[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] RARE Networkshop Announcement

vcerf@NRI.RESTON.VA.US (07/26/90)


Call for Papers and Conference Announcement. 

2nd Joint European Networking Conference
Blois, France 
May 13-16, 1991

Organized by RARE (Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne)
in cooperation with :
  o EARN
  o EUnet (EUUG), 
  o Internet Activities Board,
  o Nordunet,
  o Ministere de la Recherche et de la Technologie (France)


This conference is a successor to the conference organized by EARN and RARE
in May 1990 at Killarney, providing a forum for the presentation and dis-
cussion of technical and strategic topics related to the provision of net-
working services in research and higher education, as well as corresponding
research and development activities.

The conference addresses mainly technical and managerial staff from local,
national and transnational service provision organizations, but will also
be of high interest to the research engineer, specialised users and members
of funding authorities.


The conference will cover a wide range of topics of actual interest to aca-
demic network service provision. As a key issue it will concentrate on 
user aspects of a distributed workstation environment,
requirements on the local and wide-area infrastructure and related
services, impacts on management and service provision strategies.
Much emphasis will be placed on continuing and enhancing the discus-
sion between members of different networking communities, building on the
positive experience of Killarney.

Conference Venue

The event will take place in the historic region of the "Chateaux de la Loire"
at Blois, France. The conference itself will be organized in the
ancient building of the "Halle aux Grains", converted into a modern conference
center with ample space for small meetings in the margin of the conference.

The conference aims at an attendance of not more than 400 participants. A
first invitation with information on how to register will be distributed
in December. Places will be allocated on a first come - first served basis.
Please contact the RARE Secretariat if you wish to ensure that you will
receive an invitation.

Call for Papers, Proceedings.

As for RARE conferences in the past, the programme will be a combination of
sollicited and submitted papers. 1-page summaries of proposed papers should
arrive at the programme chair not later than Oct. 29. It is intended to
produce proceedings of the conference.

Topics for submitted papers: all papers fitting in the general outline of
the conference, in particular:
  - Emerging services and new applications
  - Information services
  - Distributed communications
  - The role of network service provision in a workstation environment:
           operations, management, security, user support
  - Workstations and the LAN/MAN/WAN infrastructure
  - Workstations and distributed applications/services
  - High performance technology and networking
  - OSI application layer services, transition
  - Access to services : from the national to the intercontinental level
           (fat pipes, backbones, service coordination)
  - TCP/IP and European connectivity
  - TCP/IP - OSI interworking
  - Standards, coordination and harmonization of protocols
  - User support strategies and facilities
  - Improving the efficiency of end-user services through coordination
  - Cosine progress
  - Network management:technology, operational issues
  - Security and privacy
  - The new situation in Europe: the impact on networking services
  - Policy issues and financial aspects

For further information contact:

			   	           Programme chair:
RARE Secretariat                           Prof. Juergen Harms
Postbus 41882                              CUI
NL 1009 DB Amsterdam                       12 rue du Lac
                                           CH-1207 Geneve
tel +31 20 592 5078                        tel +41 22 787 6580, 6581
fax +31 20 592 5043                        fax +41 22 735 3905
email raresec@nikhef.nl                    email harms@cui.unige.ch

Programme committee:
Vint Cerf         Juergen Harms      Christian Michau    Sven Tafvelin
Robert Cooper     Dennis Jennings    Claus Sattler	 Paul Van Binst
Marieke Dekker	  Sylvain Langlois   Peter Stone