hold
X	    bra     stopall
X	    bra     clear
X	    bra     cancel
X	    bra     taskports
X	    bra     hunks
X	    bra     devices
X	    bra     openlib
X	    bra     closelib
X	    bra     currentdir
X	    bra     cd
X	    bra     mypri
X	    bra     openfiles
X	    bra     locks
X	    bra     unlock
X	    bra     screens
X	    bra     windows
X	    bra     closescreen
X	    bra     closewindow
X	    bra     fonts
X	    bra     windowfonts
X	    bra     lockdrive
X	    bra     freedrive
X	    bra     capture
X	    bra     clrcold
X	    bra     clrcool
X	    bra     clrwarm
X	    bra     snoop
X	    bra     usage
X	    bra     inphand
X	    bra     nohead
X	    bra     sort
X	    bra     hide
X	    bra     hidden
X	    bra     setwindow
X	    bra     cancel
X	    bra     iconifyoff
X	    bra     historylines
X	    bra     historylength
X	    bra     showhistory
X	    bra     repeatcmd
X	    bra     remresident
X	    bra     saveoutput
X	    bra     killhistory
X	    bra     iconbackdrp
X	    bra     setfont
X	    bra     trapguru
X	    bra     outputlines
X	    bra     usescreen
X	    bra     usewindow
X	    bra     grabtimerio
X	    bra     dchange
X	    bra     alias
X	    bra     remnode
X;------ Task-Structures-----
Xshowaddr    clr.b   tasktyp
X	    bra.s   startask
Xshowtask    move.b  #1,tasktyp
Xstartask    tst.b   headon
X	    beq     noheader1
X	    move.l  #infoh1,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a6
X	    move.l  #cpu2,d0
X	    btst    #1,297(a6)      ;SysBase->AttnFlags
X	    bne.s   cpupr
X	    move.l  #cpu1,d0
X	    btst    #0,297(a6)
X	    bne.s   cpupr
X	    move.l  #cpu0,d0
Xcpupr	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a6
X	    btst    #2,297(a6)
X	    beq.s   no881
X	    move.l  #cpu3,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
Xno881	    moveq   #20,d1
X	    bsr     tab
X	    move.l  #infoh3,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
Xnoheader1   move.l  _SysBase(PC),a6
X	    move.w  #$4000,$dff09a
X	    move.l  280(a6),d0
X	    move.l  284(a6),d1
X	    move.l  oldidl,d3
X	    move.l  d0,oldidl
X	    sub.l   d3,d0
X	    move.l  olddisp,d3
X	    move.l  d1,olddisp
X	    sub.l   d1,d3
X	    move.l  d0,d1
X	    sub.l   d3,d1
X	    move.l  d1,maxdisp
X	    move.l  d3,-(a7)
X	    movem.l d0-d3,-(a7)
X	    moveq   #1,d5
X	    bsr     getaskdat
X	    move.l  a5,savedat
X	    movem.l (a7)+,d0-d3
X	    sub.l   d3,d0
X	    neg.l   d3
X	    tst.b   headon
X	    beq.s   noheader2
X	    bsr     prcent
X	    bsr     newline
X	    move.l  #infoh2,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
Xnoheader2   move.l  (a7)+,d0
X	    neg.l   d0
X	    move.l  d0,dispatches
X	    tst.b   headon
X	    beq     noheader3
X	    mulu    #100,d0
X	    move.l  d0,-(a7)
X	    lea     secs(PC),a0
X	    lea     mics(PC),a1
X	    CALL    CurrentTime,intuibase(PC)
X	    move.l  secs(PC),d3
X	    lsl.l   #1,d3
X	    move.l  d3,d1
X	    lsl.l   #2,d3
X	    add.l   d1,d3
X	    move.l  mics(PC),d0
X	    move.l  #100000,d1
X	    bsr     div
X	    add.l   d0,d3
X	    move.l  time10(PC),d1
X	    move.l  d3,time10
X	    sub.l   d1,d3
X	    move.l  (a7)+,d0
X	    move.l  d3,-(a7)
X	    move.l  d3,d1
X	    bsr     div
X	    moveq   #1,d5
X	    bsr     putfrac
X	    moveq   #20,d1
X	    bsr     tab
X	    move.l  #infoh7,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  iocount(PC),d0
X	    clr.l   iocount
X	    mulu    #100,d0
X	    move.l  (a7)+,d3
X	    move.l  d3,d1
X	    bsr     div
X	    moveq   #1,d5
X	    bsr     putfrac
X	    bsr     newline
X	    bsr     newline
Xnoheader3   lea     theader(PC),a0
X	    tst.b   tasktyp
X	    bne.s   phedder
X	    lea     t2header(PC),a0
Xphedder     bsr     puthead
X	    move.l  savedat(PC),a5
Xpt1	    tst.b   entries
X	    beq     pt2
X	    lea     -16(a5),a5
X	    bsr     hideit
X	    tst     d0
X	    beq     ptend
X	    move.l  0(a5),a4
X	    move.l  a4,d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    tst.b   tasktyp
X	    beq.s   pt12
X	    moveq   #0,d0
X	    move.b  8(a4),d0
X	    bsr     gettype
Xpt12	    moveq   #0,d0
X	    move.b  9(a5),d0
X	    subq.b  #1,d0
X	    mulu    #10,d0
X	    move.l  #status,d1
X	    add.l   d1,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    tst.b   tasktyp
X	    bne.s   pt13
X	    move.l  18(a4),d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  #longnix,d0
X	    cmp.b   #4,9(a5)
X	    beq.s   pt14
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bra.s   pt15
Xpt14	    move.l  22(a4),d0
X	    bsr     hexa
Xpt15	    move.l  26(a4),d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  54(a4),a1
X	    move.l  0(a1),d0
X	    cmp.b   #2,9(a5)
X	    bne.s   pt16
X	    move.l  #*,d0
Xpt16	    bsr     hexa
X	    bra     pt4
Xpt13	    move.b  10(a5),d3
X	    bsr     plusmins
X	    move.l  dispatches(PC),d0
X	    tst.b   usageflag
X	    beq.s   pt37
X	    move.l  maxdisp(PC),d0
Xpt37	    move.l  12(a5),d3
X	    bsr     prcent
X	    clr.b   d3
X	    cmpi.b  #13,8(a5)
X	    bne.s   noproc
X	    tst.l   172(a4)
X	    beq.s   noproc
X	    move.b  11(a5),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    bra.s   pt4
Xnoproc	    move.l  #nix,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
Xpt4	    move.l  4(a5),d0
X	    bsr     putnam
Xptend	    subq.b  #1,entries
X	    bra     pt1
Xpt2	    rts
Xputlist     move.l  0(a4),a4
X	    tst.l   0(a4)
X	    beq.s   endlist
X	    bsr     putdata
X	    bra.s   putlist
Xendlist     rts
Xputdata     move.l  a4,0(a5)
X	    move.l  10(a4),4(a5)        ;task->ln_Name
X	    move.b  8(a4),8(a5)         ;task->ln_Type
X	    move.b  15(a4),9(a5)        ;task->tc_State
X	    move.b  9(a4),10(a5)        ;task->ln_Pri
X	    move.b  143(a4),11(a5)      ;Process->pr_Tasknum
X	    clr.l   12(a5)
X	    lea     cputime,a0
X	    move.l  tasksnum(PC),d1
X	    subq    #1,d1
X	    bmi.s   pua1
Xpua3	    cmp.l   (a0)+,a4
X	    dbeq    d1,pua3
X	    tst     d1
X	    bmi.s   pua1
Xpua2	    move.l  508(a0),12(a5)
Xpua1	    lea     16(a5),a5
X	    addq.b  #1,entries
X	    rts
Xgettype     and.l   #$f,d0
X	    mulu    #11,d0
X	    add.l   #type,d0
X	    bra     putstr
Xgetaskdat   move.l  d5,-(a7)
X	    lea     buffer,a5
X	    clr.b   entries
X	    lea     stplist(PC),a4
X	    bsr     putlist
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a4
X	    lea     420(a4),a4          ;SysBase->TaskWait
X	    bsr     putlist
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a4
X	    lea     406(a4),a4          ;SysBase->TaskReady
X	    bsr     putlist
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a4
X	    move.l  276(a4),a4          ;SysBase->ThisTask
X	    bsr     putdata
X	    move.l  (a7)+,d5
X	    beq.s   1$
X	    clr.l   tasksnum
X1$	    move.w  #-$4000,$dff09a
X	    moveq   #16,d2
X	    lea     -32(a5),a2
X	    bsr.s   sortlist
X	    rts
Xsortlist    tst.b   sorton
X	    beq.s   sort5
X	    lea     buffer,a3
Xsort1	    lea     0(a3,d2),a4
Xsort2	    move.l  0(a3),d1
X	    cmp.l   0(a4),d1
X	    bge.s   sort3
X	    move.l  d2,d1
X	    subq    #1,d1
Xsort4	    move.b  0(a4,d1),d0
X	    move.b  0(a3,d1),0(a4,d1)
X	    move.b  d0,0(a3,d1)
X	    dbf     d1,sort4
Xsort3	    lea     0(a4,d2),a4
X	    cmp.l   a2,a4
X	    ble.s   sort2
X	    lea     0(a3,d2),a3
X	    cmp.l   a2,a3
X	    bne.s   sort1
Xsort5	    rts
Xprcent	    lsl.l   #1,d3
X	    move.l  d3,d1
X	    lsl.l   #2,d3
X	    add.l   d1,d3
X	    lsl.l   #2,d3
X	    move.l  d3,d1
X	    lsl.l   #3,d3
X	    move.l  d3,d2
X	    lsl.l   #1,d3
X	    add.l   d2,d3
X	    add.l   d1,d3
X	    move.l  d0,d1
