[comp.sources.amiga] v90i134: rcs patch - unofficial patch to revision control system diff, Part01/01

Amiga-Request@cs.odu.edu (Amiga Sources/Binaries Moderator) (04/11/90)

Submitted-by: acs@pccuts.pcc.amdahl.com (Tony Sumrall)
Posting-number: Volume 90, Issue 134
Archive-name: unix/rcs/upatch01/part01

[ The original sources were posted in 1989.  Check a comp.sources.amiga
  archive site if you need them.  ...tad ]

This shell archive contains patches for the diff program associated with
RCS for the Amiga (Fish disk 281, comp.sources.amiga postings v89i216
through v89i229) and address 2 problems:

1) an attempt to compare a file with a non-existent file would elicit an
   error message with null text
2) if one or more of the arguments to diff was a device or an assigned
   name, diff would use a / to separate filename components instead of
   using a :.

To apply these patches:

* remove all lines above the first line beginning with #,
* run through /bin/sh or a suitable unshar program,
* copy the 2 resulting files to a directory containing the source for
* using patch from Fish disk # 296 or patch version 2.0 from Fish disk
  # 129, say:

       patch < amiga1.c.diffs           and then
       patch < diff.c.diffs

* compile the new diff following the instructions which were packaged with
  the original version.

I've been using diff with these patches applied for quite some time with
no ill effects.
Tony Sumrall   responsible for VT100 2.9A (and 2.9 and 2.8a and 2.8 and...)
acs@pccuts.pcc.amdahl.com <=> amdahl!pccuts!acs

[ Opinions expressed herein are the author's and should not be construed
  to reflect the views of Amdahl Corp. ]

