[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Input solicited for Network Effectiveness Guidelines

barns@GATEWAY.MITRE.ORG (Bill Barns) (06/05/89)

I am writing a document about how to optimize the effectiveness of
network usage, primarily for users of MILNET.  Below is a highly
condensed list of items I already plan to mention.  Suggestions for
additional topics, points to bring out, misconceptions to (try to)
correct, etc., are welcomed.  Surely some of you experts out there have
been in the position of trying to explain some of these issues to
people who are not protocol gurus and never will be; your insights will
be helpful.  Please mail comments and suggestions to me directly unless
there's some reason for posting it to the world.  The document I am
writing will probably be publicly released eventually (around the end
of the year, I suppose).  Thanks in advance for all contributions...

Bill Barns / MITRE-Washington / barns@gateway.mitre.org


[The eventual reader will be a semi-independent system manager, planner,
buyer, or smart user of some type of computer participating in a wide
area network which speaks mostly TCP/IP and charges per packet.  They
may or may not access that WAN through a LAN which may be of any size
or type, and the users of these computers may be local or remote with
potentially any type of equipment.  The readers are sufficiently
(un)sophisticated that terms like TCP/IP, TELNET, FTP, network mail,
connections, protocol, etc., are familiar but only understood in a
rather fuzzy way.  This document is intended to explain both general
principles and concrete actions that they might take to enable them to
do whatever it is they are trying to do with minimal costs for packets
on the long-haul network.]

Guiding Principles: $ cost depends on number of packets sent through
long-haul network.  Your LAN is probably free, as long as you stay on
it and don't try to exceed its capacity.  Don't send the same data
between the same points more than once.  Consolidate data into a
smaller number of large packets when feasible.  Convert long-haul usage
to short-haul usage (access local resources instead of distant ones) if

Mail: Probably the most widely used application.  Tends to be reasonably
efficient due to its inherent design.  Some software gives you ways to
do things a little better.  Mailers tend to have retry timers, often with
adjustable rates.  Fewer tries is cheaper but takes longer to get the mail
there.  Local mail exploders for massive distributions save a few packets
(or in some cases, lots) and are nice to have for other reasons.  In some
cases you may want a tree of exploders.  SMTP mailers are cheaper to run
if they will send more than one message on a single TCP connection.  Also,
they can deliver all copies for a single host in one transmission.

Domain Names:  You usually have a choice of host table or domain
servers.  Domain servers are better, at least if you tune them right.
FTPing host tables is probably wasteful in many ways.  DNS has less
density in terms of info per packet but most people don't want that
much data anyway.  With correct tuning, the DNS should be cheaper to
run in virtually all cases.  You should try to contrive things so that
a small number of hosts cache a lot of domain info, and you query those
hosts via some free resource (LAN).  If you need so much data from a
zone that DNS costs more than host table, you should probably set up a
local server, which gets the packet count back down since zone transfer
is probably even better than FTP, given the compaction.  Sensible
choice of what zones to serve where is important.

File transfer: Files wanted by lots of people should be cached locally in
some known server so only one copy needs to be moved through the
pay-per-packet backbone.  Restart capability in FTP could save, especially
for people who frequently move huge files around.  Compressed mode in FTP
would be good.  Compression with separate software can be very good
sometimes, but there is a tradeoff with CPU.  FTP in background or batch
may be cheaper due to fewer retransmits and due to lower prices for off-peak
packets.  The system administrator might want to log file transfers to
find out what files are redundantly transferred ( -> caching).  This might
be nice for security audit too.

TELNET: Line mode is cheaper than character mode.  Local echoing is
cheaper than remote echoing.  Application/user requirements have to be
considered too (characterwise interaction is worth its cost in some
situations).  TACs (and other terminal server devices) have some
settable parameters which will affect the packetizing (may foul up
interactive applications but may win for upload, etc.)  Extensive
editing to modest sized files may be cheaper to download/edit/upload
than to edit on a remote host.  Initial data entry on a PC rather than
a remote host may be smart.

Custom Applications: How you code tends to affect the packetizing,
which affects the cost.  Decide if you are doing interactive,
query/response or batch type processing and design accordingly.  Mail
can be used as an interface to some query/response applications - send
specially formatted message to a server mailbox, get back a message
with the answer.  With custom programming on all hosts involved, the
same thing can be done in real time (WHOIS).  Minimize SEND calls from
your code unless you have a TCP which is clever about repacketizing and
won't send lots of tiny packets.

Other User Facilities: Batch, UNIX "at", etc., may give you a handle on
getting transfers done at off-peak time when rates are less.  It is also
possible to build this into an application (user selects immediate or
overnight operation).

TCP/IP General: Avoid RX's, use Jacobson TCP's, especially if you go
through gateways or bogged paths much.  Learn how to see how much RXing
your system is doing, and if it's much, find out why, you may be paying
for them.