X	    move.l  d3,d0
X	    bsr     div
X	    moveq   #0,d5
X	    bsr     putfrac
X	    move.l  #infoh4,d0
X	    bra     putstr
Xputfrac     divu    #10,d0
X	    move    d0,d3
X	    swap    d0
X	    move    d0,d1
X	    tst     d5
X	    bne.s   1$
X	    cmp.w   #100,d3
X	    ble.s   1$
X	    move.l  #whatsthis,d0
X	    bra     putstr
X1$	    bsr     bytedec
X	    lea     out,a0
X	    move.b  #'.',-1(a0,d0)
X	    or.b    #'0',d1
X	    move    d1,d0
X	    bra     putchar
Xhideit	    tst.b   hideon
X	    bne.s   pt73
Xpt75	    moveq   #1,d0
X	    rts
Xpt73	    lea     hidestart(PC),a4
X	    move.l  4(a5),a0
Xpt74	    tst.l   0(a4)
X	    beq.s   pt75
X	    move.l  0(a4),a4
X	    lea     4(a4),a1
X	    bsr     strcmp
X	    tst     d0
X	    beq     hideend
X	    bra.s   pt74
Xhideend     rts
X*-------- mem-hunks ------------
Xshowmem     lea     mheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a5
X	    lea     322(a5),a5          ;SysBase->MemList
X	    moveq   #0,d5
Xmem1	    move.l  0(a5),a5            ;MemList->ln_Next
X	    tst.l   0(a5)
X	    beq.s   mem2
X	    move.l  20(a5),d0           ;MemHeader->mh_Lower
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  24(a5),d0           ;MemHeader->mh_Upper
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  28(a5),d0           ;MemHeader->mh_Free
X	    add.l   d0,d5
X	    moveq   #1,d3
X	    bsr     longdec
X	    move.b  15(a5),d3           ;MemHeader->mh_Attributes
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.b  9(a5),d3            ;MemHeader->ln_pri
X	    bsr     plusmins
X	    move.l  10(a5),d0           ;MemHeader->ln_Name
X	    move.l  a5,node
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    bra.s   mem1
Xmem2	    move.l  #infoh6,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    moveq   #19,d1
X	    bsr     tab
X	    moveq   #0,d3
X	    move.l  d5,d0
X	    bsr     longdec
Xnewline     move.l  #cr,d0
X	    bra     putstr
X*-------- Task-Stack ------------
Xstack	    lea     stackhead(pc),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    moveq   #0,d5
X	    bsr     getaskdat
Xsta1	    tst.b   entries
X	    beq     sta8
X	    lea     -16(a5),a5
X	    bsr     hideit
X	    tst     d0
X	    beq     sta9
X	    move.l  0(a5),a1
X	    cmp.b   #13,8(a1)               ;task->ln_Type
X	    bne.s   sta6
X	    move.l  172(a1),d0
X	    beq.s   sta6
X	    lsl.l   #2,d0
X	    move.l  d0,a0
X	    tst.l   60(a0)
X	    beq.s   sta6
X	    moveq   #1,d3
X	    move.l  52(a0),d4
X	    lsl.l   #2,d4
X	    move.l  176(a1),d0
X	    sub.l   d4,d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  d4,d0
X	    bsr     longdec
X	    move.l  176(a1),d0
X	    sub.l   54(a1),d0
X	    bra.s   sta7
Xsta6	    move.l  58(a1),d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    moveq   #1,d3
X	    move.l  62(a1),d0
X	    sub.l   58(a1),d0
X	    bsr     longdec
X	    move.l  62(a1),d0
X	    sub.l   54(a1),d0
Xsta7	    bsr     longdec
X	    move.l  4(a5),d0
X	    bsr     putnam
Xsta9	    subq.b  #1,entries
X	    bra     sta1
Xsta8	    rts
Xclicomm     lea     clicomhead(pc),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    moveq   #0,d5
X	    bsr     getaskdat
Xclic1	    tst.b   entries
X	    beq     clic8
X	    lea     -16(a5),a5
X	    bsr     hideit
X	    tst     d0
X	    beq     clic0
X	    move.l  0(a5),a4
X	    cmpi.b  #13,8(a4)
X	    bne     clic0
X	    tst.l   172(a4)
X	    beq     clic0
X	    move.l  140(a4),d3
X	    beq     clic0
X	    move.l  a4,d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    moveq   #0,d0
X	    move.b  9(a5),d0
X	    subq    #1,d0
X	    mulu    #10,d0
X	    move.l  #status,d1
X	    add.l   d1,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  172(a4),a3
X	    adda.l  a3,a3
X	    adda.l  a3,a3
X	    move.l  #script,d0
X	    tst.l   40(a3)
X	    beq.s   clic5
X	    move.l  #interact,d0
Xclic5	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  #backg,d0
X	    tst.l   44(a3)
X	    bne.s   clic6
X	    move.l  #foreg,d0
Xclic6	    bsr     putstr
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.l  4(a5),d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    moveq   #49,d1
X	    bsr     tab
X	    move.b  #' ',d0
X	    bsr     putchar
X	    move.l  128(a4),d0
X	    beq.s   noprogloadc
Xclic3	    move.l  172(a4),d1
X	    bne.s   clic4
Xnoprogloadc move.l  #longnix,d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    bra.s   clic0
Xclic4	    lsl.l   #2,d1
X	    move.l  d1,a4
X	    move.l  60(a4),d1
X	    beq.s   noprogloadc
X	    move.l  16(a4),d0
X	    bsr     putbcpl
X	    bsr     newline
Xclic0	    subq.b  #1,entries
X	    bne     clic1
Xclic8	    rts
X*--------- interrupts ------------
Xshowint     lea     iheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    lea     intnames(PC),a5
X	    lea     inttyp(PC),a4
X	    moveq   #0,d1
X	    moveq   #15,d5
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a3
X	    lea     84(a3),a3           ;SysBase->IntVects[16]
Xsi0	    tst.b   0(a4,d1)
X	    bne.s   si4
X	    move.l  8(a3),a2            ;IntVector->iv_Node
X	    bra.s   si5
Xsi4	    move.l  0(a3),a2            ;Interrupt->is_Node
Xsi5	    cmp.l   #0,a2
X	    beq     nxtint
X	    tst.b   0(a4,d1)
X	    beq.s   si1
Xsi2	    move.l  0(a2),a2            ;is_Node->ln_Next
X	    tst.l   0(a2)
X	    beq.s   nxtint
Xsi1	    move.l  a2,d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  14(a2),d0           ;Interrupt->is_Data
X	    bsr     hexan
X	    move.l  18(a2),d0           ;Interrupt->is_Code
X	    bsr     hexan
X	    move.b  9(a2),d3            ;Interrupt->ln_Pri
X	    move.l  a3,-(a7)
X	    bsr     plusmins
X	    move.l  #intserv,d0
X	    tst.b   0(a4,d1)
X	    bne.s   1$
X	    move.l  #inthand,d0
X1$	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  #intdis,d0
X	    move.w  $dff01c,d3
X	    btst.w  d1,d3
X	    beq.s   2$
X	    move.l  #inten,d0
X2$	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a3
X	    move.l  a5,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  10(a2),d0           ;Interrupt->ln_Name
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    tst.b   0(a4,d1)
X	    bne.s   si2
X	    tst.l   0(a2)
X	    beq.s   nxtint
X	    move.l  0(a2),a2
X	    bra     si1
Xnxtint	    addq    #1,d1
X	    lea     12(a5),a5
X	    lea     12(a3),a3
X	    dbf     d5,si0
X	    rts
X*---------    resident ------------
Xshowresi    lea     rheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a5
X	    move.l  300(a5),a5          ;SysBase->ResModules
Xr1	    tst.l   0(a5)
X	    beq     r2
X	    move.l  0(a5),d0            ;Resident->ln_Next
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    bpl.s   r3
X	    bclr    #31,d0
X	    movea.l d0,a5
X	    bra.s   r1
Xr3	    movea.l d0,a4
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.b  13(a4),d3           ;rt_Pri
X	    bsr     plusmins
X	    move.b  10(a4),d0           ;rt_Flags
X	    bsr     bin
X	    move.b  11(a4),d3           ;rt_Version
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.b  12(a4),d0           ;rt_Type
X	    bsr     gettype
X	    move.l  14(a4),d0           ;rt_Name
X	    bsr     putnam
Xr4	    addq    #4,a5
X	    bra     r1
Xr2	    rts
X*---------  ports  -------------
Xshowprt     lea     pheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a4
X	    lea     392(a4),a4          ;SysBase->PortList
X	    lea     buffer,a5
X	    moveq   #0,d5
X	    CALL    Forbid,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.w  #$4000,$dff09a
Xsp2	    move.l  0(a4),a4            ;mp_Node.ln_Next
