[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Comparison of RPC and ROSE ?

alex@netdev.comsys.COM (Alex Huppenthal) (08/31/90)

  We are investigating networking alternatives. Remote Operations Services
  Elements ( ROSE - ISO ) , and Remote Procedure Call have been identified
  as two somewhat analogous capabilties, for ISO stacks and ARPA stacks,

  I'm solicting information on the comparision of the two approaches to
  distributing applications over a network of non-homogenous computers.

  Concerns are:

	programming tools ( rpcgen - like tools for ISO, or others )
  If you have an opinion that you'd like to share please respond. If you 
  have a pointer to information, articles or papers comparing these, I'd
  be very happy to receive them.

  Thank you,

     Alex            Internet:  alex@comsys.COM
     Huppenthal          UUCP:  {cs.utexas.edu!texsun}!netdev!alex 
     Communication Systems Research  6045 Buffridge Tr, Dallas, TX 75252