[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Internet Resource Guide -- Call for Submissions

craig@NNSC.NSF.NET (Craig Partridge) (11/28/89)

For the past several months, the NSF Network Service Center has been in
the process of compiling and publishing (on-line) a guide to various
resources available on the Internet.  We are currently trying to expand
selected sections of the guide.

In this note I'd like to enlist people's help locating managers of
computer centers which offer special computing facilities (e.g. supercomputers,
parallel processors, etc.) to Internet users and are not currently listed in
the guide.  The guide currently includes information on the following

	Air Force Supercomputer Center at Kirtland AFB ........  1.1
	Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering
	  (Cornell National Supercomputer Facility) ...........  1.2
	John von Neumann National Supercomputer Center ........  1.3
	National Center for Atmospheric Research ..............  1.4
	National Center for Supercomputing Applications .......  1.5
	National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center .......  1.6
	Northeast Parallel Architectures Center ...............  1.7
	Ohio Supercomputer Center .............................  1.8
	Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center ......................  1.9
	San Diego Supercomputer Center ........................ 1.10
	US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory ................. 1.11
	University of California at Berkeley .................. 1.12
	SuperComputing Services, The University of Calgary .... 1.13
	Center for Experimental Research in Parallel Algorithms,
	  Software and Systems (CERPASS) ...................... 1.14

If you are aware of a specialized computing facility which is not
listed here, please either tell us (at resource-guide@nnsc.nsf.net)
who to contact at that site, or forward this note to someone at the


Craig Partridge
Director, NNSC Technical Services

PS: If you are interested in a copy of the resource guide, postscript
and text versions can be ftp'ed from nnsc.nsf.net:resource-guide/*


(1)  Name of Resource

(2)  USPS Address

(3)  Email Address 

     please use a general or central address     

(4)  Phone Number

     please use a central phone number
     (additional phone numbers may be listed at end)

(5)  Description of Resource

     please describe the computing resources which makes your center
     of interest to users (special computing hardware, etc.)

(6)  Network Access

     how to reach your systems from the Internet (e.g. telnet to
     front-end machines; tn3270 to the machine itself).

(7)  Who Can Use the Resource/Restrictions

     please give some general guidelines  (e.g. US Govt. users only;
     anyone who can write a check; persons doing research in a particular

(8)  Miscellaneous Information

     additional phone numbers

     names of individuals if appropriate