X	    tst.l   0(a4)
X	    beq.s   sp20
X	    bsr     getpdata
X	    bra.s   sp2
Xsp20	    tst.b   tports
X	    bne.s   sp15
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a4
X	    move.l  276(a4),a4          ;sysbase->ThisTask
X	    lea     92(a4),a4           ;process->pr_MsgPort
X	    bsr     getpdata
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a2
X	    lea     406(a2),a2
Xsp11	    move.l  0(a2),a2
X	    tst.l   0(a2)
X	    beq.s   sp14
X	    lea     92(a2),a4
X	    cmp.b   #13,8(a2)
X	    bne.s   sp11
X	    bsr     getpdata
X	    bra     sp11
Xsp14	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a2
X	    lea     420(a2),a2
Xsp12	    move.l  0(a2),a2
X	    tst.l   0(a2)
X	    beq.s   sp15
X	    lea     92(a2),a4
X	    cmp.b   #13,8(a2)
X	    bne.s   sp12
X	    bsr     getpdata
X	    bra     sp12
Xsp15	    move.w  #-$4000,$dff09a
X	    CALL    Permit,_SysBase(PC)
X	    lea     buffer,a5
Xsp3	    tst.b   d5
X	    beq     sp6
X	    move.l  0(a5),d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  4(a5),d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    moveq   #25,d1
X	    bsr     tab
X	    move.b  8(a5),d0
X	    and.l   #3,d0
X	    mulu    #9,d0
X	    add.l   #mp_flags,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.b  9(a5),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.b  14(a5),d3
X	    cmp.b   #255,d3
X	    bne.s   1$
X	    move.l  #toomuch,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bra.s   2$
X1$	    bsr     bytedec
X2$	    move.l  #longnix,d0
X	    move.l  10(a5),d1
X	    beq.s   sp8
X	    move.l  d1,a3
X	    move.l  10(a3),d0
Xsp8	    bsr     putnam
X	    lea     16(a5),a5
X	    subq.b  #1,d5
X	    bra     sp3
Xsp6	    rts
Xgetpdata    move.l  a4,0(a5)
X	    move.l  10(a4),4(a5)        ;ln_Name
X	    move.b  14(a4),8(a5)        ;mp_Flags
X	    move.b  15(a4),9(a5)        ;mp_SigBit
X	    move.l  16(a4),10(a5)       ;mp_SigTask
X	    moveq   #0,d0
X	    movea.l 20(a4),a3           ;mp_MsgList
Xsp10	    movea.l 0(a3),a3
X	    cmpa.l  #0,a3
X	    beq.s   sp9
X	    addq.b  #1,d0
X	    cmp.b   #255,d0
X	    bne.s   sp10
Xsp9	    move.b  d0,14(a5)
X	    lea     16(a5),a5
X	    addq.b  #1,d5
X	    rts
X*-------- resources ------------
Xshowres     lea     lheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead1
X	    lea     resnam(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead2
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),d5
X	    add.l   #336,d5		;SysBase->ResourceList
X	    bsr     show
X	    rts
X*--------- devices  -------------
Xshowdevs    lea     lheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead1
X	    lea     devnam(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead2
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),d5
X	    add.l   #350,d5		;SysBase->DeviceList
X	    bsr     show
X	    rts
X*-------- libraries -------------
Xshowlibs    lea     lheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead1
X	    lea     libnam(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead2
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),d5
X	    add.l   #378,d5		;SysBase->LibList
Xshow	    lea     buffer,a5
X	    clr.b   entries
X	    CALL    Forbid,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d5,a4
Xsl1	    move.l  0(a4),a4            ;lib_Node.ln_Next
X	    tst.l   0(a4)
X	    beq.s   sl2
X	    addq.b  #1,entries
X	    move.l  a4,0(a5)
X	    move.l  10(a4),4(a5)        ;ln_Name
X	    move.b  33(a4),8(a5)        ;lib_OpenCnt
X	    move.b  21(a4),9(a5)        ;lib_Version
X	    move.b  23(a4),10(a5)       ;lib_Revision
X	    move.b  14(a4),11(a5)       ;lib_Flags
X	    lea     12(a5),a5
X	    bra.s   sl1
Xsl2	    CALL    Permit,_SysBase(PC)
X	    lea     buffer,a5
Xdl3	    tst.b   entries
X	    beq.s   sl4
X	    move.l  0(a5),d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.b  8(a5),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.b  9(a5),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.b  10(a5),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.b  11(a5),d0
X	    bsr     bin
X	    move.l  4(a5),d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    lea     12(a5),a5
X	    subq.b  #1,entries
X	    bra.s   dl3
Xsl4	    rts
X;Remove a resident module from the list. Clears the rt_Matchword
X;to avoid being found and reinserted during the next reset
Xremresident bsr     nodenam2
X	    cmp.b   #'$',0(a5)
X	    bne.s   1$
X	    move.l  a5,a0
X	    bsr     readhex
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    bne.s   2$
X1$	    move.l  a5,a1
X	    CALL    FindResident,_SysBase(PC)
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    beq     fn5
X2$	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a3
X	    move.l  300(a3),a3          ;SysBase->ResModules
X8$	    move.l  (a3)+,d1
X	    beq     fn5
X	    bpl.s   3$
X	    bclr    #31,d1
X	    movea.l d1,a3
X	    bra.s   8$
X3$	    cmp.l   d1,d0
X	    bne.s   8$
X4$	    move.l  a3,a4
X5$	    tst.l   (a4)+
X	    bgt.s   5$
X6$	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    clr.w   0(a1)               ;rt_MatchTag
X	    move.l  a4,d0
X	    sub.l   a3,d0
X	    lsr     #2,d0
X	    subq    #1,d0
X	    lea     -4(a3),a1
X7$	    move.l  (a3)+,(a1)+
X	    dbf     d0,7$
X	    rts
X;find the first entry in the device-list
X;returns a1 = pointer to first entry
Xdevinfo     move.l  dosbase(PC),a1
X	    move.l  34(a1),a1
X	    move.l  24(a1),a1
X	    adda.l  a1,a1
X	    adda.l  a1,a1
X	    move.l  4(a1),a1
X	    rts
X;unlock a file
Xunlock	    tst.b   fromfile
X	    bne     ul6
X	    bsr     readhex
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq     syntax
X	    move.l  d0,remembr
X	    move.l  d0,-(a7)
X	    moveq   #-1,d6
X	    bsr     of44
X	    tst.l   remembr
X	    beq.s   ul1
X	    move.l  #unlerr,d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    bra     ul4
Xul1	    bsr     ResumeOutput
X	    move.l  #unl1,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  0(a7),d0
X	    bsr     getpath
X	    move.l  #unltxt2,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bsr     readline
X	    ori.b   #$20,inputbuffer
X	    cmp.b   #'y',inputbuffer
X	    bne.s   ul5
X	    move.l  0(a7),d1
X	    CALL    UnLock,dosbase
Xul5	    bsr     freefinfo
Xul4	    addq    #4,a7
Xul6	    rts
X;---------- Show all Locks------------
Xlocks	    moveq   #0,d6
X	    bra.s   of33
X;---------- Open Files-----------
Xopenfiles   moveq   #1,d6
Xof33	    move.l  mytask(PC),a4
X	    move.l  184(a4),inputbuffer
X	    move.l  #-1,184(a4)
X	    lea     ofheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
Xof44	    bsr     allocfinfo
X	    bsr     devinfo
X	    move.l  a1,a3
Xof1	    adda.l  a3,a3
X	    adda.l  a3,a3
X	    cmp.l   #2,4(a3)
X	    bne     of2
X	    move.l  40(a3),d0
X	    lsl.l   #2,d0
X	    move.l  d0,a4
X	    moveq   #0,d3
X	    move.b  (a4)+,d3
X	    subq    #1,d3
X	    lea     buffer,a5
Xof22	    move.b  (a4)+,(a5)+
X	    dbf     d3,of22
X	    move.b  #':',(a5)+
X	    clr.b   0(a5)
X	    cmp.l   #'RAM ',buffer
X	    bne.s   of5
X	    cmp.l   #'Disk',buffer+4
X	    bne.s   of5
X	    move.l  #$4d3a0000,buffer+2
Xof5	    move.l  #buffer,d1
X	    move.l  #-2,d2
X	    CALL    Lock,dosbase(PC)
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    bne.s   of6
X	    move.l  #buffer,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  #nomount,d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    bra     of2
Xof6	    move.l  d0,-(a7)
X	    lsl.l   #2,d0
X	    move.l  d0,a5
Xof4	    move.l  0(a5),d0
