[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Heathkit Weather Computer

dms@ai.mit.edu (David M. Siegel) (10/03/90)

We have just ordered a Heathkit IDW5001 weather computer.  Our plans are
to make the readings from the computer available over our network.  It
would be nice to use a "standard" weather TCP/UDP protocol for this
purpose.  Ideally, all Internet sites with weather data could support
this protocol.  The protocol should be extensible, since it is hard to
anticipate all types of weather data that people might have.

I'm wondering, does such a protocol exist?

Also, does anyone else have IDW5001 weather computers.  We'd be
interested in obtaining your software to interface to the computer, and
for client programs.  Our plans are to run it on a Unix box, connected
via the RS232 port. 


af%sei.ucl.ac.be@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ("Alain FONTAINE ", Postmaster - NAD) (10/11/90)

On Wed, 3 Oct 90 16:24:46 GMT David M. Siegel said:
>would be nice to use a "standard" weather TCP/UDP protocol for this
>purpose.  Ideally, all Internet sites with weather data could support
>this protocol.  The protocol should be extensible, since it is hard to
>anticipate all types of weather data that people might have.
>I'm wondering, does such a protocol exist?
This question has been discussed some months ago. The conclusion was that no
new protocol is needed: this is an ideal application for SNMP. Just define
a weather-report MIB....

P.S. I tried a private reply, but it was bounced at uunet.....

Alain FONTAINE                       +--------------------------------+
Universite Catholique de Louvain     | If your mail software barks at |
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B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM     +--------------------------------+
phone +32 (10) 47-2625
z * * * 47745578
'Alain FONTAINE (Pos David M. Siegel     10/11/90*Heathkit Weather Computer (IDW