[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Ethernet Analysis Programs Wanted

scs@iti.org (Steve Simmons) (01/06/90)

We've looked at buying an ethernet sniffer, and the cost is pretty
amazing.  Several alternatives have come to mind.  One is to do software
from scratch, which would be a lot of work.  Anybody done simple
promiscuous ethernet stuff for BSD, Ultrix or Suns?

Another idea is to take one of our old Sun-2s and run an analysis
tool onto etherfind.  Anybody ever done this?

If there's sufficient interest I'll summarize to the net.

mep@AQUA.WHOI.EDU (Michael E. Pare) (01/08/90)

Doing software from scratch will cost you more than the Sniffer and you
still won't have a PC to run on.  If you want cheap and you have a PC
with an ethernet board, you might want to contact FTP Software, Inc.  They
have a glorified version of MIT's Netwatch available for around $1000.00.
You can call them at (617) 246-0900.  Personally I prefer the Sniffer.
Educational institutions can qualify for a 40% discount on the Sniffer
and asociated software.  Excelan has packages that range from $5200 to
$15755 so you can select your price range (1-800-392-3526).  Good luck.