[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Major Bug in QuickMail/MacTCP

matthews@uswat.uswest.com (John Matthews) (07/04/90)

We experienced a rather severe bug the other day with QuickMail.
We aren't sure why, but the Mac started broadcasting ~150 ARP
requests per second which put a tremendous load on every machine
attached to our ethernet.  The machine it was ARPing for responded
to almost every request.  The MAC appeared to ignore the responses
completely.  We called StarNine and told them about it.  They said
they had seen the problem before, but thought it only occurred if
you configured a default gateway and it went down.  This wasn't the
case for us because we didn't have a default gateway configured.
The host it was ARPing for was the primary mail server not a default
gateway.  They seemed to think it was a bug in MacTCP and not  
QuickMail but weren't sure.  Has anyone seen this bug before?
                        Thanks in advance, 
                                John Matthews 