[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] simultaneous connection

Mills@UDEL.EDU (10/19/88)

How quickly we forget. John is absolutely correct and I have a bum chip
in my memory socket. RFC-759, which describes MPM, does not mention the
source port number, but does specify 45 as the destination port number.
I presume the distinction is mentioned in the SRI report that we eventually
adopted for the tests and bakeoffs (heck, I even left fossilized
implementations of MMM on the fuzzballs). Want I should send you an MMM
message for old time's sake?

Dave sends

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To: Mills@louie.udel.edu
Subject: Re: simultaneous connection 
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Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 10:23:13 PDT
From: John Hight <hight@tsca.istc.sri.com>

>The only scenario I know in the Internet archeology is the relic
>Multimedia Message Protocol (MPM), in which the message agents used
>the same TCP port number for both the source and destination ports.


Not that it's very important, but I believe you are mistaken here. MPM
used different specific port numbers for both the source and
destination ports (45 and 46 to be precise). And it's Message
Processing Module.

John Hight
SRI International

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