[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Joining the Internet

randyd@microsoft.UUCP (05/16/89)

I'm not sure where to ask this, but what is the procedure for obtaining
Internet connectivity?  Is the procedure ad-hoc?  Do you tie in through
a regional network? If so, which one? What sort of fees are charged?

Thanks for any pointers,
Randy Day

kwe@bu-cs.BU.EDU (kwe@bu-it.bu.edu (Kent W. England)) (05/22/89)

In article <8905171944.AA22934@beaver.cs.washington.edu> 
randyd@microsoft.UUCP writes:
>I'm not sure where to ask this, but what is the procedure for obtaining
>Internet connectivity?  Is the procedure ad-hoc?  Do you tie in through
>a regional network? If so, which one? What sort of fees are charged?

	The arpanet is dead.  The application specific networks are
looking to connect to the NSF sponsored Internet.  (The ad hoc
voluntary networks like uucp and fidonet are alive and kicking
independently and doing just fine.)  Then there is BITnet and CSnet.

	Given that, I would think that folks like you would look to
your local NSF-sponsored-regional network.  In Wash state, I believe
that is Northwestnet.  Following is an article I posted to info-nets a
while back, telling how to find out which regional is your regional.
Of course, you can join any regional you like, it's just that line
charges are a killer.  :-)

	What do you pay?  That depends on how far your regional has
gotten toward self-sufficiency.  :-)  It will be a mix of dues,
service fees tied to bandwidth (approx), and line charges (the killer
cost).  All regionals are trying to grapple with the complex issues of
cost recovery, so you have to ask for a quote, consider options, and
be prepared for costs to go up or down in future.

To: info-nets@think.com
Subject: NSF database update

	Someone asked for how to join the Internet a while back.  I
said something about a site.contacts file.  Now there is something
	From the latest link letter, a description of new services
from the NSF database of backbone and regionals:

 Vol. 2   No. 1                                         15 April 1989
                       T H E  L I N K  L E T T E R 
                    The Merit/NSFNET Backbone Project
 The 19 December 1988 issue of the Link Letter provided
 information on the NSFNET Information Services remote query
 database. Recently, NSFNET Information Systems has put in place
 several enhancements to that system. The CONTACTS command has
 been expanded and the TOPOLOGY command has been added.
 An overview of the changes is given below; those who wish to
 obtain the complete documentation by remote query may do so by
 sending electronic mail to either:
    nis-info@nis.nsf.net (Internet/NSFNET)  or
    nis-info@merit (the Bitnet address).
 The subject field of the message is ignored and the text of the
 message text should contain only the word HELP. The server will
 return information on all the commands currently available.
 The Contacts Command
 The CONTACTS command retrieves information on administrative,
 technical, or user contacts for a given site. The syntax for the
 first line of the message to the server is given below. Note
 that options which appear in angle brackets (< >) must be
      CONTACTS <nettype> <netname/number> 
 Where the five options for nettype are:
 AS (autonomous system number) 
 IP (IP address of a connected net)
 NET (name or location of a connected net)
 NSS (a Nodal Switching Subsystem number or name)
 Multiple AS, IP, NET, or NSS nettypes (or a combination of any
 of these) can be included in a single search. For example:
     contacts net utah or xerox
 will return contact information for any nets with the name or
 location of either "utah" or "xerox." Note that commands are not
 case sensitive.
 The Topology Command
 The TOPOLOGY command has been added to the server to supply
 network topology information. The syntax of this command is:
      TOPOLOGY <nettype>-<format> <value>
 Valid choices for nettype and the value expected are: 
 AS = an AS
 GATE = a gate IP 
 NSS = an NSS number 
 NET = a net IP 
 Valid format choices and their output are:
 " " (NULL) = full configuration information
 AS = GATE and NSS information 
 COMP = NET and AS numbers in a computer-readable format.
 GATE = AS and NET information.
 NET = NET name, location and AS information for each net.
 Requests for further information about these upgrades may be
 sent to userhelp@nis.nsf.net (Internet/NSFNET) or
 userhelp@merit (Bitnet).

Here is what I got from a request for "contacts net nysernet":


>From NIS-INFO@NIS.NSF.NET Wed May 10 10:12:10 1989
Received: from nis.nsf.net by bu-it.BU.EDU (5.58/4.7)
	id AA23659; Wed, 10 May 89 10:12:08 EDT
Message-Id: <8905101412.AA23659@bu-it.BU.EDU>
Received: from MERIT.BITNET by NIS.NSF.NET ; Wed, 10 May 89 10:17:45 EDT
Received: by MERIT (Mailer X1.25) id 0076; Wed, 10 May 89 10:17:44 EDT
Date:     Wed, 10 May  89 10:17:44 EDT
To: KWE@bu-it.bu.edu
Subject:  contacts net nysernet
Status: R

Result:   Result 2 Records
Database: TOPOLOGY - Merit-NSFNET Information Server


Administrative Contact(s):
  Callinan, Craig          607/255-5060            craig@devvax.tn.cornell.edu
    Cornell Theory Center
    265 Olin Hall, Ithaca, NY   14853
  Brim, Scott          607/255-8686                 swb@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu
    Cornell Theory Center
    26 Olin Hall, Ithaca, NY   14853
  Schrader, William L.          212/395-4480
    NYSERNet, Inc.
    1094 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY   10036
  Mandelbaum, Richard          716/275-2917               rma@cs.rochester.edu
    University of Rochester
    Administration Bldg., Rochester, NY   14627

Technical Contact(s):
  Honig, Jeffrey C          607/255-8686            jch@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu
    Cornell Theory Center
    265 Olin Hall, Ithaca, NY   14853-5201
  Schoffstall, Martin L.          518/283-8860           schoff@nisc.nyser.net
    Rensselaer Technology Park, Troy, NY   12180
  Fedor, Mark          518/283-8860                       fedor@nisc.nyser.net
    Rensselaer Technology Park, Troy, NY   12180

    NYSERNET Network Information Center

Technical Contact(s):
  Schoffstall, Martin Lee          518/276-2654
    NYSERNET Network Information Center, Troy, NY   12810

    NYSERNET Inc., Rensselaer Technology Park, Troy, New York

Technical Contact(s):
  Schoffstall, Martin Lee          518/276-2654
    NYSERNET Inc., Troy, NY   12180


	I think you people ought to find this service useful.  It's
mail based, so it should work for all of you.

	Enjoy.  :-)

	Kent England, Boston U