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 1 (of 1)."
# Contents:  amiga1.c.diffs diff.c.diffs
# Wrapped by tadguy@xanth on Tue Apr 10 17:54:34 1990
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'amiga1.c.diffs' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'amiga1.c.diffs'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'amiga1.c.diffs'\" \(592 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'amiga1.c.diffs' <<'END_OF_FILE'
XIndex: amiga1.c
X*** Oamiga1.c	Thu Mar 22 09:24:29 1990
X--- amiga1.c	Thu Mar  8 21:52:50 1990
X*** 47,54 ****
X  	long l;
X  	struct FileInfoBlock *fp,*malloc();
X! 	if ((l=Lock(name, ACCESS_READ)) == 0)
X  		return(-1);
X  	fp = malloc(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
X  	Examine(l, fp);
X  	buf->st_attr = fp->fib_Protection;
X--- 47,56 ----
X  	long l;
X  	struct FileInfoBlock *fp,*malloc();
X! 	if ((l=Lock(name, ACCESS_READ)) == 0) {
X! 		errno = ENOENT;
X  		return(-1);
X+ 	}
X  	fp = malloc(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
X  	Examine(l, fp);
X  	buf->st_attr = fp->fib_Protection;
if test 592 -ne `wc -c <'amiga1.c.diffs'`; then
    echo shar: \"'amiga1.c.diffs'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'amiga1.c.diffs'
if test -f 'diff.c.diffs' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'diff.c.diffs'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'diff.c.diffs'\" \(3571 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'diff.c.diffs' <<'END_OF_FILE'
XIndex: diff.c
X*** Odiff.c	Thu Mar 22 09:24:29 1990
X--- diff.c	Sun Mar 11 12:01:14 1990
X*** 378,386 ****
X    if (name1 == 0)
X      name1 = name0;
X!   inf[0].name = dir0 == 0 ? name0 : concat (dir0, "/", name0);
X!   inf[1].name = dir1 == 0 ? name1 : concat (dir1, "/", name1);
X    /* Stat the files.  Record whether they are directories.
X       Record in stat_result whether stat fails.  */
X--- 378,413 ----
X    if (name1 == 0)
X      name1 = name0;
X!   if(dir0 == 0)
X!     inf[0].name = name0;
X!   else
X!     {
X!       if(strrchr(dir0, '/'))
X! 	inf[0].name = concat(dir0, "/", name0);
X!       else
X! 	{
X! 	  if(*(dir0 + strlen(dir0) - 1) == ':')
X! 	    inf[0].name = concat(dir0, "", name0);
X! 	  else
X! 	    inf[0].name = concat(dir0, "/", name0);
X! 	}
X!     }
X+   if(dir1 == 0)
X+     inf[1].name = name1;
X+   else
X+     {
X+       if(strrchr(dir1, '/'))
X+ 	inf[1].name = concat(dir1, "/", name1);
X+       else
X+ 	{
X+ 	  if(*(dir1 + strlen(dir1) - 1) == ':')
X+ 	    inf[1].name = concat(dir1, "", name1);
X+ 	  else
X+ 	    inf[1].name = concat(dir1, "/", name1);
X+ 	}
X+     }
X    /* Stat the files.  Record whether they are directories.
X       Record in stat_result whether stat fails.  */
X*** 402,413 ****
X  	      perror_with_name (filename);
X  	      errorcount = 1;
X  	    }
X! 	  else
X  #ifdef AMIGA
X  	    inf[i].dir_p = (inf[i].stat.st_type > 0);
X  #else
X  	    inf[i].dir_p = (S_IFDIR == (inf[i].stat.st_mode & S_IFMT));
X  #endif
X  	}
X      }
X--- 429,441 ----
X  	      perror_with_name (filename);
X  	      errorcount = 1;
X  	    }
X! 	  else {
X  #ifdef AMIGA
X  	    inf[i].dir_p = (inf[i].stat.st_type > 0);
X  #else
X  	    inf[i].dir_p = (S_IFDIR == (inf[i].stat.st_mode & S_IFMT));
X  #endif
X+ 	  }
X  	}
X      }
X*** 427,432 ****
X--- 455,461 ----
X    if (name0 == 0)
X      inf[0].dir_p = inf[1].dir_p;
X    if (name1 == 0)
X      inf[1].dir_p = inf[0].dir_p;
X*** 495,504 ****
X        int dir_arg = (inf[0].dir_p ? 0 : 1);
X        int fnm_arg = (inf[0].dir_p ? 1 : 0);
X        char *p = strrchr(inf[fnm_arg].name, '/');
X!       char *filename = concat (inf[dir_arg].name,  "/",
X! 			       (p ? p+1 : inf[fnm_arg].name));
X  #ifdef AMIGA
X        inf[dir_arg].dir_p = (getfa(filename) == 1);
X        if (!inf[dir_arg].dir_p)
X          {
X--- 524,549 ----
X        int dir_arg = (inf[0].dir_p ? 0 : 1);
X        int fnm_arg = (inf[0].dir_p ? 1 : 0);
X        char *p = strrchr(inf[fnm_arg].name, '/');
X!       char *filename;
X  #ifdef AMIGA
X+       char *tp = inf[dir_arg].name;
X+       int term = (*(tp + strlen(tp) - 1) == ':' ? 1 : 0);
X+       if(!p) {
X+ 	  /* inf[dir_arg].name ends with a ':', a '/' or neither.  If it
X+ 	  ** ends with ':' then simply concat otherwise separate with a '/'.
X+ 	  ** Note that we also have to find out if there is a separator in the
X+ 	  ** filename, too so we know where to copy FROM when we create the new
X+ 	  ** filename.
X+ 	  */
X+ 	  char *p1 = strrchr(inf[fnm_arg].name, ':');
X+ 	  filename = concat(inf[dir_arg].name, term ? "" : "/",
X+ 				p1 ? p1+1 : inf[fnm_arg].name);
X+       } else
X+ 	  filename = concat (inf[dir_arg].name,  term ? "" : "/", p+1);
X        inf[dir_arg].dir_p = (getfa(filename) == 1);
X        if (!inf[dir_arg].dir_p)
X          {
X*** 521,526 ****
X--- 566,573 ----
X  	  val = 2;
X  	}
X  #else
X+       filename = concat (inf[dir_arg].name,  "/",
X+ 			 (p ? p+1 : inf[fnm_arg].name));
X        inf[dir_arg].desc = open (filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
X        if (0 > inf[dir_arg].desc)
if test 3571 -ne `wc -c <'diff.c.diffs'`; then
    echo shar: \"'diff.c.diffs'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'diff.c.diffs'
echo shar: End of archive 1 \(of 1\).
cp /dev/null ark1isdone
for I in 1 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have the archive.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0
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Mail comments to the moderator at <amiga-request@cs.odu.edu>.
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