[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] router tests volume 3

sob@harvisr.harvard.edu (Scott Bradner) (10/19/90)

Well here it is, the results of the 3rd round of router testing.

This round consists of local Ethernet to Ethernet routers, all of them I
could get.

This document is copyright 1990 by Scott Bradner.

You can repoduce this posting in any way you want as long as the copy
is complete with no modifications.

A set of files for the slides that I used in the InterOp report are on
husc6.harvard.edu in pub/rtests (the old stuff is in "old"), lots of
nice graphs etc.

    Scott Bradner, Harvard University, 33 Kirkland St., Cambridge MA 02138
    (617)495-3864, sob@harvard.edu

First some history:

	I got a call from Wellfleet back in August wondering if I was going
to go through another round of tests.  I said that I did not have the
required equipment, since many of the vendors now had equipment that was
faster than the test setup we had used last year.  "We will give you some
equipment to do your tests." he said.  "Well..." said I, "how about a loan?",
"Sure" he said.  So after some discussion they agreed to loan me some of
the equipment that they were using for in house testing.  They also agreeed
to provide access to Terry Bradley who had done all the programming on the
test bed. (I, naturally, wanted some changes in the test software.)
Terry spent quite a while making the changes I requested and getting out a
number of small bugs, and I sent out a call for equipment to be tested.  I
got back quite a few devices and herein report the results of the tests.

	All but one of the vendors sent a person along with the
router to do setup. (So I would not have to read all those manuals and set
the things up wrong in the end.)  The tests for each of the devices were
done over one or two days at a lab at Harvard.

The test setup:

	A modified Wellfleet router was used a a test source.  This device
	had two separate channels of test traffic.  Each channel consisted
	of one packet source port and one "keep alive" port.  The "keep alive"
	port sent out groups of frames designed to convince the router that a
	node existed on this "net" that spoke some specific protocols.  The
	supported protocols were:

	IP		( keep alive was a ARP response)
	DECNET		(hello packet)
	AppleTalk II	(AARP packet)
	IPX		(IPX-RIP? response)
	bridge mode	( a packet with a specific source MAC address)

	The device-to-be-tested was attached so that an "input" port
	was attached to one of the test frame sources and an "output" port
	was attached to the corresponding "keep alive" port.  If the device had
	four or more ports, both sets of test channels were used.

	The modified Wellfleet router generated a stream of test frames
	consisting of a specific number of frames, in a selected protocol, of a
	selected size and with a selected interframe gap (ifg).  One of the test
	channels (channel 3) was used for all of the tests and the 2nd
	channel was used only for the dual stream test.

	test source frame rate:
	size	theoretical	channel "3"	channel "4"
	64	14880		14489		14549
	128	 8445		 8324		 8340
	256	 4528		 4494		 4498
	512	 2349		 2340		 2341
	1024	 1197		 1195		 1195
	1518	  812		  812		  812

	(The Wellfleet test code can do quite a bit more than I made use of,
	it can generate mixed protocol packet streams for example, additional
	work needs to be done to create a set of test specifications that better
	emulate a "real" data network.)

The counter:
	A HP 4972A Lan Protocol Analyzer was used to find the frame rates
	and to count the output frames.  The HP ran the "stats" program
	to monitor the network.

The router configuration:
	The router was configured at the start of the test suite and the
	configuration was not changed throughout the first set of tests.
	The configuration was then altered to add a single "filter"
	condition, tests were run on that, then the configuration was
	changed to add 9 more filter conditions and tests were run on that.
	The bridge tests were configured for and run separately.
The tests:

	The design of these tests comes from the work of the IETF
	Benchmarking Methodology Working Group.

  single channel:
	Aim - find delay through router.
	A Tektronix 2337 scope was attached to both the input and
	output router ports.
	A stream of frames with a large ifg was sent through the router.
	The scope was used to measure the time delay between the end
	of the input frame and the start of the output frame.
    "raw rate"
	Aim - find out impact of max rate input data rate.
	The HP was connected to the "output" port of the router.
	A stream of frames of a specific protocol and a specific size
	with the minimum ifg, was sent to the input port on
	the router.  The number of frames was selected to produce about
	30 sec of data stream. 
	The "stats" program was reset after the start of the data stream
	and the "10 sec avg" value was watched to get the "raw rate".
    "max rate"
	Aim - find highest rate at which router passes 100% of input frames.
	The HP was connected to the "output" port of the router.
	A stream of frames of a specific protocol and a specific size
	with a selected inter frame gap, was sent to the input port on
	the router.  The number of frames was selected to produce about
	20 sec of data stream. 
	The "stats" program was reset before the data stream was started.
	The "total frames" value was used to see if all of the offered
	frames were forwarded.  If not, the ifg was increased, if yes
	the ifg was reduced.  This process was followed until the point
	at which a reduction of "1" in the ifg would not pass all the
	The HP was then attached to the frame source and the test rerun
	with the determined ifg to get the frame rate.

