hwb@MERIT.EDU (Hans-Werner Braun) (10/22/88)
Susan Hares actually handles Routing Coordination as part of our NSFNET project. She is Very Interested in maps of regional networks and, in fact, has a pretty accurate set already. I am sure she would be happy to also get campus maps, be it PostScript, ASCII or USMail. We are indeed trying to make maps available on nis.nsf.net for public FTP (unless people declare the maps they give us as private). Campus maps could even be of educational value to others. There are a couple of documents on nis.nsf.net and merit.edu I think in a "ndoc" ("network documentation") directory, including a PS map of the logical topoloy. You should be able to find a physical map there soon, too. The ndoc format may change a little as it is not finalized yet (and so far we had not even announced it to the regional networks). I am only posting it here because some question was asked about it. Susan, by the way, is not part of the Information Services (similar to NIC) group, but part of my engineering staff. If you have maps for her, please do contact her at skh@merit.edu. General questions should be send to nsfnet-info@merit.edu (which typically gets answered by the Information Services staff). -- Hans-Werner PS: There should be a NSFNET overview article in probably the December issue of ConneXions, which will include both a physical and a logical map. Neither topology has changed since the new NSFNET backbone became operational at the beginning of July.