[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Asynchronous Framing Technique Document File: AFT.DOC

n2dsy@hou2d.UUCP (G.BEATTIE) (04/08/88)

Here is the document file that I promised last week describing
the Asynchonous Framing Technique (AFT).  This is only a
framing protocol.  It contains NO state machine, transparency
and error control. 

Four files will follow this message(but only in comp.protocols.tcp-ip):
1. AFT.C - a machine independent implementation of the AFT software.
2. ASYNC.ASM - an MS-DOS device driver to use with AFT.
3. TEST1.C - a test and demo programme for the AFT software.
4. Test2.C - another test and demo programme for the AFT software.

The file contained in this message is AFT.DOC.

If you like what you see here in the document file, go to the
newsgroup "comp.protocols.tcp-ip" and pull the other four files.

            Machine Independent Asynchronous Framing Technique (AFT)

            Version 1.0, by John Howell (N2FVN), August 7, 1987

            This software is in the public domain.  It is provided on an
            'as is' basis without warranty.

            This is a portable implementation of the Asynchronous
            Framing Technique for X.25 (X.25/AFT) Revision 2 coded in
            the C language.  AFT is a protocol which allows X.25 style
            framing to be done over an asynchronous communication
            channel.  It allows for detection of the start and end of
            frames, detection of corrupted transmission, and sending of
            frames containing eight bit characters over communication
            links which cannot accept all possible characters.

            AFT is intended to be used as a replacement for the X.25
            level two framing technique in cases where synchronous
            communication is not practical.

            For more information on X.25/AFT contact:

                 Research Department
                 Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
                 705 Westech Drive
                 Norcross, Georgia   30092

            This implementation of AFT supports all features of revision
            two of the protocol.  A method is provided to select which
            of the possible options are to be used.  The implementation
            has three components:

                 1) Option Selection
                 2) Frame Transmission
                 3) Frame Reception

            The interface to the user of AFT was chosen to allow use of
            the software in many different environments.  As provided
            this software requires additional machine dependant software
            to provide a full AFT implementation.  The transmit and
            receive routines have been implemented in such a way that
            they may be called either within interrupt service routines
            as characters are sent and received or they may be called
            from non-interrupt routines which fill or empty queues used
            by the software doing the hardware dependant portion of the

            This implementation provides no actual routines to do I/O
            since this is highly machine dependant.

            In this program the terms bytes and characters are used as
            synonyms for eight bit groups of data which are known as
            octets in X.25.  This program assumes that the
            implementation of type 'char' is an eight bit value.  Also

            the type 'int' is assumed to be at least 16 bits in size.

            An attempt has been made to only use those features of C
            which are common to nearly all implementations.  This code
            was actually tested using Microsoft C version 4.0.

            Some abbreviations used in this program are:
                 FCS  Frame Check Sequence
                 LEN  Length
                 OPT  Option
                 RX   Receive
                 SUB  Substituted
                 TX   Transmit



            Interface to External Routines

            The following routines make up the interface to the AFT
            implementation.  It is assumed that the user is familiar
            with the C language.


            aft_options(ebdt, transparency_level, suffix_len,
                        suffix, max_rx_len)

            This routine selects the options to be used for AFT
            communication.  It must be called at least once before any
            other AFT routines are used.  It may be called again later
            to change the previously selected options.  This should only
            be done at a time when no frames are being sent or received.

            'ebdt' is a flag (0=false, non-zero=true) which determines
            whether the eight-bit data transparency option is to be used
            on transmit and receive.  The EBDT option should only be
            used in cases where the communication path does not transfer
            the high order bit of characters transparently.  This option
            must be selected identically on both the sending and
            receiving sides of the link.  Use of this feature adds an
            extra 14% overhead to the communications.

            'transparency_level' takes on one of three values. Zero
            indicates that basic transparency is to be used.  This
            should be selected when the communication path allows
            transparent transmission of all 256 possible characters. One
            indicates that flow control transparency is to be used.
            This should be selected when the transmission of X-on and X-
            off characters would cause the receiver to perform flow
            control which would prevent them from appearing within
            frames.  Two indicates that control-character transparency

            is to be used. This should be selected when the transmission
            path does not allow transparent transmission of some control
            characters.  Each higher numbered option adds more overhead
            to transmitted frames.

            'suffix_len' is the length of a string which will be
            appended to each frame when it is sent.  This feature is
            used to provide any extra characters which the receiving
            system may require to recognize the end of an input.  Zero
            should be used when no frame suffix is to be added which is
            the most common case.  The maximum suffix allowed is three

            'suffix' is a pointer to the actual character string in
            which the suffix is stored.  This is only examined if the
            suffix length is non-zero.  This string may contain up to
            three characters which may each be any value.

