jwn2@qualcom.qualcomm.com (John Noerenberg) (07/30/90)
Week before last, I asked for help with Wollongong's NTYDriver for VMS and with NCSA Telnet. Several offered advice and suggestions for which I'm very grateful. But, fool that I am, I'm pushing on from VMS 5.1-1 to 5.3-2...or rather I'd like to. I upgraded to 5.3-2 and tried to rebuild the Wollongong drivers. Unfortunately, it was a bust. Inetload tried to recalculate a new PTE offset. This appeared to succeed, but when trying to load INDRIVER in SYSGEN, the status value returned by f$getdvi didn't agree with expectations. Has anybody gotten WIN/TCP to run under VMS 5.3? Am I missing something obvious? (Like an upgrade for Wollongong?) Thanks for your advice and sympathy! jwn2