BILLW@MATHOM.CISCO.COM (William Westfield) (04/28/89)
When sun client telnet is in single character, remote echo mode, and you type return, it sends <cr><null>. This is fine. When in line-at-a-time, local echo mode, it sends lines terminated by <cr><lf>. This is fine too. When in single character, local echo mode, and you type return, it apparently send a plain <lf>. This is wrong, and troublesome to some applications who really want to see <cr> or <eol>. Is there a fix/patch/new version of SUN telnet? This bugs seems to be in the telnets shipped with both 3.5 and 4.0 SUNOS... Thanks Bill W -------
rms@saturn.ACC.COM (Ron Stoughton acc_gnsc) (04/29/89)
When in single character, local echo mode, and you type return, it apparently send a plain <lf>. This is wrong, and troublesome to some applications who really want to see <cr> or <eol>. Is there a fix/patch/new version of SUN telnet? This bugs seems to be in the telnets shipped with both 3.5 and 4.0 SUNOS... I too am interested in the answer to this question. We have changed our RFC-compliant server Telnet to grok <lf> as Telnet <eol> and are about to distribute this to our customers. I am inclined to cave into the needs of our customers rather than stand our ground and be technically right. However, isn't this stretching the robustness principle beyond its intended purpose. Ron Stoughton