            'max_rx_len' is the size of the buffer which will be used
            for receiving frames.  This length is used by the receive
            frame routines to prevent storing data past the end of the
            buffer.  Received frames which are too long will be
            discarded.  The receive buffer provided must be at least two
            characters larger than the maximum expected frame size.
            This is required since buffer is used for temporary storage
            of the two character frame check sequence.


            int aft_tx_start(length, buffer)

            This is the routine used to do the setup for transmitting a
            frame.  This routine returns a value of zero if a new frame
            cannot be started because a frame is already being sent, or
            a value of one if the request is accepted.  In either case
            this routine returns immediately.  The actual sending of the
            frame is done by aft_tx_char.

            'length' is the length of the frame to be sent.  The minimum
            valid frame length is two characters.  The maximum is
            limited only by the restrictions of the C compiler used.

            'buffer' is a pointer to the buffer holding the frame to be
            sent.  This buffer should contain only the address, control,
            and information fields for the frame.  The AFT routines will
            generate starting and closing flags, frame check sequence,
            and other characters required for transparency when the
            frame is sent.  AFT will not modify the contents of the
            buffer.  The buffer contents should not be modified by any
            other routines until transmission of the frame is completed
            or an incorrect frame may be sent.


            int aft_tx_char()

            This routine is used to obtain the next character to be sent
            in order to transmit a frame.  It returns characters to be
            sent as a value from zero to 255 in the low order byte of
            the returned integer and zero in the high order byte of the
            integer.  Once the final character of the frame has been
            sent the return value will be one in the high order byte and
            a flag character in the low order byte.

            This routine is designed to be either used as a non-
            interrupt routine to which is called in a loop to fill an
            outgoing buffer which will be sent by other software or
            called within an interrupt routine when a transmitter buffer
            empty condition occurs to provide the next character to be
            sent.  When used in an interrupt routine the caller may
            ignore the upper byte of the return value.  If this is done
            then the result will be to send continuous flags between



            This routine may be called to cause aft_send_char to abort
            the frame it is currently sending.  A lead-in character is
            sent followed by a flag to indicate that the receiver should
            ignore the frame.  It a frame is not being sent then no
            action is taken.


            int aft_tx_complete()

            This routine is intended to be used in cases where
            aft_tx_char is being called during interrupt service.  It
            provides a way for non-interrupt routines to poll for frame
            sending completion. It returns zero if a frame is currently
            being sent or one if no frame is being sent.  A frame is
            considered to be sent once aft_tx_char is about to return
            the frame complete code (0x017E) to its caller.  Instead of
            using this routine aft_tx_char may be easily modified to
            take any desired action when sending of a frame is


            int aft_rx_start(buffer)

            This routine provides a buffer for the AFT software to use
            to receive a frame into.  This routine returns a value of
            zero if the buffer is not accepted because a receive
            operation is already in progress or a value of one if the
            buffer is accepted.  In either case this routine returns
            immediately to its caller.

            'buffer' is a pointer to the buffer into which the frame

            will be received.  This buffer will be filled one character
            at a time by aft_rx_char as characters for the frame are
            received.  Once the receive operation is completed this
            buffer will hold the received frame address, control, and
            information fields.  All flags, FCS, and extra transparency
            characters will have been removed.


            int aft_rx_char(c)

            This routine accepts a received character and adds it to the
            frame being received.  If aft_rx_start has not been called
            to provide a buffer for receive then the first few
            characters of the frame will be saved in a temporary buffer.
            This will prevent loss of data in cases where aft_rx_char is
            being called directly by the receive interrupt service
            routine.  This routine can also be called by a non-interrupt
            routine which obtains the characters from a received
            character queue.  A value of zero is returned if this
            character does not complete a frame.  A non-zero return
            value indicates that the character provided completed the
            received frame.  In this case the value returned is the
            length of the frame which is contained in the receive

            If an invalid FCS is received at the end of the frame then
            the frame will be discarded.  A frame of less than two bytes
            will also be discarded.

            'c' is the next character received from the communication



            This routine is called to indicate the occurrence of an
            error condition on the communication line.  Possible
            conditions may be framing error, break received, parity
            error (if in EBDT mode), time out (which is not required for
            AFT), or overrun.  When this routine is called AFT discards
            the frame currently being received and begins searching for
            the start of the next frame.

            int aft_rx_complete()

            This routine is used in cases where aft_rx_char is being
            called during interrupt service.  It provides a way for non-
            interrupt routines to poll for completion of a receive
            operation.  It returns zero if the receive operation has not
            completed and the received frame length if it has.  After
            this routine returns that a frame has completed then
            aft_rx_start should be called as quickly as possible to
            provide a new receive buffer.  If this is not done in time

            then the next incoming frame may be lost.  Instead of using
            this routine aft_rx_char may be easily modified to take any
            desired action when sending of a frame is completed.