[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] UK OSI promotion methods

ggm@brolga.cc.uq.oz (George Michaelson) (07/25/89)

According to an OSI appraisal/newsletter which shall remain nameless
the UK Government is releasing a boardgame with the theme of OSI to
be issued to Industry managers as part of a UKStg 12m package of

The mind boggles. 

Has anybody out there received a copy of "7-layer Monopoly" yet?

	If you put 3 red modems and a Green Brouter on Park Lane can
	you charge CCITT tarrif rates?

	Can I be the little silver breakout box?

	Do not pass state <ready>. Do not collect 700Mb. Go directly to

On a more serious note the same issue carries a resume of a presentation
by Prof. Linington (UKC/JNT/RARE) which seems to commit RARE-based activity
to CONS. I thought this was still an open issue. Will *all* EC funding be
directed at CONS based WAN or is there any hope of CNLS? Some of the
statements about security/scaleability/speed are (in my mind) still open.

[Ok it was Open Systems Newsletter V3 Issue 5  May 1989. Mail delivery
 in Australia is sloooooow]

ACSnet: ggm@brolga.cc.uq.oz                    Phone: +61 7 377 4079
Postal: George Michaelson, Prentice Computer Centre
          Queensland University, St Lucia, QLD 4067