[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] TCP/IP requested for ATT 3B systems

mcguffey@muvms1.bitnet (Michael McGuffey) (04/18/89)

Our Computer Science department recently received an ATT 3B15, and our
College of Science has had several 3B2/400's for a while.  They would 
like some "connectivity" to the outside world.

The University Computer Center has VAX computers running VMS with DECnet 
and TCP/IP (Internet) connections to other campuses.

Each could probably swing funding for an Ethernet card, but commercial
software is expensive.  Are any "free" TCP/IP implementations available
for the 3B series of  computers? 

What are other alternatives for connecting 3B's to a VMS/VAX system?



Michael McGuffey, Senior Software Applications Analyst
Phone:    304/696-3212			University Computer Center 
FAX:      304/696-3601			Marshall University
BITNET:   mcguffey@muvms1		Huntington, WV 25755-5320
Internet: mcguffey%muvms3@wvnvms.wvnet.edu

sadler@heurikon.UUCP (Jon Sadler) (04/21/89)

TCP/IP software is available for the 3B2 and 3B15 from AT&T.  This package
was developed by The Wollengong Group, and is an enhanced 4.2BSD style
implementation (eg. sockets, no subnets, TLI support).  It does include
the Berkeley utilities (rsh, rlogin, rcp, sendmail) and routed support.

This package is available through AT&T's University Grant program, and
University discounts are also possible.  Contact your local AT&T rep. for
more information on this package, educational discounts, and grant programs.

If you have any specific questions on the implementation, feel free to
contact me.

Jonathan Sadler

BANG PATH:      ...rutgers!uwvax!heurikon!sadler   SNAIL: Jonathan Sadler
                ...rutgers!nucsrl!laidbak!sadler          Heurikon Corp.
UUCP DOMAIN:    sadler@heurikon.UUCP                      3201 Latham Drive
                sadler@laidbak.UUCP                       Madison, WI 53713
ARPA:           sadler@csd4.milw.wisc.edu          PHONE: (608) 271-8700