efbatey%tervax.DECnet@NSWSES.ARPA ("TERVAX::EFBATEY") (04/24/88)
--------------- Reply-To: <efbatey@nswses.arpa> I have a half dozen Micon-Interlan NTS-100 Telnet / Rlogin servers (V2.0 Boot Feature Packs). Any one of them interfacing my Micom 3124EH-S1 Hayes-Clone or different 3124 suffer from a common problem. Conditions are 1200 baud, DTE-set, XON/XOFF IN, XON/XOFF OUT, using the vi editor, a screen busy process (best, but not only demo). An inbound caller is executing commands which solicit more output while the output (to users terminal crt). Output to remote terminal from last command is in progress (user TYPE AHEAD). User gets rudely awakened when the { BSD or SysV host | network | NTS-100 } exits. The process on the host terminates. The user is greeted by Serv_prompt> without even a courtesy { 'buffer overflow' | 'if only XON/XOFF really worked' | 'if server had more spool space' } message. I bought nearly a year ago from the newly formed Micom .AND. Interlan which now barely admit the other exists. Interlan keeps trying but they seem to be an East coast company and will not even log onto my system to witness my problem. Anyone with any experience or suggestions IS INVITED. I'll buy lunch. ------------------------------------------------------------ | Everett F. Batey II } { UUCP: sun!tsunami!nswed5!efb | | USNSWSES - Code 4V33 } { ARPA: efbatey@NOBBS.UCSB.EDU | | After HOSTS.TXT.726 } { efbatey@NSWSES.ARPA | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------