X	    cmp.l   #50,d0
X	    ble     of3
X	    move.l  d0,d5
X	    lsl.l   #2,d5
X	    move.l  d5,a5
X	    move.l  d0,d5
X	    tst     d6
X	    bpl.s   of45
X	    cmp.l   remembr(PC),d0
X	    bne.s   of4
X	    clr.l   remembr
X	    move.l  (a7)+,d1
X	    CALL    UnLock,dosbase(PC)
X	    bra     quitof
Xof45	    move.l  8(a5),d4
X	    bsr     getfinfo
X	    move.l  finfoptr,a4
X	    tst.l   d6
X	    beq.s   of8
X	    bmi.s   of8
X	    tst.l   4(a4)
X	    bpl     of4
Xof8	    move.l  d5,d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  #access,d0
X	    cmp     #-2,d4
X	    beq.s   of7
X	    addq    #8,d0
Xof7	    bsr     putstr
X	    tst.l   4(a4)
X	    bmi.s   of9
X	    move.l  #longnix,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bra     of10
Xof9	    move.l  124(a4),d0
X	    bsr     longdec
Xof10	    move.l  d5,d0
X	    bsr     getpath
X	    bra     of4
X	    bsr     newline
Xof3	    move.l  (a7)+,d1
X	    CALL    UnLock,dosbase(PC)
Xof2	    move.l  0(a3),a3
X	    cmpa.l  #0,a3
X	    bne     of1
X	    bsr     freefinfo
Xquitof	    move.l  mytask(PC),a4
X	    move.l  inputbuffer,184(a4)
X	    rts
X;---------- Dos Devices ----------
Xdevices     lea     ddheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    bsr     devinfo
Xdev1	    adda.l  a1,a1
X	    adda.l  a1,a1
X	    clr.b   d6
X	    tst.l   4(a1)
X	    bne     dev2
X	    move.l  40(a1),d0
X	    bsr     putbcpl
X	    moveq   #10,d1
X	    bsr     tab
X	    cmp.l   #20,28(a1)
X	    ble     dev9
X	    moveq   #1,d6
X	    move.l  28(a1),a3
X	    adda.l  a3,a3
X	    adda.l  a3,a3
X	    cmp.l   #20,8(a3)
X	    ble     dev9
X	    move.l  8(a3),a2
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
X	    move.l  12(a2),d3
X	    movem.l a1-a3,-(a7)
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    movem.l (a7)+,a1-a3
X	    moveq   #1,d3
X	    move.l  20(a2),d0
X	    bsr     longdec
X	    move.l  40(a2),d0
X	    beq.s   devs20
X	    addq    #1,d0
X	    sub.l   36(a2),d0
Xdevs20	    bsr     longdec
X	    move.l  44(a2),d0
X	    bsr     longdec
X	    bra.s   dev8
Xdev9	    move.l  #notfile,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
Xdev8	    tst.l   8(a1)
X	    beq.s   dev6
X	    move.l  #devload,d0
X	    bra.s   dev5
Xdev6	    move.l  #devnload,d0
Xdev5	    bsr     putstr
X	    tst.b   d6
X	    beq.s   dev7
X	    move.l  4(a3),d0
X	    bne.s   dev4
Xdev7	    move.l  16(a1),d0
X	    bne.s   dev4
X	    tst.l   8(a1)
X	    beq.s   dev11
X	    move.l  8(a1),a3
X	    move.l  -82(a3),d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bra     dev11
Xdev4	    bsr     putbcpl
Xdev11	    bsr     newline
Xdev2	    move.l  0(a1),a1
X	    cmpa.l  #0,a1
X	    bne     dev1
X	    rts
X; Check if a named dos-device is mounted
X; name in 'buffer'.
X; Result: d0 = 0(false) anything else(true).
Xfinddev     bsr     devinfo
Xfdev1	    adda.l  a1,a1
X	    adda.l  a1,a1
X	    clr.b   d6
X	    tst.l   4(a1)
X	    bne.s   fdev2
X	    move.l  40(a1),a2
X	    lea     buffer,a0
X	    bsr     strbcmp
X	    tst     d0
X	    bne.s   fdev3
Xfdev2	    move.l  0(a1),a1
X	    cmpa.l  #0,a1
X	    bne.s   fdev1
Xfdev3	    rts
X; Re-assign a drive to dos
Xfreedrive   clr.l   dp_Arg1
X	    bra     ldr3
X; Inhibit a disk drive
Xlockdrive   move.l  #1,dp_Arg1
Xldr3	    bsr     getstr
X	    bsr     finddev
X	    bne.s   ldr1
Xldr2	    move.l  #buffer,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  #nomount,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  #dishelp,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xldr1	    move.l  #buffer,d1
X	    CALL    DeviceProc,dosbase(PC)
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    beq.s   ldr2
X	    move.l  d0,a0
X	    move.l  #31,dp_Type
X	    bra     cons1
X;display the current directory of all processes,
X;except Workbench.(Worbench pr_CurrentDir is not a lock)
Xcurrentdir  lea     wbname(PC),a1
X	    CALL    FindTask,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d0,wbaddr
X	    lea     cdheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    bsr     allocfinfo
X	    moveq   #0,d5
X	    bsr     getaskdat
X	    lea     buffer,a5
Xcd2	    tst.b   entries
X	    beq.s   cd6
X	    cmp.b   #13,8(a5)
X	    bne.s   cd5
X	    move.l  wbaddr(PC),d0
X	    cmp.l   0(a5),d0
X	    beq.s   cd5
X	    move.l  4(a5),d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    moveq   #15,d1
X	    bsr     tab
X	    move.l  0(a5),a4
X	    move.l  152(a4),d0
Xcd1	    bsr     getpath
Xcd5	    subq.b  #1,entries
X	    lea     16(a5),a5
X	    bra.s   cd2
Xcd6	    bsr     freefinfo
X	    rts
X;Change the current directory setting of a process
Xcd	    tst.b   fromfile
X	    bne     cd10
X	    move.l  a0,-(a7)
X	    lea     wbname(PC),a1
X	    CALL    FindTask,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d0,wbaddr
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a0
X	    bsr     getstr
X	    move.l  a0,-(a7)
X	    move.l  #buffer,d1
X	    move.l  #-2,d2
X	    CALL    Lock,dosbase(PC)
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a0
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    bne     cd16
X	    move.l  #dnotf,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xcd16	    move.l  d0,remembr
X	    move.l  a0,-(a7)
X	    bsr     allocfinfo
X	    move.l  remembr(PC),d0
X	    bsr     getfinfo
X	    move.l  finfoptr,a5
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a0
X	    tst.l   4(a5)
X	    bpl.s   cd11
X	    move.l  #notdir,d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    bra     cd18
Xcd11	    bsr     nodenam
X	    moveq.l #2,d7
X	    lea     TRuNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq.s   cd15
X	    move.l  d0,a5
X	    cmp.b   #13,8(a5)
X	    beq.s   cd15
X	    bsr     syntax
X	    bra     cd18
Xcd15	    cmp.l   wbaddr,d0
X	    bne.s   cd13
X	    move.l  #wberr,d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    bra     cd12
Xcd13	    move.l  152(a5),d1
X	    move.l  remembr,152(a5)
X	    move.l  d1,remembr
Xcd12	    tst.l   remembr
X	    beq.s   cd14
X	    bsr     ResumeOutput
X	    move.l  #unltxt,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  remembr(PC),d0
X	    bsr     getpath
X	    move.l  #unltxt2,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bsr     readline
X	    ori.b   #$20,inputbuffer
X	    cmp.b   #'y',inputbuffer
X	    bne.s   cd14
Xcd18	    move.l  remembr(PC),d1
X	    beq.s   cd14
X	    CALL    UnLock,dosbase(PC)
Xcd14	    bsr     freefinfo
Xcd10	    rts
X;Display the list of inputhandlers. It adds a dummy
X;input handler, grabs the list header, and removes it
Xinphand     tst.b   background
X	    bne.s   inph1
X	    bsr     installh
Xinph1	    move.l  #500,d4
X	    lea     InInterrupt(PC),a0
Xinph2	    tst.l   4(a0)
X	    beq.s   inph3
X	    move.l  4(a0),a0
X	    dbf     d4,inph2
Xinph3	    tst.b   background
X	    bne.s   inph4
X	    movem.l d4/a0,-(a7)
X	    bsr     removeh
X	    movem.l (a7)+,d4/a0
Xinph4	    cmp.w   #-1,d4
X	    bne.s   inph5
X	    move.l  #failed,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xinph5	    move.l  a0,-(a7)
X	    lea     inheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a5
Xinph6	    move.l  0(a5),a5
X	    tst.l   0(a5)
X	    beq.s   inph7
X	    move.l  a5,d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  14(a5),d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  18(a5),d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.b  9(a5),d3
X	    bsr     plusmins
X	    move.l  10(a5),d0
Xinph8	    bsr     putnam
X	    bra.s   inph6
Xinph7	    rts
X;get all screen pointers.
