[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Need TCP/IP on RSTS/E

ad2@j.cc.purdue.edu (Bill Bormann) (12/31/87)

We are interested in finding some combination of hardware and software
that will give a PDP-11/70 running RSTS/E V9.1 TCP/IP capability.  Any
pointers or assistance would be greatly appreciated;  please send any
information to:

	ad2@j.cc.purdue.edu (Internet)
	bormann@purccvm (BITNET)

Thanks for your help.

Bill Bormann
Purdue University Computing Center

LYNCH@A.ISI.EDU (Dan Lynch) (01/02/88)

Bill,  You should contact Phil Denzer at Process Software in 
Amherst, MA.  They do a lot of PDP-11 based TCP/IP stuff.
They are at 413-549-6994.


martillo@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (01/02/88)

I believe that in some incarnation the PC/IP package ran on PDP-11s
under unix.  The software of course nowadays runs on PCs and makes no
use of Unix (or Unix-like) system calls except I think for _exit()
which is provided in the microsoft C library for DOS.  If you have
a C compiler, it might be worth trying to compile the  PC/IP programs
on your PDP-11.

JBVB@AI.AI.MIT.EDU ("James B. VanBokkelen") (01/05/88)

    ....  If you have a C compiler, it might be worth trying to compile
    the  PC/IP programs on your PDP-11.

All fine, except that PC-IP is 1) dependent on an 18 ticks/sec clock in a
lot of places 2) very 808x-dependent in the tasking, timer and display
modules and 3) has a built-in hardware driver which would need a complete
re-write for another interface/architecture.  The problem with RSTS is
that DEC has never done anything to ease user-written device drivers,
and there was nothing like the VMS XE driver to allow user programs to
get at the raw ethernet the last I knew.  It would be a good place to
start, but it won't be a short job.


map@GAAK.LCS.MIT.EDU (Michael A. Patton) (01/05/88)

   Date: Mon,  4 Jan 88 19:41:09 EST
   From: "James B. VanBokkelen" <JBVB@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>

       ....  If you have a C compiler, it might be worth trying to compile
       the  PC/IP programs on your PDP-11.

   All fine, except that PC-IP is ...

You missed the point earlier in that message where the author said
that they thought it had originally been done on PDP11s.  That's
actually where the author went wrong.  The PCIP code was originally
designed for the MS-DOS environment and is therefore probably
completely unsuited to conversion to RSTS.  The MIT UNIX V6 code on
the other hand ... :-\

					... The problem with RSTS is
   that DEC has never done anything to ease user-written device drivers,
   and there was nothing like the VMS XE driver to allow user programs to
   get at the raw ethernet the last I knew.
I heard rumors (shortly after you left the RSTS community James, and
shortly before I did) that such an interface was in the offing.  I
have not heard what came of that.

martillo@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (01/06/88)

While the display code and the network interface code (which live in
their own separate library modules) are rather dependent on
characteristics of the PC and DOS, I would say the rest of the code is
rather machine and OS independent even though small chunks of assembly
code would have to be rewritten for a given target machine.

I thought the PCIP code was developed under a Darpa grant for the DOS
environment but that the starting point was a package which ran under
PDP11 Unix and there is a comment in the tasking package to this effect.

However, once I asked Jerry Saltzer why the event flag was cleared by the
scheduler and not left for the task to clear so that useful information
could be passed via the event flag to the task and he mentioned in reply
that the tasking piece at least was running on Multics in 1966 (I may have
the year off) so that large chunks of the code have run in at least
3 different environments.  I think I saw that Tim Maroney ported the
code to the Macintosh so that chunks of PCIP have run in at least
4 very different environments.  

ROMKEY@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU (John Romkey) (01/07/88)

> All fine, except that PC-IP is 1) dependent on an 18 ticks/sec clock in a
> lot of places 2) very 808x-dependent in the tasking, timer and display
> modules and 3) has a built-in hardware driver which would need a complete
> re-write for another interface/architecture.  The problem with RSTS is

It's not *that* much of a problem. The 18 ticks/second clock is parametrized
in a constant in a header file so that all references to ticks can
be done as seconds * (ticks/second). It's not really a problem through
most of the code.

The 8086 dependencies are simply that there's some assembly code. In
the tasking package, you need to rewrite the code which does a context
switch. The timer code isn't 8086 dependent, and anyone who might be
porting PC/IP to another system would probably through out the entire
display package, anyway.

Any hardware drivers would have to be rewritten from scratch, anyway, since
it's a different set of hardware.

PC/IP origially ran on a PDP-11. If porting it back to a PDP-11 turns out
to be difficult, it shouldn't be because of architectural problems
or because of 8086 dependencies. PC/IP was derived from the PDP-11
V6 Unix code Mike Patton mentioned in a later message. I don't know if you
can still find someone at MIT who can or will give you that code.
				- john romkey

beadel@OSWEGO.OSWEGO.EDU (Edward.F.Beadel@oswego.oswego.edu, Jr.) (01/08/88)

>> 					... The problem with RSTS is
>>    that DEC has never done anything to ease user-written device drivers,
>>    and there was nothing like the VMS XE driver to allow user programs to
>>    get at the raw ethernet the last I knew.
>  I heard rumors (shortly after you left the RSTS community James, and
>  shortly before I did) that such an interface was in the offing.  I
>  have not heard what came of that.

In the RSTS/E V9.4 Programming Manual (DEC Order Number AA-EZ09A-TC {
including AD-EZ09A-T1,T2}) the aboved problem is addressed: " In order to
increase the flexibility of Ethernet on RSTS/E, DIGITAL has provided a
direct interface to the Ethernet data link layer for RSTS/E users. This 
interface resembles the interface provided for the DMC/DMR communications
devices, and can be programmed with or without DECnet/E on the system."
(page 11-3)

This allows use of both UNIBUS controllers (DELUA and DEUNA) as device XE:
and the Q-bus controller (DEQNA) as device XH:.

		Edward F. Beadel, Jr.
		RSTS SIG Steering Committee
		UNIGIG rep to DECUS PDP-11 Task Force