[net.jobs] Computer Graphics Laboratories, Inc.

root@nyit.UUCP (System Manager) (07/03/85)

	Computer Graphics Laboratories, Inc.
	 (New York Institute of Technology)

	    3-D Animation System Product

		Job Opportunities

	For over a decade, the Computer Graphics Lab at
NYIT has been developing software that has defined the 
state of the art in two-dimensional and three-dimensional 
computer animation.  Computer Graphics Laboratories, Inc.
was established four years ago to exploit this technology
and is presently marketing the Image Manipulation and 
Graphic Enhancement System (IMAGES II), based on the 2-D 
software developed at NYIT's Computer Graphics Lab. Now 
CGL,Inc. is developing a 3-D animation system based on the 
lab's three-dimensional modeling and rendering software,
which has been used extensively for commercial broadcasting
animation.  The 3-D animation product will have a wide range 
of applications, including broadcasting, advertising, 
entertainment, industrial design, and scientific simulation.
	 The initial product configuration consists of two DEC 
Vax 11/780 computers, two Adage/Ikonas 3000 Graphic Processors, 
an Evans and Sutherland Multipicture System, a Sony BVH 2500 
video recorder, and a Dicomed D148CR film recorder. The system
includes proprietary software for modeling, animating, rendering,
and recording. 
	A 3D Product Development Group is being formed at CGL,
Inc. to produce ongoing upgrades of both hardware and software 
and to maintain software that has been released. Software upgrades 
will be aimed at enhancing ease of use, speeding rendering time, 
and extending modeling capability. Software development will be
pursued in cooperation with the 3D Animation System Development 
Group at NYIT's Computer Graphics Lab.
	Job opportunities prsently exist for people with the
following qualifications:

	* skill in microcoding the Ikonas/Adage 3000 Graphics
	  Processor (using GIA compiler)
	* experience with C programming language
	* experience with UNIX operating system

	If you are interested, please send a resume to
		Dr. Geoffrey Y. Gardner
		Computer Graphics Laboratory
		New York Institute of Technology
		Old Westbury, NY 11568
	or call: