[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] TCP/IP Books

root@vijit.UUCP (12/18/87)

Comer's new book is entitled "Internetworking With TCP/IP:  Principles, 
Protocols, and Architecture", to be published by Prentice-Hall.  It's not
published yet.

Another series of books that may be useful is "Handbook of
Computer-Communications Standards".  There are three volumes published 
separately by MacMillan.  As far as I know, only the first volume is 
actually in print.  The others are "Real Soon Now".
Volume 1:  The OSI Model and OSI-Related Standards
Volume 2:  Local Networks Standards
Volume 3:  The Department of Defense (DoD) Standards
The author/editor of these three volumes is William Stallings.

[I am told that the (take a deep breath) Library of Computer and Information
Science Book Club (whew!) will be offering these 3 books both together
and separately in their February mailing.  I joined this club some years
ago and have gotten some very good books from it cheaper than retail (even
if you add in shipping).  This book club is run by MacMillan.  If you're
interested, let me know, because I can get freebies (and so can you) when
you join.  This was not meant to be a commercial, but just to tell you how
to get good books without paying an arm & leg.]

Stallings also has written (among other books) "Data and Computer
Communications", also published by MacMillan.  The 2nd edition has just
hit the streets, so don't buy the 1st edition unless you want/have to.
This book is considered by MacMillan to be a college text rather than a
"commercial" book, so try college book stores first.  MacMillan will not
let individuals order this book, only bookstores.  A source in Chicago is

Hope this informations helps those looking for TCP/IP books.  Does anyone
have a list of other books that might be of interest?

Dave Madsen   ---dcm

ihnp4!vijit!madsen    or    vijit!madsen@gargoyle.uchicago.edu

peter@julian.UWO.CDN (Peter Marshall) (12/25/87)

In article <8712180837.AA06536@gargoyle.uchicago.edu> root@vijit.UUCP writes:
>Another series of books that may be useful is "Handbook of
>Computer-Communications Standards"....
>The author/editor of these three volumes is William Stallings.
>[I am told that the (take a deep breath) Library of Computer and Information
>Science Book Club (whew!) will be offering these 3 books both together
>and separately in their February mailing. ...

These books appeared in the December mailing for response by January
31, 1988 (at least in Canada).  The first volume is a "selection" and
the others are optional.
Peter Marshall, Data Comm. Manager
CCS, U. of Western Ontario, London, Canada N6A 5B7
pm@uwovax.BITNET; pm@uwovax.uwo.cdn; peter@julian.uucp; ...!watmath!julian!peter

CERF@A.ISI.EDU (12/29/87)

A short but very nice introduction to TCP/IP protocols was
recently published by Ungermann-Bass via Springer-Verlag:

An Introduction to TCP/IP
John Davidson,
(c) 1988
ISBN 0-387-96651-X
ISBN 3-540-96651-X

Vint Cerf

lear@aramis.rutgers.edu (eliot lear) (01/02/88)

Dr. Hedrick has written an introduction to TCP-IP which is perfect
for the beginner.  The documentation is located on INTERNET host
TOPAZ.RUTGERS.EDU [] located in pub/tcp-ip-docs.  In that
same directory is a group of relavent RFCs such as RFC 791.
Eliot Lear

dnwcv@dcatla.UUCP (William C. VerSteeg) (02/10/88)

There have been a couple of books about TCP/IP announced recently. I have
been asked by some support people at my site which one would be a good 
one to read. I have not read any of the new ones. Please give me your
impressions of the available books. A pointer to a book review would be
also appreciated. Reply to me. I will summarize to the net.

Thanks in Advance

Bill VerSteeg
Digital Communications Associates

M197993%SLVM307.McAuto.Tymnet@OFFICE-1.ARPA (Keith R. Hacke) (04/30/88)

is something like "Internetworking with TCP/IP". If you know the ISBN, that
would do it for me.

Keith Hacke
McDonnell Douglas - St. Louis

postel@VENERA.ISI.EDU (04/30/88)

Keith Hacke:

ISBN 0-13-470154-2 025


LYNCH@A.ISI.EDU (Dan Lynch) (04/30/88)

Doug Comer's new book on TCP/IP is entitled "Internetworking with TCP/IP",
with a subtitle of "Principles, Protocols, and Architecture".  It
is published by Prentice Hall.  The ISBN is 0-13-470154-2.

It is a 375 page book that explains how and why it all works.