X;result: d5=number of screens
X;	 buffer+100 holds pointers.
Xgetscr	    lea     scrheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
Xgetscr2     move.l  intuibase(PC),a2
X	    move.l  60(a2),a2
X	    lea     buffer+100,a1
X	    move.w  #$4000,$dff09a
X	    moveq   #0,d5
Xsr1	    move.l  a2,(a1)+
X	    move.l  0(a2),a2
X	    addq.l  #1,d5
X	    cmpa.l  #0,a2
X	    bne.s   sr1
X	    subq    #1,d5
X	    move.w  #-$4000,$dff09a
X	    rts
X;display screen addresses and titles
Xscreens     bsr     getscr
X	    moveq   #1,d6
X	    lea     buffer+100,a1
Xsr2	    move    d6,d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.l  0(a1),d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  (a1)+,a2
X	    move.l  22(a2),d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    addq    #1,d6
X	    dbf     d5,sr2
X	    rts
X;display window addresses and titles
Xwindows     clr.b   bool
Xwindows1    bsr     getscr
X	    tst.b   bool
X	    beq.s   wn20
X	    move.l  d5,-(a7)
X	    lea     fohead(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    move.l  (a7)+,d5
Xwn20	    lea     buffer+100,a4
Xwn2	    move.l  #onscr,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  (a4)+,a2
X	    move.l  22(a2),d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    move.l  4(a2),a1
X	    moveq   #0,d6
Xwn1	    cmpa.l  #0,a1
X	    beq.s   wn3
X	    addq    #1,d6
X	    move.l  d6,d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.l  a1,d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  32(a1),d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    tst.b   bool
X	    beq.s   wn21
X	    move.l  a1,-(a7)
X	    move.l  50(a1),a1
X	    move.l  52(a1),a1
X	    bsr     fontdata
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a1
Xwn21	    move.l  0(a1),a1
X	    bra.s   wn1
Xwn3	    dbf     d5,wn2
X	    rts
X;close a specified screen
Xclosescreen bsr     getscr2
X	    moveq   #1,d6
X	    cmp.b   #'$',0(a0)
X	    bne.s   cs1
X	    bsr     readhex
X	    tst     d7
X	    beq     syntax
X	    move.l  d0,d4
Xcsin	    moveq   #0,d6
Xcs1	    lea     buffer+100,a2
Xcs5	    tst     d6
X	    bne.s   cs2
X	    cmp.l   (a2)+,d4
X	    beq.s   cs3
X	    bra.s   cs4
Xcs2	    move.l  (a2)+,a1
X	    move.l  22(a1),a1
X	    bsr     strcmp
X	    tst     d0
X	    beq.s   cs3
Xcs4	    dbf     d5,cs5
X	    move.l  #scnofound,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xcs3	    move.l  -4(a2),a0
X	    CALL    CloseScreen,intuibase(PC)
X	    rts
X;close a specified window
Xclosewindow bsr     getwnptr
Xclw	    move.l  a4,d0
X	    beq.s   cwend
Xcw3	    tst.l   36(a4)
X	    beq.s   cw8
X	    move.l  36(a4),a0
X	    move.w  28(a0),d0
X	    and.w   #$4000,d0
X	    beq.s   cw9
X	    move.l  a4,a0
X	    CALL    FreeSysRequest,intuibase(PC)
X	    rts
Xcw9	    move.l  a4,a1
X	    CALL    EndRequest,intuibase(PC)
X	    bra.s   cw3
Xcw8	    move.l  a4,a0
X	    moveq   #0,d0
X	    CALL    ModifyIDCMP,intuibase(PC)
X	    move.l  a4,a0
X	    CALL    CloseWindow,intuibase(PC)
Xcwend	    rts
Xgetwnptr    bsr     getscr2
X	    moveq   #1,d6
X	    cmp.b   #'$',0(a0)
X	    bne.s   cw1
X	    bsr     readhex
X	    tst     d7
X	    bne.s   cwin
X	    bsr     syntax
X	    bra.s   cwerr
Xcwin	    move.l  d0,d4
X	    moveq   #0,d6
Xcw1	    lea     buffer+100,a2
Xcw5	    move.l  (a2)+,a4
X	    move.l  4(a4),a4
Xcw6	    cmpa.l  #0,a4
X	    beq.s   cw4
X	    tst     d6
X	    bne.s   cw2
X	    cmp.l   a4,d4
X	    beq.s   cw10
X	    bra.s   cw7
Xcw2	    move.l  32(a4),a1
X	    bsr     strcmp
X	    tst     d0
X	    beq.s   cw10
Xcw7	    move.l  0(a4),a4
X	    bra.s   cw6
Xcw4	    dbf     d5,cw5
X	    move.l  #winnofound,d0
X	    bsr     putnam
Xcwerr	    suba.l  a4,a4
Xcw10	    rts
Xwindowoff   movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
X	    bsr     getscr2
X	    bsr     cwin
X	    move.l  a4,d1
X	    beq.s   woff1
X	    bsr     clw
X	    move.l  -(a2),a0
X	    move.l  a0,d4
X	    tst.l   4(a0)
X	    bne.s   woff1
X	    bsr     getscr2
X	    bsr     csin
Xwoff1	    movem.l (a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
X	    rts
Xclosetskwin movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
Xctw0	    bsr     getscr2
X	    lea     buffer+100,a2
Xctw1	    move.l  (a2)+,a4
X	    move.l  4(a4),a4
Xctw6	    cmpa.l  #0,a4
X	    beq.s   ctw4
X	    move.l  86(a4),a0
X	    move.l  16(a0),d1
X	    cmp.l   d0,d1
X	    bne.s   ctw7
X	    move.l  d0,d1
X	    move.l  a4,d0
X	    bsr     windowoff
X	    move.l  d1,d0
X	    bra     ctw0
Xctw7	    move.l  0(a4),a4
X	    bra.s   ctw6
Xctw4	    dbf     d5,ctw1
X	    movem.l (a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
X	    rts
X;Change the font from a specified Window
Xsetfont     bsr     nodenam
X	    tst.b   0(a5)
X	    beq     syntax
X	    move.l  a5,a4
X1$	    cmp.b   #33,(a4)+
X	    bge.s   1$
X	    tst.b   -1(a4)
X	    beq     syntax
X	    clr.b   -1(a4)
X	    lea     dummy,a0
X	    move.l  a5,0(a0)
X	    move.b  procnum(PC),d0
X	    ext.w   d0
X	    move.w  d0,4(a0)
X	    clr.w   6(a0)
X	    CALL    OpenFont,gfxbase(PC)
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    bne.s   2$
X	    lea     diskfont(PC),a1
X	    CALL    OpenLibrary,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d0,d5
X	    beq.s   4$
X	    move.l  d0,a6
X	    lea     dummy,a0
X	    XREF    _LVOOpenDiskFont
X	    jsr     _LVOOpenDiskFont(a6)
X	    move.l  d0,d4
X	    move.l  d5,a1
X	    CALL    CloseLibrary,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d4,d0
X	    bne.s   2$
X4$	    move.l  #fonterr,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  dummy,d0
X	    bra     putnam
X2$	    move.l  d0,-(a7)
X	    move.l  a4,a0
X	    bsr     kllblnks
X	    bsr     getwnptr
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a0
X	    move.l  a4,d1
X	    bne.s   5$
X	    move.l  a0,a1
X	    CALL    CloseFont,gfxbase(PC)
X	    bra.s   3$
X5$	    move.l  50(a4),a1
X	    CALL    SetFont,gfxbase(PC)
X	    move.l  a4,a0
X	    CALL    RefreshWindowFrame,intuibase(PC)
X3$	    rts
X;display windows and associated fonts
Xwindowfonts move.b  #1,bool
X	    bra     windows1
X;display loaded font names and definitions
Xfonts	    lea     fohead(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    move.l  gfxbase(PC),a1
X	    move.l  $8c(a1),a1
Xfo1	    tst.l   0(a1)
X	    beq.s   fo3
X	    bsr     fontdata
X	    move.l  0(a1),a1
X	    bra     fo1
Xfo3	    rts
Xfontdata    move.l  a1,d0
X	    move.l  d0,node
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.w  30(a1),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.w  20(a1),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.w  24(a1),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.l  #romfnt,d0
X	    btst    #1,23(a1)
X	    beq.s   fod1
X	    move.l  #diskfnt,d0
Xfod1	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.b  32(a1),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.b  33(a1),d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    move.l  10(a1),d0
X	    bra     putnam
X;set update rate
Xsettime     bsr     getnum
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    bne.s   st1
X	    move.b  timeout(PC),d3
X	    bne.s   1$
X	    move.l  #timenotset,d0
X	    bra.s   sy1