   "dual stream"
	Aim - find effect of more than one data stream through router.
	"raw rate" test run but with both frame sources sending frames
	with the minimum ifg.
	The HP was first connected to one "output", a test was run to
	find the rate, then the HP was moved to the other output and the
	test rerun.
	NOTE: this test is flawed, the "right" way to do this is the same
	as for the "max rate" test, putting the same frame rate into both
	inputs and counting the outputs.  But this was just to much work,
	strong need for automation.
Some nomenclature:
	"one filter"
		permit traffic from ip address to
	"10 filter"
		permit traffic from ip address to
		permit traffic from ip address to
		permit traffic from ip address to
		permit traffic from ip address to
		permit traffic from ip address to
		permit traffic from ip address to
		permit traffic from ip address to
		permit traffic from ip address to
		permit traffic from ip address to
		permit traffic from ip address to
	"between interface cards" for the single channel tests means
		a data stream that goes in a port on one Ethernet interface
		card and out a port on a 2nd Ethernet interface card.
	"within interface card" for the single stream tests means
		a data stream that goes in a port on an Ethernet
		interface card and out on another port on the same card.
	"between interface cards" for the dual stream tests means two data
		streams, both of which come in ports on one Ethernet
		interface card and both of which exit from ports on a 2nd 
		Ethernet interface card.
	"within interface card" for the dual stream tests means one data
		stream that comes in a port on one Ethernet interface card
		and exits via another port on the same card, and a 2nd
		stream that enters on one port on a separate Ethernet
		interface card and exits via a 2nd port on this separate

The results:
	(I have checked these numbers but there may be transcription or
typing errors.)

3com NETBuilder - TCP/IP - within interface card

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld
64     14880   14489    6404    6401
128     8445    8324    6648    6553
256     4528    4494    4004    3953
512     2349    2340    2202    2183
1024    1197    1195    1010    1153
1518     812     812     799     792

3com NETBuilder - Bridge Mode - within interface card

size    theo    test  br_max  br_fld
64     14880   14489    9830    9750
128     8445    8324    6735    6564
256     4528    4494    3994    3953
512     2349    2340    2202    2183
1024    1197    1195    1159    1153
1518     812     812     805     792

BBN T20 - TCP/IP - within interface card

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld  1f_max  1f_fld 10f_max 10f_fld
64     14880   14489    4315    4664    2620    2778    2620    2775
128     8445    8324    4339    4654    2433    2777    2433    2777
256     4528    4494    4493    4493    2231    2772    2231    2774
512     2349    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1194    1194    1194    1194    1194    1194
1518     812     812     811     811     811     811     811     811

cisco AGS+ - TCP/IP - between interface cards

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld  1f_max  1f_fld 10f_max 10f_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488   14488   14488   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324    8324    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4493    4493    4494    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1194    1194    1195    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     811     811     812     812     812     812

cisco AGS+ - AppleTalk II - between interface cards

size    theo    test at2_max at2_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340

cisco AGS+ - DECNET - between interface cards

size    theo    test  dn_max  dn_fld
64     14880   14489   13097   13270
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     812     812

cisco AGS+ - IPX - between interface cards

size    theo    test ipx_max ipx_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     812     812

cisco AGS+ - Bridge Mode - between interface cards

size    theo    test  br_max  br_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     812     812

cisco AGS+ - Dual IP Streams - between interface cards

size    theo   test1   test2  d1_fld  d2_fld
64     14880   14489   14549    9682    9700
128     8445    8324    8340    8324    8340
256     4528    4494    4498    4493    4498
512     2349    2340    2341    2340    2341
1024    1197    1195    1195    1194    1195
1518     812     812     812     812     812

cisco AGS+ - TCP/IP - within interface card

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld  1f_max  1f_fld 10f_max 10f_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488   14488   14488   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324    8324    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494    4494    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195    1194    1194    1194    1194
1518     812     812     812     812     811     811     811     811

cisco AGS+ - AppleTalk II - within interface card

size    theo    test at2_max at2_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340

cisco AGS+ - DECNET - within interface card

size    theo    test  dn_max  dn_fld
64     14880   14489   13097   13256
128     8445    8324    8323    8323
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     812     812

cisco AGS+ - IPX - within interface card

size    theo    test ipx_max ipx_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     812     812

cisco AGS+ - Bridge Mode - within interface card

size    theo    test  br_max  br_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     812     812

cisco AGS+ - Dual IP Streams - within interface card

size    theo   test1   test2  d1_fld  d2_fld
64     14880   14489   14549    9689    9698
128     8445    8324    8340    8323    8340
256     4528    4494    4498    4494    4498
512     2349    2340    2341    2340    2341
1024    1197    1195    1195    1194    1195
1518     812     812     812     812     812

