ralphw@IUS3.IUS.CS.CMU.EDU (Ralph Hyre) (04/05/88)
Well, such a group (for interesting stuff) already exists in the Internet side of things. It's called INFO-COBOL. Why not create comp.lang.cobol on the USENET side (which would be even better from a bean-counter-point of view, plus have some kind of correspondence with with already existing list.) Some enterprising soul could set up a one-way link between the groups if necessary (since I doubt the Internetters would want to put up with the trash from the USENET side, and the USENET types probably wouldn't put up with 'moderation' anyway.) Here's a copy of the mail I sent... I wonder how many header-parsing programs and news systems it will break? Date: Mon, 4 Apr 88 18:42:38 EDT From: Ralph.Hyre@IUS3.IUS.CS.CMU.EDU To: webber@ARAMIS.RUTGERS.EDU Subject: NO for comp.protocols.tcp-ip.eniac It might be acceptable if the name were changed to comp.lang.cobol, since there's an info-cobol (hack) mailing list in the Internet which could be fed into comp.lang.cobol. Thanks. - Ralph -- - Ralph W. Hyre, Jr. Internet: ralphw@ius2.cs.cmu.edu Phone:(412)268-{2847,3275} CMU-{BUGS,DARK} Amateur Packet Radio: N3FGW@W2XO, or c/o W3VC, CMU Radio Club, Pittsburgh, PA -- - Ralph W. Hyre, Jr. Internet: ralphw@ius2.cs.cmu.edu Phone:(412)268-{2847,3275} CMU-{BUGS,DARK} Amateur Packet Radio: N3FGW@W2XO, or c/o W3VC, CMU Radio Club, Pittsburgh, PA