X1$	    move.l  #whattime,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    bra     newline
Xst1	    move.b  d2,timeout
X	    rts
Xsyntax	    move.l  #synerr,d0
Xsy1	    bra     putnam
X;copy a string from input to 'buffer'
X;a0 = pointer to string
Xgetstr	    lea     buffer,a5
Xgst2	    cmp.b   #' ',0(a0)
X	    beq.s   gst1
X	    cmp.b   #10,0(a0)
X	    beq.s   gst1
X	    move.b  (a0)+,(a5)+
X	    bra.s   gst2
Xgst1	    clr.b   0(a5)
X	    bra     kllblnks
X;read in a nodename or a processname
Xnodenam     bsr     isdec
X	    move.b  d2,procnum
Xnodenam2    bsr     kllblnks
X	    move.l  a0,a5
Xgno1	    cmp.b   #10,(a0)+
X	    bne.s   gno1
X	    move.b  #0,-1(a0)
X	    rts
X;modify a task's priority
Xtaskpri     bsr     getnum
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq     syntax
X	    move.b  d2,newpri
X	    bsr     nodenam
X	    moveq.l #2,d7
X	    lea     TRuNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq.s   tp1
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    move.b  newpri,d0
X	    CALL    SetTaskPri,_SysBase(PC)
Xtp1	    rts
X;set the priority of our task
Xmypri	    bsr     getnum
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq     syntax
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a1
X	    move.l  276(a1),a1
X	    move.l  d2,d0
X	    CALL    SetTaskPri,_SysBase(PC)
X	    rts
X;cancel a task or a process. The theory is quite simple:
X;(Process->ReturnAddr)-4 points to the return address on
X;the stack. Task->SPReg points to the next instruction
X;to be executed. We just need a
X; *(Task->SPReg) = *(Process->ReturnAddr-4).
X;If the process has been started from Dos (CLI) and
X;the process is doing disk I/O, the CLI will respond with
X;a GURU #87000004 (AsyncPKT=unexpected packed received).
X;Thats why the calling CLI is also canceled.
Xcancel	    tst.b   fromfile
X	    beq.s   cancel1
X	    rts
Xcancel1     clr.l   remembr	    ;used for CLI stdio
X	    clr.l   remembr2
X	    clr.b   bool
X	    bsr     nodenam
Xtestagain   moveq.l #1,d7
X	    lea     TReNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    bne.s   canok
Xcnerr	    move.l  #stperr,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xcanok	    move.l  d0,a1	   ;d0=task
X	    move.l  d0,pointer
X	    cmp.b   #1,8(a1)       ;TASK ?
X	    bne.s   isproc
X	    CALL    RemTask,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  pointer(PC),d0
X	    bra     closetskwin
Xisproc	    movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
X	    move.l  #-1,d0	      ;needed for recursive killing tasks
X	    CALL    AllocSignal,_SysBase(PC)
X	    moveq   #0,d1
X	    bset    d0,d1
X	    move.l  d1,cancelbit
X	    move.l  d0,cancelbnum
X	    movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
X	    moveq   #0,d5
X	    tst.l   $ac(a1)         ;pr_CLI
X	    beq.s   wascreproc
X	    move.l  $80(a1),a2      ;Seglist
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
X	    move.l  12(a2),d1       ;empty ?
X	    bne.s   wascreproc
X	    move.l  $ac(a1),a2      ;CommandLineInterface
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
X	    move.l  60(a2),d5       ;cli_Module
X	    tst.l   40(a2)          ;IsInteractive
X	    beq     dosreturn
X	    move.l  28(a2),remembr  ;yes,get Cli-Window locks
X	    move.l  56(a2),remembr2
X	    bra     dosreturn
Xwascreproc  tst.b   bool	    ;it is not a CLI, ask what to do
X	    bne     unload
X	    move.b  #3,bool
X	    bsr     ResumeOutput
X	    move.l  #canerr0,d0     ;ask for Workbench
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bsr     readline
X	    cmp.b   #'y',inputbuffer
X	    beq.s   andagain
X	    move.b  #2,bool
X	    bsr     ResumeOutput
X	    move.l  #canerr1,d0    ;ask for unload
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bsr     readline
X	    cmp.b   #'y',inputbuffer
X	    bne.s   andagain
X	    move.b  #1,bool
Xandagain    move.l  pointer(PC),d0
X	    moveq.l #1,d7
X	    lea     TReNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     tstnode
X	    tst     d5
X	    beq     cnerr
X	    bra     canok
Xunload	    move.l  128(a1),d4 ;get Segmentlist
X	    beq.s   unl3
X	    lsl.l   #2,d4
X	    move.l  d4,a3
X	    move.l  12(a3),d4
Xunl3	    tst.l   d4
X	    bne.s   unl4
X	    move.l  #unloaderr,d0 ;no Segments !?
X	    bra     putnam
Xunl4	    cmp.b   #3,bool	       ;Workbench Task
X	    bne.s   unl2
X	    move.l  a1,-(a7)
X	    moveq   #40,d0	       ;build a copy of the
X	    move.l  #$10000,d1	       ;Workbench startup-message
X	    CALL    AllocMem,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d0,startmess
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a1
X	    move.l  d0,a0
X	    move.b  #5,8(a0)
X	    move.w  #20,18(a0)
X	    move.l  d4,24(a0)
X	    move.l  a1,d0
X	    add.l   #92,d0
X	    move.l  d0,20(a0)
X	    movem.l a0-a1,-(a7)
X	    lea     wbname(PC),a1
X	    CALL    FindPort,_SysBase(PC)
X	    movem.l (a7)+,a0-a1
X	    move.l  d0,14(a0)
Xunl2	    cmp.b   #1,bool
X	    bne.s   dosreturn
X	    move.l  a1,-(a7)           ;unload process manualy
X	    move.l  d4,d1
X	    CALL    UnLoadSeg,dosbase(PC)
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a1
Xdosreturn   move.l  140(a1),savedat ;Processnumber
Xdosret1     move.w  #$4000,$dff09a
X	    move.l  54(a1),a3
X	    move.l  #endtask,0(a3)
X	    move.l  #2,106(a1)
X	    move.l  mytask(PC),108(a1)
X	    cmp.b   #4,15(a1)        ;if waiting
X	    bne.s   doswait
X	    move.l  a1,d4
X	    CALL    Remove,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d4,a1
X	    lea     406(a6),a0       ; activate the task
X	    CALL    AddHead,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d4,a1
Xdoswait     move.w  #-$4000,$dff09a
X	    tst.b   bool
X	    bne.s   endnodos
X	    tst.l   d5
X	    beq     endcanc
X	    move.l  $ac(a1),a2
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
Xdwa1	    movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
X	    move.l  cancelbit(PC),d0
X	    CALL    Wait,_SysBase(PC)
X	    movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
X	    moveq   #0,d5
X	    bra     dosret1
Xendcanc     move.l  a1,-(a7)
X	    move.l  remembr(PC),d1    ;close CLI-Window
X	    beq.s   ecan1	      ;if any
X	    CALL    Close,dosbase(PC)
Xecan1	    move.l  remembr2(PC),d1
X	    beq.s   ecan2
X	    CALL    Close,dosbase(PC)
Xecan2	    move.l  (a7)+,a1
X	    move.l  savedat(PC),d0   ;remove Task from
X	    move.l  dosbase(PC),a2   ;TaskArray
X	    move.l  34(a2),a2
X	    move.l  0(a2),a2
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
X	    adda.l  a2,a2
X	    lsl.l   #2,d0
X	    clr.l   0(a2,d0)
Xendnodos    move.l  a1,d0
X	    bsr     closetskwin
X	    move.l  cancelbnum(PC),d0      ;remove our Signal
X	    CALL    FreeSignal,_SysBase(PC)
X	    rts
X;This Code is (hopefully) excuted by the Process we want
X;to kill
Xendtask     CALL    Forbid,_SysBase(PC)
X	    CALL    Disable,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a1
X	    move.l  276(a1),a1
X	    move.l  176(a1),a1          ;Process_ReturnAddr
X	    lea     -4(a1),a7           ;reset Process Stackptr
X	    tst.b   bool
X	    bne.s   et0
X	    movea.l mytask(PC),a1
X	    move.l  cancelbit(PC),d0    ;signal Xoper it
X	    CALL    Signal,_SysBase(PC) ;died
Xet0	    cmp.b   #3,bool		;Workbench Process ?
