[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] ACM SIGCOMM miscellany

craig@bbn.com (Craig Partridge) (07/13/89)

I just wanted to make people aware of several SIGCOMM related activies.

    + the program for ACM SIGCOMM '89 appears in this month's issue of
	Communications of the ACM (pages A-23 through A-25).

    + we continue to be interested in nominations for the SIGCOMM Award.
	The award "recognizes outstanding contributions to the field
	of computer communications and networking.  It
	is presented annually to an individual whose work in the
	theory or practice of communications and networking
	has significantly advanced the field."  The nomination deadline
	has been extended until August 15th because this month's issue
	of CCR was delayed when the July 4th weekend fell in the middle
	of the publication schedule.  Nominations should be sent to me,
	and should include a full vita, a list of publications, and a
	essay on the the candidate's most notable contributions to the
	field of data communications.

    + Where available, papers from CCR are now available on-line on
	nnsc.nsf.net in the directory CCR.  Papers are in postscript
	and are organized by month of issue and the last name of the
	first author.  So, for example, Dave Borman's paper on
	Cray TCP performance from the April '89 issue is in:


	Each issue's directory also contains a complete table of contents
	(TOC.ps) and the issue's bibliography of recent publications (in
	UNIX refer format).

    + the SIGCOMM '90 Call for Papers is out.  The program chair is
	Phil Karn (karn@thumper.bellcore.com).  You can FTP a copy
	of the call for papers from CCR/jul89/call.ps
