booth@ucla-cs.UUCP (10/24/84)
Someone privately mentioned the need for anonymous postings to newsgroups. This function has been provided by some moderators; it could just as well be provided by the manager of a "selections" newsgroup, possibly under a separate newsgroup name (e.g. "anon.newsgroup"). Someone else made the following excellent implementation suggestion regarding "selections" newsgroups. To avoid the cost of duplicating articles, have "selections" newsgroups only contain references to articles in other newsgroups, and use appropriate software to retrieve and read the articles. Is anyone writing such software? Can anyone give any other reason why "selections" newsgroups would not be indisputably superior to "moderated" newsgroups, and should not be adopted immediately? -- David Booth {sdcrdcf,ihnp4,trwspp,ucbvax}!ucla-cs!booth booth@ucla-locus.ARPA