[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] "...not Analyzer commercials please!"

jbvb@VAX.FTP.COM (James Van Bokkelen) (03/14/89)

Mr. Saal:

Your own employees have also been known to answer posted questions with
information about your product.  I don't have any of them to hand, but I
recall them as 1) informative and useful re: Sniffers, 2) not mentioning
your competition, 3) not discussing any negative aspects of your product.

In my public answers to questions, I attempt to be balanced, and either
provide a summary of the whole market (or as much of it as I am aware of),
or give details and trade-offs about our contribution to it.  I don't promise
perfection, but the feedback I have gotten has been almost entirely positive
(you are the exception, to date).

Mr. Peck's message had three classes of content:  First, a demonstration
of how useful network monitoring equipment can be (many users are amazed at
the actual content of their cables).  Second, information about HP's having
remedied a widely-discussed deficiency (perhaps a dozen postings in 1988,
across the lists/groups I read) in their product.  Third, an enthusiastic
recommendation for it.  The first is indirectly a commercial for the whole
concept of network monitors.  The last you criticize as "commercial", but I
didn't find it significantly worse than what I consider average for vendor

Myself, I am pleased each time another vendor-connected net-person is heard
from, because it means the net has gotten bigger, and represents a better
resource to its users.  If you and Mr. Peck can be relied on to post current
information in replies to relevant questions, I will be happy.  Globally,
it means the network community will be better informed, and personally, I
won't feel compelled to type so much.

James B. VanBokkelen		26 Princess St., Wakefield, MA  01880
FTP Software Inc.		voice: (617) 246-0900  fax: (617) 246-0901