jbvb@VAX.FTP.COM (James Van Bokkelen) (04/08/88)
Recently, various people concerned with government RFPs have been asking if my product conformed to the MIL-STDs. I know the original 1983 MIL-STDs for IP and TCP, at least (1777 and 1778) were wrong (as outlined in RFC 963 & 964). I have no information which even hints that they have been, or will be, corrected. I have also been told by authorities whose word I accept "where the RFCs and the MIL-STDs differ, the RFCs are correct". Accordingly, I have been telling these people "We conform to the RFCs, and to the MIL-STDs to the extent that they are correct." However, a case has recently arisen where someone wanted more than just my word on it. I gave them some people's names, and an organization or two. At one of the places they called, the person they spoke to (not someone closely involved in Internet development) told them that they thought the MIL-STDs superceded the RFCs. Is there a document where the primacy of the RFCs is explicitly stated (other than being implied in RFC 1011, "Official Internet Protocols")? Is there an organization which I should direct these questions to? A person at that organization who considers it their business to answer such, and is vested in some sort of formal authority that should be accepted by the questioning parties? I promise to only use it as a last resort... James VanBokkelen FTP Software Inc.
I tell you three times: "where the MIL-STDS and RFC's disagree, the RFCs are correct". The point of contact for standards matters is Kevin Ebel, Ebel@DCA-EMS.ARPA, tell him I sent you *grin*. Seriously though - officially, the MIL-STDs superceded the RFCs, however we (DCA and DCEC) are aware that the MIL-STDs have some problems. (Like IP not being able to deliver data to its ULP, or was it TCP? *grin*). Our guidance has been to take the average of the RFCs and the MIL-STDs... sort of... Mike (Umm, if you get guidance that is different than the above, I would appreciate hearing details on who said it so I can either get them or me straightened out. ) I guess I ought to make it official: Mike StJohns, Capt, USAF, DDN Program, Defense Communication Agency