I'm having some problems with an ATT 3B2 running the WIN 3B network package. As it turns out virtually everyone I'v talked to are having similar problems. I have two machines. Both are connected to a thinnet and one is also connected to a packet switching net. The problems manifest themselves in several ways. As general info, I also have a uVAX (Utrix 2.2) and a Sun and about 15 PCs on the thinnet. The first problem is mail. I haven't yet implemented DNS (very soon now if I can decode the WIN manuals) but we've been experimenting with mail. If you send mail to the ATT using its IP address (name@[IP address]) it always send a 250 Recipient Accepted to the sender, but the user never gets the mail. The /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog file has entries for the attempts with a 554--Service Unavailable msg. What the heck?? A second problem seems to be with the MAIL FROM: command. When a host is sending mail to the ATT and sends the MAIL FROM:<user@host> command, the ATT takes 60 second to respond with the 250 reply. I can't understand why it doesn't respond immediately. I observed this to happen on 4 different system, some being on the same lan and some across the DDN. In contrast, the 250 reply to a RCPT TO: command takes at most 2-3 seconds for all the machines tested. Any body that wants to clue me in to some net lore on this one please do! Finally, FTP doesn't seem to work well at all, and when it does its very slow. It is impossible to FTP any file from the uVAX to either of the ATTs on the same lan. After the get from the ATT ftp> prompt its just goes into a blackhole until the message "Lost connection" appears some few minutes later. I guess that's enough for now. By the way, if anybody feels like typing, I wouldn't mind a brief description of what should be in the files needed to implement DNS. Should I have an entry for the server for all the domains I know including the top levels or just entries for the top level. If the second I presume there's a method for my host to "discover" and add records for other domains from the top-level. ciao Darrel (soon to be in civies) Beach -------