cassel@villanova.EDU (Boots Cassel) (05/19/89)
ACM Computer Science Conference Call for Participation The ACM Computer Science Conference provides a forum for the transfer and exchange of information in three contexts: * Between experts or specialists in one area of computer science and others whose specialties are marginally related or somewhat affected by results in the first area. Communication is between researchers in different, though possibly overlapping domains. SURVEY PAPERS of some depth are suitable submissions. * Among specialists in areas of computer science either too new or too narrowly focused to have its own conference. The CSC provides an opportunity for such researchers to meet and for others to hear of their work. RESEARCH PAPERS, POSTER SESSION participation, and birds of a feather sessions in the specialty area are complemented by other CSC events: the TURING lecture, ACM awards, EXHIBITS by publishers and vendors of computing hardware and software, and the employment register. * Finally, the CSC is an opportunity to gain exposure to current research in a number of CS areas, for general interest and knowledge updating. ACM CSC 1990 February 21-23, 1990 Sheraton Washington Hotel Washington, DC Preconference Tutorials: February 20 General Chairman: David Rine drine@gmuvax (bitnet) Program Chairman: Arun Sood CSC90@gmuvax Exhibits Chairman: Keith Milller Conference Theme: Cooperation The three conference theme days will feature invited speakers, panels, refereed papers, and poster sessions emphasizing the topic areas: Cooperation Among Processing Units (Hybrid Computers, Neural Networks, Distributed Operating Systems, Distributed Optimization, Distributed Database, Computer Complexity of Distributed Systems, Parallel Architectures) Cooperation Among Technologies (Hardware/Software Engineering, Telecommunications/Computers, Theory/Practice, Languages, Biology/Computer Science) Cooperation Among Disciplines (Human Machine Interfaces, Visualization in Scientific Computing, Opto-electronics, VLSI and Software Engineering, Factory of the Future, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, CAD/CAM, System Engineering, Computers in Medicine) Important dates: Papers (5 copies <= 20 pages, double spaced, 12 pt.) August 15, 1989 Acceptance Notice: November 1, 1989 Camera Ready Copy: December 1, 1989 The Program Committee will select outstanding papers to be considered for expansion into CACM or one of the other ACM publications (depending on subject). Research abstracts and short reports suitable for poster session: Camera ready form (12 pt font, single column 4.2" wide 250 words) must be received by November 15, 1989. Notice of review decision by December 15. The SIGCSE (Computer Science Education) Technical Symposium will be held in conjunction with the CSC, February 23-24, 1990. For further information, contact Dr. Richard Austing: