[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] ONC/NFS Vendors' Group Papers/Presentations Sought

beepy%commuter@Sun.COM (Brian Pawlowski) (07/06/89)

To:     ONC/NFS Implementors

From:   Sun Corporate Technology Marketing

Ref:    ONC/NFS Vendors' Group Conference

When:   Sept 28th, 1989

Where:  San Francisco

           Call for Presentations/Papers

Sun Microsystems is soliciting the ONC/NFS community for
presentations/papers on ONC/NFS technology. Sun is looking
for both TECHNICAL AND MARKETING presentations. If you have an
interest in presenting at the upcoming ONC/NFS Vendors' conference,
please read the following...
The Open Network Computing/ Network File System (ONC/NFS)
Vendors' Group Conference provides ONC/NFS vendors, current
and future ONC/NFS implementors and applications developers
the opportunity of exchanging information on ONC/NFS 
technology developments and market trends. 

The ONC/NFS Vendors' Group Conference is scheduled for 
September 28, 1989 in San Francisco. The one day conference 
includes sessions on ONC/NFS Technology Marketing and 
ONC/NFS Technology Engineering. 

The Technology Marketing portion focuses on marketing trends 
and issues. The intended audience is marketing and sales 
people in the ONC/NFS marketplace. This portion may address 
topics such as ONC/NFS Technology Licensing, ONC/NFS 
Technology Market Trends and ONC/NFS Technology 

The Technology Engineering program is technically oriented 
with presentations on the state of ONC/NFS technology. 
Attendees are technically oriented - including software 
designers, and programmers who are interested in the current 
and future advancements of ONC/NFS. Examples of topics may 
be ONC/NFS on Non-UNIX Operating Systems, ONC/NFS 
Implemented on Various Network Protocols, Directory Services 
on an ONC/NFS Platform, and Distributed Applications on an 
ONC/NFS Platform. 

Participation Sought

For the ONC/NFS Technology Marketing and the ONC/NFS 
Technology Engineering sessions, the ONC/NFS Vendors' 
Group Conference seeks individuals interested in presenting 
ONC/NFS topics to the intended audience. Interested persons 
should submit a one page abstract describing their topics. Each 
paper should be typewritten and double-spaced. The ONC/NFS 
Vendor's Group Committee shall review each abstract, 
selecting abstracts based on their originality, clarity and their 
relevancy to ONC/NFS technology or the market. Submittors 
should document their background and their experience with 
ONC/NFS technology. Abstracts should be postmarked no later 
than July 17, 1989; authors of accepted topics shall be notified 
by July 31, 1989.

Speakers should limit their discussion length to a maximum of
30 minutes, and adjust their presentation depth according to 
the audience's knowledge of and experience with the topic. 
The ONC/NFS Vendors' Group Conference asks that 
speakers refrain from making product pitches as product 
promotions are generally ill-received by the audience and 
detract from the Vendors' Group Conference's intent.

Send all abstracts to:

	Jeff Hong, Product Marketing Engineer
	Sun Microsystems, Inc.
	2525 Garcia Avenue, M/S: 12-33
	Mountain View, CA 94043
	Telephone:	(415) 336-3876
	FAX: 	        (415) 968-6396
	E-mail :        jlhong@sun.com

			Brian Pawlowski <beepy@sun.com> <sun!beepy>
			Sun Microsystems, Portable Software Products