[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] att.com domain wierdness

paulf@Shasta.STANFORD.EDU (Paul A. Flaherty) (05/06/88)

I've noticed that the att.com MX entry keeps on drifting between att.arpa
and rutgers.edu; can anyone give an explaination?

-=Paul Flaherty, N9FZX	     | One Internet to rule them all,    -- Tome
Computer Systems Laboratory  | One Internet to find them;            of 
Stanford University          | One Internet to bring them all,    Internet
->paulf@shasta.Stanford.EDU  | And in the Ether bind them.         Hacking

lear@athos.rutgers.edu (eliot lear) (05/10/88)

Thank you for your note.  The problem has been noted and corrective
action has been taken on this end.
Eliot Lear