Network Systems Corporation EN640-8 - TCP/IP - between interface cards

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld  1f_max  1f_fld 10f_max 10f_fld
64     14880   14489    6327    6233    4636    4413    1718    1670
128     8445    8324    5105    5189    4111    3875    1629    1576
256     4528    4494    3755    3752    3745    3756    1599    1536
512     2349    2340    2124    2123    2122    2123    1565    1493
1024    1197    1195    1137    1136    1138    1138    1141    1135
1518     812     812     786     784     787     786     788     784

Network Systems Corporation EN640-8 - AppleTalk II - between interface cards

size    theo    test at2_max at2_fld
64     14880   14489     827       0
128     8445    8324     808       0
256     4528    4494     770       0
512     2349    2340     702     269

Network Systems Corporation EN640-8 - DECNET - between interface cards

size    theo    test  dn_max  dn_fld
64     14880   14489     919       0
128     8445    8324     886       0
256     4528    4494     825       0
512     2349    2340     727     280
1024    1197    1195     588     452
1518     812     812     443     381

Network Systems Corporation EN640-8 - Dual IP Streams - between interface cards

size    theo   test1   test2  d1_fld  d2_fld
64     14880   14489   14549    3224    3396
128     8445    8324    8340    2832    2975
256     4528    4494    4498    2638    2651
512     2349    2340    2341    2335    2123
1024    1197    1195    1195    1138    1195
1518     812     812     812     786     812

Network Systems Corporation EN640-8 - TCP/IP - within interface card

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld  1f_max  1f_fld 10f_max 10f_fld
64     14880   14489    5986    6604    4775    4630    1732    1702
128     8445    8324    5259    5732    4605    4164    1662    1629
256     4528    4494    3727    3757    3729    3641    1541    1523
512     2349    2340    2128    2123    2122    2123    1508    1450
1024    1197    1195    1140    1138    1139    1135    1139    1135
1518     812     812     788     784     788     783     780     782

Network Systems Corporation EN640-8 - AppleTalk II - within interface card

size    theo    test at2_max at2_fld
64     14880   14489     828       0
128     8445    8324     805       0
256     4528    4494     767       0
512     2349    2340     701     266

Network Systems Corporation EN640-8 - DECNET - within interface card

size    theo    test  dn_max  dn_fld
64     14880   14489     919       0
128     8445    8324     885       0
256     4528    4494     826       0
512     2349    2340     719     278
1024    1197    1195     580     453
1518     812     812     439     381

Novell NetWare 386 - TCP/IP - between interface cards

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld
64     14880   14489    3275    3270
128     8445    8324    3207    3202
256     4528    4494    2892    2856
512     2349    2340    1822    1764
1024    1197    1195    1050    1030
1518     812     812     744     731

Novell NetWare 386 - IPX - between interface cards

size    theo    test ipx_max ipx_fld
64     14880   14489    3295    3240
128     8445    8324    3274    3172
256     4528    4494    2953    2852
512     2349    2340    1861    1768
1024    1197    1195    1078    1031
1518     812     812     787     731

Proteon P4200 - TCP/IP - between interface cards

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld  1f_max  1f_fld 10f_max 10f_fld
64     14880   14489    3616    3576    2675    2054    2675    2050
128     8445    8324    3081    3058    2247    1674    2258    1668
256     4528    4494    1667    1529    1493    1253    1493    1248
512     2349    2340     948     896     875     815     876     814
1024    1197    1195     508     473     465     447     465     447
1518     812     812     348     325     324     313     325     313

Proteon P4200 - DECNET - between interface cards

size    theo    test  dn_max  dn_fld
64     14880   14489    1747    1469
128     8445    8324    1595    1453
256     4528    4494    1505    1401
512     2349    2340     968     804
1024    1197    1195     539     452
1518     812     812     405     310

Proteon P4200 - IPX - between interface cards

size    theo    test ipx_max ipx_fld
64     14880   14489    1881    1593
128     8445    8324    1718    1560
256     4528    4494    1608    1503
512     2349    2340     970     812
1024    1197    1195     519     450
1518     812     812     411     310

