[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Fletcher Checksum

HORN%HYDRA@sdi.polaroid.COM (12/13/89)

Adding a checksum option with expanded size checksum (32, 64, ...
bit) seems to be a reasonable way to start experimenting with error
control algorithms for high speed networks.  A similar experimental
option for VMTP also seems reasonable.

As transmission speeds increase I think that we will need to look
more and more to forward error correction (FEC) techniques to
replace ARQ techniques.  With TCP, 64Kbit effective bandwidth, 250
msec end-to-end delays the ARQ impact on response time is modest and
the buffering demands are low.  At high bandwidth you have many
megabytes in flight with corresponding major buffering demands.  I
would not be surprised to see the buffers move to disk or
re-computation in some cases, with the result that a single ARQ has
a very large performance impact.

FEC techniques are improving steadily and are now in widespread use
both within modems (typically convolution codes) and in
media like CDROM (Reed Solomon codes).  For the non-error case,
there are table lookup approaches to RS (and some other) codes that
reduce the computation load to 10-20 instructions per byte for a
code that can withstand 0.001 ber.  The computation needed to repair
an error is much larger.  These approaches only minimize the cost of
generating and verifying checkwords.

One of the important aspects of using FEC is a good characterization
of the error modes of the telemetry system.  This may be the most
difficult aspect of introducing it into any large network.  You do
need to understand how errors occur, what are typical error burst
sizes, deletion and insertion modes, etc.

Examination of the system level tradeoffs would be worthwhile.  FEC
costs somewhat more CPU (rapidly getting cheaper) and uses a
controllable percentage of the bandwidth (typically a few percent)
while drastically reducing the needs for buffers at both ends.  The 
extra cost for FEC at CDROM rates (about 1Mbit/s) is a few hundred
dollars at most (retail pricing).  FEC can always retreat to ARQ for
cases beyond its ability to repair.

R Horn    horn%hydra@polaroid.com

mckenney@aai8.itstd.sri.com (Paul E. McKenney) (12/15/89)

In article <0CEC4873D71F21B02A@sdi.polaroid.com> HORN%HYDRA@sdi.polaroid.COM writes:
>[ . . . ]
>As transmission speeds increase I think that we will need to look
>more and more to forward error correction (FEC) techniques to
>replace ARQ techniques.

Nachum Shacham and I have recently written a paper on reducing the
need for ARQ through use of FEC.  The title is ``Packet Recovery
in High-Speed Networks Using Coding and Buffer Management''; drop me
a note with your USMail address if you would like a draft copy.

				Thanx, Paul

rpw3@rigden.wpd.sgi.com (Robert P. Warnock) (12/15/89)

HORN%HYDRA@sdi.polaroid.COM writes:
| FEC techniques are improving steadily and are now in widespread use
| both within modems (typically convolution codes) and in
| media like CDROM (Reed Solomon codes).  For the non-error case,
| there are table lookup approaches to RS (and some other) codes that
| reduce the computation load to 10-20 instructions per byte for a
| code that can withstand 0.001 ber.  The computation needed to repair
| an error is much larger...

Actually, correcting can be pretty simple for certain special cases, such as
the modified (255, 252) R-S code that IBM used in the 3370(?) disk. (Sorry,
not sure about the model number; my Costello & Liu is at home.) That code
computes and transmits the residuals over the various primitive polynomials
separately, rather than with a single generator polynomial with the primitives
as factors (which is the usual case). It will correct one bad byte in 252 bytes
of data. (You can use shorter blocks, but each block needs 3 check bytes.)

In the special case of using a**(-1), a**0, and a**1 ["a" primitive in
GF(256)] as the divisors, three checksums (bytes) are generated, and if
you have 256-byte lookup tables to do your GF(256) multiplication (o.k.,
division by multiplying by the inverse), you get code like this (unoptimized!):

	for (i = 0; i <n; ++i) {
		Cm1 = recip_table_Am1[ Cm1 ^ data[i] ];
		C0 = C0 ^ data[i];	/* division by a^0 is simple XOR */
		C1 = recip_table_A1[ C1 ^ data[i] ];

Then at the other end, you would compute rCm1, rC0, and rC1 (for "received
C_{-1,0,1}") similarly over the received data (*except* the trailing three
bytes, which are Cm1, C0, and C1), and XOR them respectively with Cm1, C0,
and C1 as received, then if C0 == 0 you have no error. If at most one byte
is in error, then C0 is the bits in error and C1/C0 (arithmetic done in
GF(256), by table lookup) is the byte number containing the error, and
Cm1 is used (I forgot how, probably by computing the reciprical position
number?) to detect (somewhat) against multiple errors.

Oh, you correct the error this way (simple!):

	bad_byte_num = GF_div(C1, C0);	/* GF_div is the table-lookup divide */
	data[bad_byte_num] ^= C0;

Anyway, on the transmit side you have 3 XORs and two table lookups (LOADs)
per byte, and on the receive side you have the same plus a couple of XORs
to check for errors, and a couple of table lookups and another XOR if you
need to correct.

If you also have a stronger checksum somewhere in the data (embedded CRC-32,
Fletcher, etc.), you can use that to guard against miscorrection, and drop
the Cm1 byte.  In that case the R-S code adds just two bytes to each block
of 253 bytes or less, and the CPU time is just over half of what was shown
above.  (Note that your other checksum must be *inside* the block.) After
correcting as per the R-S code (which just might correct a byte of your
other checksum), you recompute/check your other checksum on the corrected
data, and if it's o.k., you probably didn't miscorrect.

(Been thinking about using this code for SLIP over noisy lines. Now if I can
just find time to actually write/test/post the C code for the R-S routines...)

Rob Warnock, MS-9U/510		rpw3@wpd.sgi.com	rpw3@pei.com
Silicon Graphics, Inc.		(415)335-1673		Protocol Engines, Inc.
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA  94039-7311