[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] DDN MGT Bulletin #34

NIC@SRI-NIC.ARPA (DDN Reference) (09/09/87)

DDN MGT Bulletin 34              DCA DDN Defense Communications System   
9 Sep 87                         Published by: DDN Network Info Center
                                    (NIC@SRI-NIC.ARPA)  (800) 235-3155

                        DEFENSE  DATA  NETWORK

                         MANAGEMENT  BULLETIN

The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network
Information Center under DCA contract as a means of communicating
official policy, procedures and other information of concern to
management personnel at DDN facilities.  Back issues may be read
through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be
obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the SRI-NIC host [ or] using login="anonymous" and password="guest".  The pathname
for bulletins is DDN-NEWS:DDN-MGT-BULLETIN-nn.TXT (where "nn" is the
bulletin number).

                     ANNOUNCEMENT OF PSN UPGRADE

To all ARPANET users, Node Site Coordinators, and Host Administrators:

New versions of software are being released to the ARPANET backbone
network over the next six weeks.  This will cause minimal disruption
to the user community, but will require reloading of all Packet
Switching Nodes (PSN) on the ARPANET.  The software is referred to as
PSN 7.0 and contains the implementation of the new End to End
protocols.  A mailbox has been set up at BBNCC for questions and
comments regarding this software upgrade.  The E-mail address is
arpaupgrade@bbn.com.  The standard procedure to call the BBNCC Hotline
for problems will still be in effect.  The Toll free number is

The implementation of this software will happen in 2 phases.  The 1st
phase of the PSN 7.0 implementation will require site coordination and
cooperation.  All sites will have to place the new cassettes with boot
programs into their PSN's during their scheduled reboot.  Sites will
be notified by the ARPANET Monitoring Center, Cambridge, MA for details and
specific times for their scheduled upgrade.  New cassette tapes will
be sent to the individual node site coordinators.  This phase of the
transition moves the network from the current version (PSN 6.0) to PSN
7.0 with the new End to End protocol's not configured.  Individual
site upgrades will take approximately 15 minutes.

Phase II of the implementation will be the cutover to the New End to
End protocols.  The initial upgrade to PSN 7.0 and subsequent cutovers
will happen in the order specified in the schedule below.  Please be
aware that during the cutover period to new End to End, that said node
group will be logically segmented for a 2-3 hour test period from the
test of the ARPANET.

Any questions or comments can also be directed to Mark Whitney at
BBNCC (617) 497-2874 or Annette Bauman at DCA (703) 265-5459.

Schedule:			Event:

09/24/87-09/26-87	Node group 1 sites will be upgraded to PSN 7.0.

09/24-87-10/02/87	Resolve any outstanding issues with these sites.

10/01/87-10/03/87	Node groups 2 thru 5 upgraded to PSN 7.0.

10/03/87-10/10/87	Resolve any outstanding issues with these sites.

10/10/87		All ARPANET nodes running PSN 7.0 with new End to
			End protocols NOT configures.

10/10/87-10/17/87	Verify all operational procedures.

10/17/87		Node group 1 turnover to new End to End, operation
			verified and return to the old End to End.

10/17/87-10/24/87	Resolve any outstanding issues with above cutover.

10-24-87		The rest of the node groups cutover to new End to End,
			operation verified and returned to old End to End.

10/24/87-10/31-87	Resolve any outstanding issues with above cutover.

10/31/87		Entire ARPANET cutover to use new End to End protocols,
			operation verified, and return to the old End to End
			mode of operation.

10/31/87-11/07/87	Resolve any outstanding issues with above cutover.

11/07/87		Entire ARPANET cutover to new End to End protocols
			and left running.

11/07/87...		Statistical collection and analysis begins.

	     Group 1

	 1.  Node 79  DEC
	 2.  Node 28  ARPA
	 3.  Node 78  BERK
	 4.  Node 38  BRAGG
	 5.  Node 5   BBN5
	 6.  Node 77  MIT77
	 7.  Node 7   RAND
	 8.  Node 2   SRI2
	 9.  Node 6   MIT6
	10.  Node 91  UDEL
	11.  Node 20  DCEC
	12.  Node 14  CMU

	     Group 2

	 1.  Node 1    UCLA
	 2.  Node 22   ISI22
	 3.  Node 27   ISI27
	 4.  Node 52   ISI52
  	 5.  Node 68   LBL2
	 6.  Node 82   BBN82
	 7.  Node 107  SRI107
	 8.  Node 119  ARADC
	 9.  Node 126  NSA2

	     Group 3

	 1.  Node 25   CSS
	 2.  Node 32   XEROX
	 3.  Node 44   MIT44
	 4.  Node 46   COLNS
	 5.  Node 51   SRI51
	 6.  Node 63   BBN63
	 7.  Node 94   WISC
	 8.  Node 121  US121
	 9.  Node 127  N127

	     Group 4

	 1.  Node 9    HARV
	 2.  Node 15   UROCH
	 3.  Node 31   CCA
	 4.  Node 4    UTAH
	 5.  Node 56   SUMEX
	 6.  Node 62   TEXAS

	     Group 5

	 1.  Node 37   PURDUE
	 2.  Node 80   SAC
	 3.  Node 99   BBN99
	 4.  Node 10   LINC
	 5.  Node 89   COLUM
	 6.  Node 96   UDEL
	 7.  Node 11   STAN
	 8.  Node 54   CIT
	 9.  Node 111  MTR2
        10.  Node 13   UCOLORADO
        11.  Node 17   UMARYLAND

             Group 6

         1.  Node 115  CAMBRIDGE*

*NOTE:  This is a temporary node and will cease to exist after the
        end to end cutover has been completed.