Proteon P4200 - Dual IP Streams - between interface cards

size    theo   test1   test2  d1_fld  d2_fld
64     14880   14489   14549    1085    1181
128     8445    8324    8340       U       U
256     4528    4494    4498     825     833
512     2349    2340    2341     665    1107
1024    1197    1195    1195    1109     665
1518     812     812     812     270     433

Proteon rig - TCP/IP - between interface cards

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld  1f_max  1f_fld 10f_max 10f_fld
64     14880   14489   12802   12142    4622    4513    4605    4530
128     8445    8324    7896    7998    4233    4212    4222    4204
256     4528    4494    4351    4350    2964    2944    2964    2943
512     2349    2340    2287    2294    1850    1835    1850    1837
1024    1197    1195    1186    1181    1060    1047    1060    1048
1518     812     812     812     805     749     741     749     742

Proteon rig - Dual IP Streams - between interface cards

size    theo   test1   test2  d1_fld  d2_fld
64     14880   14489   14549    8516    7749
128     8445    8324    8340    8027    6989
256     4528    4494    4498    4494    3936
512     2349    2340    2341    2333    4098
1024    1197    1195    1195    1193    1192
1518     812     812     812     810     809

Timeplex TIME/LAN 100 - TCP/IP - between interface cards

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld
64     14880   14489    5480    4822
128     8445    8324    4865    4162
256     4528    4494    3287    3253
512     2349    2340    1969    1949
1024    1197    1195     977     973
1518     812     812     691     687

Wellfleet Link Node - TCP/IP - between interface cards

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld  1f_max  1f_fld 10f_max 10f_fld
64     14880   14489   14473   14473   11107   10778    9708    9998
128     8445    8324    8322    8322    8322    8322    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4493    4493    4494    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1196    1196    1193    1193    1195    1195
1518     812     812     811     811     811     811     812     812

Wellfleet Link Node - AppleTalk II - between interface cards

size    theo    test at2_max at2_fld
64     14880   14489   12676   13629
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4493    4493
512     2349    2340    2341    2341

Wellfleet Link Node - DECNET - between interface cards

size    theo    test  dn_max  dn_fld
64     14880   14489   10151   10404
128     8445    8324    8322    8322
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1194    1194
1518     812     812     812     812

Wellfleet Link Node - IPX - between interface cards

size    theo    test ipx_max ipx_fld
64     14880   14489   10420   10642
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4493    4493
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1194    1194
1518     812     812     812     812

Wellfleet Link Node - Bridge Mode - between interface cards

size    theo    test  br_max  br_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     812     812

Wellfleet Link Node - Dual IP Streams - between interface cards

size    theo   test1   test2  d1_fld  d2_fld
64     14880   14489   14549    7790    7780
128     8445    8324    8340    7186    7196
256     4528    4494    4498    4491    4493
512     2349    2340    2341    2340    2339
1024    1197    1195    1195    1194    1194
1518     812     812     812     811     811

Wellfleet Link Node - TCP/IP - within interface card

size    theo    test  ip_max  ip_fld  1f_max  1f_fld  1f_max  1f_fld
64     14880   14489   11086   12646    8983    9636    8930    9655
128     8445    8324    8322    8322    8324    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4493    4493    4494    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1196    1196    1193    1193    1193    1193
1518     812     812     811     811     811     811     811     811

Wellfleet Link Node - AppleTalk II - within interface card

size    theo    test at2_max at2_fld
64     14880   14489   10707   11390
128     8445    8324    8322    8322
256     4528    4494    4493    4493
512     2349    2340    2339    2339

Wellfleet Link Node - DECNET - within interface card

size    theo    test  dn_max  dn_fld
64     14880   14489    8634    8982
128     8445    8324    8322    8322
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1193    1193
1518     812     812     811     811

Wellfleet Link Node - IPX - within interface card

size    theo    test ipx_max ipx_fld
64     14880   14489    8780    9109
128     8445    8324    8322    8322
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1194    1194
1518     812     812     811     811

Wellfleet Link Node - Bridge Mode - within interface card

size    theo    test  br_max  br_fld
64     14880   14489   14488   14488
128     8445    8324    8324    8324
256     4528    4494    4494    4494
512     2349    2340    2340    2340
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     812     812

Wellfleet Link Node - Dual IP Streams - within interface card

size    theo   test1   test2  d1_fld  d2_fld
64     14880   14489   14549   12652   13024
128     8445    8324    8340    8324    8337
256     4528    4494    4498    4491    4497
512     2349    2340    2341    2334    2341
1024    1197    1195    1195    1195    1195
1518     812     812     812     811     811