[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] RATS Open Systems Environment

n2dsy@hou2d.UUCP (G.BEATTIE) (04/19/88)

	       The Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society

			 206 North Vivyen Street

		      Bergenfield, New Jersey  07621


       The Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society (RATS) is proud to present

	      a	forum at the 1988 Dayton Hamvention called:

       ROSE: Open Systems Networking in	the RATS Open Systems Environment

       The talk	will focus on the reality of Open Systems
       Networking in Amateur Radio.  The Society has been involved
       in the development of mail/file/directory servers and
       networking software based on international communications

       Radio Amateurs who are telecommunications professionals or
       packet radio users will find this talk especially
       interesting and enlightening, but the novice networker will
       have no trouble following the presentation.

       * Software Distribution

       Currently, the beta version of the ROSE X.25 Packet Switch
       and the release of the ROSErver/Packet Radio MailBox System
       are available.  The Society will	distribute the latest
       releases	of its software	at the session.	 Bring 5-1/4 or	3-
       1/2 inch	diskettes for software and documentation.  Remember
       RATS distributes	its software for free!	Come and get it!

       * Where to Find RATS at Dayton

       Members of RATS will be present in the PAC-COMM Packet Radio
       Systems booth (Booth 277/278).  Members will be able to
       demonstrate and copy software for you to	take home and use.
       Handouts	describing our activities and frequencies of
       operation will be distributed at	the packet forum on Friday
       afternoon from 1-5.  We also are	planning to be available
       for the Packet Get-Together at McNasty's	on Saturday

       The RATS	ROSE Forum

       Time:   9:30 - 11:00

       Place:  ROOM 1 (check your programme to be sure)

       The forum will consist of three three 30	minute talks.  Each
       will explore an aspect of the Open Systems implemented by
       the Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society (RATS).
       Questions will be taken by each speaker.


       09:30   Review of Open Systems Networks and Protocols

	       - Presented by J. Gordon	Beattie, Jr., N2DSY

		 This talk will	provide	an overview of a network
		 based on Open Systems.	 The specific protocols
		 and user services will	be defined alone with the
		 network management and	planning dependencies found
		 in a cooperative network.

       10:00   The ROSE	X.25 Packet Switch

	       - Presented by Thomas A.	Moulton, W2VY

		 This talk will	concentrate on the OSI Network Services
		 and how the ROSE X.25 Switch will support the users of
		 "vanilla" AX.25, OSI Applications, TCP/IP and Net/ROM.

       10:30   The ROSErver Mail, File and Directory Server

	       - Presented by Andrew R.	Funk, KB7UV

		 This talk will	concentrate on OSI Application Services
		 and how the ROSErver/Packet Radio Mail	Box System will
		 provide these services	to users and other systems.