[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] wanted: software to talk to a HP 4972

marantz@aramis.rutgers.edu (Roy Marantz) (08/17/87)

Does anyone have any software that will talk (from a regular computer,
say a Sun or a Vax) to a HP 4972 lan protocol analyzer?  I have
documentation on the protocol, but would like to avoid having to
implement it if I can.  (I'm just basically lazy :-)  I want to be
able to get data files from the analyzer and maybe be anble to send a
node-ethernet list to it.  I'd also really like to the source to the

I'd also be real interested in any code that will talk DDCMP from a
non DEC machine. (i.e. a Sun or Pyramid)  That would be a good start
for writing this "comm" package.

Thanks for any and all assistance and please respond directly to me.
I'll summarize and repost if there is interest.