X	    bne.s   et1
X	    move.l  startmess(PC),a1
X	    CALL    ReplyMsg,_SysBase(PC) ;reply startup message
Xet1	    rts
X;Stop a task (just queue it on a special list)
Xfreeze	    bsr     nodenam
X	    moveq.l #1,d7
X	    lea     TReNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    bne.s   frok
X	    move.l  #stperr,d0
X	    bra     putstr
Xfrok	    move.w  #$4000,$dff09a
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    CALL    Remove,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.w  #-$4000,$dff09a
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    move.l  d0,a5
X	    lea     stplist(PC),a0
X	    CALL    AddHead,_SysBase(PC)
X	    add.b   #4,15(a5)
X	    rts
X;put the task back on its list
Xwarm	    bsr     nodenam
X	    cmp.b   #'$',0(a5)
X	    bne.s   1$
X	    move.l  d7,d2
X	    move.l  a5,a0
X	    bsr     readhex
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq.s   1$
X	    move.l  stplist(PC),a3
X3$	    tst.l   0(a3)
X	    beq.s   2$
X	    cmp.l   a3,d0
X	    beq.s   waok
X	    move.l  0(a3),a3
X	    bra.s   3$
X1$	    lea     stplist(PC),a0
X	    movea.l a5,a1
X	    moveq   #0,d7
X	    bsr     fn4
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    bne.s   waok
X2$	    move.l  #waerr,d0
X	    bra     putstr
Xwaok	    move.w  #$4000,$dff09a
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    CALL    Remove,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    move.l  d0,a5
X	    move.l  TReNode,a0
X	    cmp.b   #8,15(a1)
X	    bne.s   wa1
X	    move.l  TWaNode,a0
Xwa1	    adda.l  _SysBase(PC),a0
X	    CALL    AddTail,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    subq.b  #4,15(a5)
X	    move.w  #-$4000,$dff09a
X	    move.l  18(a5),d0
X	    and.l   26(a5),d0
X	    beq.s   wa2
X	    movea.l a5,a1
X	    CALL    Signal,_SysBase(PC)
Xwa2	    rts
X;show the hunks of a process
Xhunks	    bsr     nodenam
X	    moveq.l #2,d7
X	    lea     TRuNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    bne.s   hu1
X	    rts
Xhu1	    move.l  d0,a4
X	    cmp.b   #13,8(a4)
X	    beq.s   hu2
X	    move.l  #noprocs,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xhu2	    move.l  128(a4),d0
X	    beq.s   noprogload
X	    lsl.l   #2,d0
X	    move.l  d0,a3
X	    move.l  12(a3),d1
X	    beq.s   hu3
X	    move.l  #segloaded,d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    bra     hu5
Xhu3	    move.l  172(a4),d1
X	    bne.s   hu4
Xnoprogload  move.l  #notload,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xhu4	    move.l  #cliprocs,d0
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    lsl.l   #2,d1
X	    move.l  d1,a4
X	    move.l  60(a4),d1
X	    beq.s   noprogload
X	    move.l  #procloaded,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  16(a4),d0
X	    bsr     putbcpl
X	    bsr     newline
Xhu5	    lea     hunkheader(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    moveq   #0,d5
Xhu6	    move.l  d5,d3
X	    bsr     bytedec
X	    addq    #1,d5
X	    move.l  d1,d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    lsl.l   #2,d1
X	    move.l  d1,a4
X	    move.l  d1,d0
X	    addq.l  #4,d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  -4(a4),d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    bsr     newline
X	    move.l  0(a4),d1
X	    bne.s   hu6
X	    rts
X;change the priority of a node
Xpri	    bsr     getnum
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq     syntax
X	    move.b  d2,newpri
X	    bsr     nodenam2
X	    moveq.l #5,d7
X	    lea     DevNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq.s   pi1
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    move.b  newpri,9(a1)
X	    cmp.l   #SemNode,a4
X	    ble.s   pi2
X	    move.l  #listerr,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xpi2	    CALL    Forbid,_SysBase(PC)
X	    CALL    Remove,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    move.l  a4,a0
X	    move.l  0(a0),d6
X	    lea     0(a6,d6),a0
X	    CALL    Enqueue,_SysBase(PC)
X	    CALL    Permit,_SysBase(PC)
Xpi1	    rts
X;set all break signals of a task
Xbreak	    move.l  #$f000,d0
X	    bra     setthem
Xsignal	    bsr     readhex
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq     syntax
Xsetthem     move.l  d0,savedat
X	    bsr     nodenam
X	    moveq.l #2,d7
X	    lea     TReNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq.s   pi1
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    move.l  savedat,d0
X	    and.l   18(a1),d0
X	    CALL    Signal,_SysBase(PC)
X	    rts
X;set up a list of tasknames which should't be displayed
Xhide	    cmp.b   #10,0(a0)
X	    bne.s   hid5
X	    bra     syntax
Xhid5	    lea     hidestart(PC),a2
X	    move.l  a2,d3
Xhid0	    tst.l   0(a2)
X	    beq.s   hid1
X	    move.l  0(a2),a2
X	    lea     4(a2),a1
X	    bsr     strcmp
X	    tst     d0
X	    beq.s   hid2
X	    move.l  a2,d3
X	    bra.s   hid0
Xhid1	    move.l  a0,a4
X	    bsr     strlen2
X	    addq    #5,d0
X	    move.l  #65536,d1
X	    CALL    AllocMem,_SysBase(PC)
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    beq.s   hid4
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    move.l  d0,0(a2)
X	    addq    #4,a1
Xhid3	    cmp.b   #10,0(a4)
X	    beq.s   hid4
X	    move.b  (a4)+,(a1)+
X	    bra.s   hid3
Xhid4	    rts
Xhid2	    move.l  d3,a3
X	    move.l  0(a2),0(a3)
Xfreehidden  lea     4(a2),a0
X	    bsr     strlen
X	    addq    #5,d0
X	    move.l  a2,a1
X	    CALL    FreeMem,_SysBase(PC)
X	    rts
Xfreehidmem  move.l  hidestart(PC),a4
Xfhm0	    move.l  a4,d0
X	    beq.s   fhm1
X	    move.l  a4,a2
X	    move.l  0(a2),a4
X	    bsr     freehidden
X	    bra     fhm0
Xfhm1	    rts
X;set up an ALIAS list
Xalias	    cmp.b   #10,0(a0)
X	    beq     showalias
X	    bsr     strbuf
X	    move.l  a0,a5
X	    lea     buffer,a0
X	    bsr     strlen
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    beq     syntax
X	    moveq   #1,d1
X	    cmp     d1,d0
X	    bne.s   5$
X	    lea     params(PC),a0
X	    moveq   #parmnum-1,d1
X	    move.b  buffer,d2
X6$	    cmp.b   (a0)+,d2
X	    dbeq    d1,6$
X	    tst.w   d1
X	    bmi.s   5$
X	    move.l  #aliaserr,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  #params,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  #aliaserr2,d0
X	    bra     putnam
X5$	    move.l  d0,d5
X	    move.l  a5,a0
X	    adda.l  d0,a0
X	    bsr     kllblnks
X	    move.l  a5,-(a7)
X	    bsr     findcmd
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a5
X	    tst.l   d2
X	    bmi     syntax
X	    move.l  a5,a0
X	    bsr     strbuf
X	    addq    #6,d5
X	    move.l  d5,d0
X	    move.l  #65536,d1
X	    CALL    AllocMem,_SysBase(PC)
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    beq.s   1$
X	    move.l  aliaslist(PC),d1
X	    bne.s   2$
X	    move.l  d0,aliaslist
X	    bra.s   3$
X2$	    move.l  d1,a0
X	    move.l  0(a0),d1
X	    bne.s   2$
X	    move.l  d0,0(a0)
X3$	    move.l  d0,a0
X	    move.b  d2,4(a0)
X	    lea     5(a0),a0
