[net.jobs] Age-based pay scales

matejcek@parvax.DEC (09/13/85)

Curtis Jackson says: 

><flame on!!>
>AGE?!?!  You're going to seriously base a person's salary on, among other
>things, \age/ ?  I sincerely hope you get NO applicants whatsoever for these
>positions, with a discriminatory attitude like that!
>How do you figure that age weighting on the salary?

It isn't uncommon in other countries for salary calculations to take
the candidate's age as an input variable.  I was once offered a job
in Germany, which I perceive to be sort of a 'free Socialist state.'
In a given position, the older a person is the more s/he will earn.
It seemed like kind of a national union-scale.  I was about thirty
at the time, and had done reasonably well in parlaying my skills
into an interesting career.  What they offered me was disappointing,
despite the many 'social services' which would have been available
to me.  They explained that, by their standards, my salary was
inflated versus my age, but that I'd have a lot to look forward
to in ten years.....

(I didn't take the job.)