kbowers@NRI.RESTON.VA.US ("Karen L. Bowers") (09/09/89)
Several months ago the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) announced the availability of two newly revised directories installed at NIC.DDN.MIL: "IETF:" and "Internet-Drafts:". This message repeats the brief description of those directories and provides a NEW list of the most recently installed Internet-Drafts. The IETF directory has been established as an aid to both veteran IETF members and newcomers. It comprises files containing: a general description of the IETF (history, organization, goals); a description of the Internet Activities Board; a summary of active Working Groups within the IETF; IETF meeting dates/locations; upcoming meeting information and an associated RSVP form; the upcoming meeting agenda; and a README file with an overview of directory contents. In addition, individual files have been dedicated to each Working Group and their particular activities. These files contain respective Charters, Status Updates and Current Meeting Reports. The WG files are named in the following fashion: <WG NAME>.charter <WG NAME>.status <WG NAME>.report The Internet-Drafts directory presents drafts for review and comment. It contains documents that will be submitted to the RFC Editor for consideration, or will be simply discarded when their purpose has been served. Comments are welcomed and should be addressed to the responsible persons whose names and email addresses are listed on the first page of each draft. Each Internet-Draft is placed in a separate file; the following standard naming scheme is used: File Format Naming Scheme ascii text DRAFT-<TFNAME>-<WGNAME>-<ABBREVTITLE>-<REVNO>.TXT Postscript DRAFT-<TFNAME>-<WGNAME>-<ABBREVTITLE>-<REVNO>.PS unix compressed ascii DRAFT-<TFNAME>-<WGNAME>-<ABBREVTITLE>-<REVNO>.TXTZ unix compressed DRAFT-<TFNAME>-<WGNAME>-<ABBREVTITLE>-<REVNO>.PSZ Postscript If the document is not being authored in a Task Force, then the author's name will be substituted for the Working Group name (WGNAME) and an organizational affiliation will be submitted for the Task Force name (TFNAME). Example: DRAFT-<ORG>-<AUTHORNAME>-<ABBREVTITLE>-<REVNO>.TXT DRAFTS RECENTLY INSTALLED INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: <DRAFT-IETF-ALERTMAN-ASYNCALERTMAN- Managing Asynchronously Generated 00.TXT> Alerts <DRAFT-IETF-AUTH-IPOPTION-00.TXT> The Authentication of Internet Datagrams <DRAFT-IETF-OSPFIGP-SPEC-07.PS> Draft OSPF Specification <DRAFT-IETF-PDN-CLUSTERSCHEME-00.TXT> Internet Cluster Addressing Scheme <DRAFT-IETF-PDN-PDNCLUSTER-00.TXT> Application of the Cluster Addressing Scheme to X.25 Public Data Networks and Worldwide Internet Network Reachability Information Exchange <DRAFT-IETF-PDN-PDNCLUSTERNETASSIGNM- Assignment/Reservation of Internet 00.TXT> Network Numbers for the PDN-Cluster <DRAFT-IETF-PERFCC-GWCC-00.TXT> Gateway Congestion Control Policy <DRAFT-IETF-PPP-REQ-00.TXT> Requirements for an Internet Standard Point-to-Point Protocol <DRAFT-IETF-PPP-IPDATAGRAMSTX-01.TXT The Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP): A Proposed Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over Point-to-Point Links <DRAFT-UCL-KILLE-UUCPMAPPING-00.TXT> Mapping between Full RFC 822 and RFC 822 with Restricted Encoding <DRAFT-UCL-KILLE-X400RFC822-01.TXT Mapping between X.400 (1988) and\ RFC822 The Internet-Draft directory also contains a README file and an Index-Abstract file to aid the reader in locating drafts of interest. As stated earlier, both the IETF and Internet-Drafts directories are available on-line at NIC.DDN.MIL (west coast). The directory names are: "IETF:" and "Internet-Drafts:". By the end of September shadow directories will be installed at NNSC.NSF.NET for the convenience of the east coast Internet community. (The directory names will not be quite the same: "IETF" and "Internet-Drafts". The colon is placed in the NIC.DDN.MIL-installed directories' names to accommodate the TOPS 20 system employed.) The current directories can be accessed by anonymous ftp. The "ls" or "dir" command will permit a review of what files are available and the specific naming scheme to use for a successful anonymous ftp action. For more information, please contact: ietf-request@venera.isi.edu.