X	    lea     buffer,a1
X4$	    move.b  (a1)+,(a0)+
X	    bne.s   4$
X1$	    rts
Xshowalias   lea     alhead(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    move.l  aliaslist(PC),d0
X	    beq.s   1$
X2$	    move.l  d0,a5
X	    addq    #5,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.w  #15,d1
X	    bsr     tab
X	    move.l  #equal,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.b  4(a5),d0
X	    ext.w   d0
X	    bsr     getcmdptr
X	    bsr     putnam
X	    move.l  0(a5),d0
X	    bne.s   2$
X1$	    rts
Xfreealias   move.l  aliaslist(PC),a4
X1$	    move.l  a4,d0
X	    beq.s   2$
X	    move.l  a4,a2
X	    move.l  0(a2),a4
X	    lea     5(a2),a0
X	    bsr     strlen
X	    addq    #6,d0
X	    move.l  a2,a1
X	    CALL    FreeMem,_SysBase(PC)
X	    bra     1$
X2$	    rts
Xgetcmdptr   move.l  a0,-(a7)
X	    lea     commds(PC),a0
X2$	    tst     d0
X	    beq.s   1$
X3$	    tst.b   (a0)+
X	    bne.s   3$
X	    subq    #1,d0
X	    bra.s   2$
X1$	    move.l  a0,d0
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a0
X	    rts
Xflush	    move.l  #$ffffff,d0
X	    moveq   #0,d1
X	    CALL    AllocMem,_SysBase(PC)
Xflsh1	    rts
X;display library->lib_IDString
Xinfo	    bsr     nodenam2
X	    moveq.l #2,d7
X	    lea     DevNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq.s   flsh1
X	    move.l  d0,a0
X	    move.l  24(a0),d0
X	    beq.s   if1
X	    move.l  d0,d1
X	    andi.l  #1,d1
X	    bne.s   if1
X	    bra     putnam
Xif1	    move.l  #noinfo,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  a5,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xcapture     move.l  _SysBase(PC),a1
X	    lea     42(a1),a0
X	    moveq   #2,d6
X	    lea     coldtxt,a4
Xcap0	    move.l  a4,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  0(a0),d0
X	    bne.s   cap1
X	    move.l  #unset,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    bra     cap2
Xcap1	    bsr     hexa
Xcap2	    bsr     newline
X	    lea     15(a4),a4
X	    addq    #4,a0
X	    dbf     d6,cap0
X	    move.l  #kicktxt,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  546(a1),a0
X	    cmpa.l  #0,a0
X	    bne.s   kickm3
X	    move.l  #unset,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xkickm3	    move.l  a0,-(a7)
X	    bsr     newline
X	    lea     kickhead(PC),a0
X	    bsr     puthead
X	    move.l  (a7)+,a0
Xkickm0	    move.l  a0,d0
X	    beq     kickm4
X	    bpl.s   kickm1
X	    bclr    #31,d0
X	    move.l  d0,a0
X	    bra.s   kickm0
Xkickm1	    move.w  14(a0),d6
X	    subq    #1,d6
X	    lea     16(a0),a2
Xkickm2	    move.l  0(a2),d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  0(a2),d0
X	    move.l  4(a2),d4
X	    add.l   d4,d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    move.l  d4,d0
X	    clr.b   d3
X	    bsr     longdec
X	    bsr     newline
X	    addq    #8,a2
X	    dbf     d6,kickm2
X	    move.l  0(a0),a0
X	    bra     kickm0
Xkickm4	    rts
Xclrcold     move.l  _SysBase,a0
X	    clr.l   42(a0)
X	    bra.s   chksum
Xclrcool     move.l  _SysBase,a0
X	    clr.l   46(a0)
X	    bra.s   chksum
Xclrwarm     move.l  _SysBase,a0
X	    clr.l   50(a0)
Xchksum	    lea     34(a0),a1
X	    move    #22,d0
Xaddchk	    add     (a1)+,d1
X	    dbf     d0,addchk
X	    not     d1
X	    move.w  d1,82(a0)
X	    rts
X;Save the command line to be repeated. If this line doesn't produce
X;any output, don't repeat it at all
Xrepeatcmd   tst.w   repeat
X	    bne.s   2$
X	    move.w  repeatlen(PC),d0
X	    subq    #7,d0
X	    move.w  d0,repeatlen
X	    lea     repeatbuffer,a1
X	    lea     dummy,a2
X	    move.w  d0,d1
X	    ext.l   d1
X1$	    move.b  0(a0),(a1)+
X	    move.b  (a0)+,(a2)+
X	    dbf     d1,1$
X	    clr.l   lastprinted
X	    clr.b   printed
X	    move.w  #1,repeat
X	    bsr     cli
X	    tst.b   printed
X	    beq.s   2$
X	    bsr     starttimer
X	    rts
X2$	    clr.w   repeat
X	    rts
X;save the parameters from a 'window x y width height' call
Xsetwindow   tst.b   fromfile
X	    bne.s   wiw1
Xwiw3	    move.l  #wiwerr,d0
X	    bra     putnam
Xwiw1	    lea     window_l(PC),a3
X	    moveq   #3,d5
Xwiw0	    bsr     getnum
X	    tst     d7
X	    beq.s   wiw2
X	    move.w  d2,0(a3)
X	    addq    #2,a3
X	    dbf     d5,wiw0
Xwiw2	    rts
X;display ExecBase->LastAlert
Xlastalert   movem.l $100,d1-d2
X	    tst.l   d1
X	    bne.s   al1
X	    move.l  _SysBase(PC),a0
X	    movem.l 514(a0),d1-d2
Xal1	    move.l  #gurutxt,d0
X	    bsr     putstr
X	    move.l  d1,d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    lea     out,a0
X	    move.l  ptr(PC),d0
X	    move.b  #'.',-1(a0,d0)
X	    move.l  d2,d0
X	    bsr     hexa
X	    bra     newline
X;toggle CPUSE task list
Xusage	    bchg    #0,usageflag
X	    rts
X;toggle task-header display on/off
Xnohead	    bchg    #0,headon
X	    rts
X;toggle hide entries on/off
Xhidden	    bchg    #0,hideon
X	    rts
X;toggle sort on/off
Xsort	   bchg    #0,sorton
X	   rts
X;toggle task-ports display on/off
Xtaskports   bchg    #0,tports
Xclo1	    rts
X;Open a library
Xopenlib     bsr     nodenam2
X	    move.l  a5,a1
X	    moveq   #0,d0
X	    CALL    OpenLibrary,_SysBase(PC)
X	    tst.l   d0
X	    beq     fn5
Xopli1	    rts
X;close it
Xcloselib    bsr     nodenam2
X	    moveq   #0,d7
X	    lea     LibNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq.s   clo1
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    CALL    CloseLibrary,_SysBase(PC)
X	    rts
Xremnode     bsr     nodenam2
X	    moveq   #7,d7
X	    lea     TReNode(PC),a4
X	    bsr     findnam
X	    tst.b   d7
X	    beq.s   1$
X	    CALL    Disable,_SysBase(PC)
X	    move.l  d0,a1
X	    CALL    Remove,_SysBase(PC)
X	    CALL    Enable,_SysBase(PC)
X1$	    rts
X;end Xoper but stay in background
Xhold	    addq    #4,a7
X	    bra.s   instback
Xquithold    lea     in,a0
X	    lea     dummy,a1
Xqh1	    move.b  (a1)+,d0
X	    move.b  d0,(a0)+
X	    cmp.b   #10,d0
X	    bne.s   qh1
Xinstback    tst.b   background
X	    bne.s   cleanit
X	    move.b  #1,background
X	    bsr     installh
Xcleanit     move.l  fileptr(PC),d1
X	    beq.s   ib1
X	    CALL    Close,dosbase(PC)
X	    clr.l   fileptr
Xib1	    clr.b   running
X	    bsr     killpage
X	    bsr     freeblank
X	    tst.l   wnptr
X	    beq.s   5$
X	    tst.b   ownscreen
X	    bne.s   6$
X	    move.l  wnptr(PC),a0
X	    move.l  4(a0),window_l
X	    move.l  8(a0),window_w
X6$	    move.l  wnptr(PC),a0
X	    CALL    CloseWindow,intuibase(PC)
X	    clr.l   intuimsg
X	    clr.l   wnptr
X5$	    tst.b   ownscreen
X	    beq.s   4$
X	    move.l  screenptr(PC),a0
X	    CALL    CloseScreen,intuibase(PC)
X	    clr.l   screenptr
X4$	    tst.b   iconifyon
X	    beq.s   1$
X	    jsr     iconify
X	    bra.s   2$
X1$	    move.l  mysignal(PC),d0
X	    or.l    trapsignal(PC),d0
X	    CALL    Wait,_SysBase(PC)
X2$	    move.b  #1,running
X	    and.l   trapsignal(PC),d0
X	    beq.s   3$
X	    move.b  #1,gotguru
echo "End of archive 1 (of 3)"
# if you want to concatenate archives, remove anything after this line