dburke%vaxb.decnet@NUSC-NPT.NAVY.MIL ("VAXB::DBURKE") (06/13/89)
Date sent: 13-JUN-1989 06:34:28 Hello, I'm in the process of installing a gateway on a small tcp/ip network. I'm using a PC and running WIN/ROUTE software. On one side (192.9.200.*) I have VAXes, SUN's and PC's all using ethernet. On the other side, I have a bunch of PC's on a small token ring net with Proteon cards (192.10.200.*). I'm using the NETBIOS driver for the Proteon cards. I can't for the life of me figure out what the routing table ROUTES is supposed to have in it for entries. Does anyone have a similar system running? I'd like to see your ROUTES file. Thanks in advance, Dave ================================================================================ Dave Burke || ___________ Aquidneck Data Corporation || // || || Eastman Kodak Subsidiary || // || || 170 Enterprise Center || // || || Middletown, R.I. 02840 || //-----|| || dburke%vaxb.decnet@nusc-npt.navy.mil || // || || (401) 847-7260 || // ||_____|| ================================================================================