[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Research on large packet-switched network behavior

trewitt@MIASMA.STANFORD.EDU.UUCP (09/03/87)

I am trying to find out about people who are doing or have done
research related to my own.  Read on if you think you might have some

When not working in the various network management activities, I am
supposed to be writing a thesis describing the results of my studies of
the Stanford Ethernet's behavior and performance.  The particular areas
that I am interested in are:
	micro-level behavior of networks/links
		interarrival times
		packet size distribution
		traffic volume
	behavior of routers (gateways)
		packet delay

	macro-level behavior of the whole internetwork
		traffic matrices

	conclusions from this data
		suitablility of the topology for the presented load
		saturation point for routers
		performance as load increases
		performance as size/complexity increases

Yes, I realize that this is a lot of stuff, and I don't expect to
actually cover it all, but it's a starting point.

What I am interested in finding out from the people on this list is to
see if there has been published research on these topics based upon
Internet experience.  I realize that many of these parameters (such as
saturation point:-) have been determined by actual experiment in the
Arpanet, but has anyone actually written about it.  [I suspect that
people may be too busy fending off the aligators to actually write
reports, but I can hope.]

Thanks in advance,
	Glenn Trewitt

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