(Russ Nelson) (11/09/90)
Hi. This is just a note to keep you all up to date on the packet drivers, and to announce the creation of a mailing list for packet driver issues. I should also mention that it's the Clarkson *collection* of packet drivers, but that doesn't fit very well on the subject line. The mailing list: To subscribe to the mailing list, send an automated add request to Send a one line mail message whose sole contents are "add drivers". To get off the list, send "delete drivers". To send mail to a human (in case of trouble), send mail to To post to the list, send mail to The 7.x release: o The -w switch seems to cause problems, although I can't see why. o The Tiara and NE2000 packet drivers do not work with the -n switch. The fix is trivial but requires reassembling those drivers. o and are both broken. I have a replacement that seems to work. Ask me for it. o The wd8003e driver seems to be unreliable. You may wish to drop back to the 6.x version, available in pktd6_0.arc. o I've seen the ni6510 driver head south. I haven't determined if it's the transmitter or receiver. It doesn't crash, it just stops sending (or receiving). Donations: Since the 7.x release, we've received donations of Ethernet equipment from Hewlett-Packard (including an Ethertwist hub), Cabletron, D-Link, and Digital Equipment Corporation. Thanks to all of them, their support is appreciated and encouraging. Please remember to tell your Ethernet equipment vendor that you're using the packet drivers. Otherwise, they have no way to know that the packet drivers "butter their side of the bread". The 8.x release (no date yet): o If anyone has any bug fixes or new drivers, please tell us about them, so that they may be included. o We have several new drivers: 3Com 3c507, D-Link DE-600, and Ungermann-Bass ubnicps2. o Everex has a Clarkson-derived packet driver for their SpeedLink-16 that they distribute without source. They promised to send us the source, but we haven't gotten it yet. o The new 3c507 driver sometimes goes deaf. This is unacceptable and must be fixed before the driver is released. Hopefully this is just a problem with the 3c507, and not a problem with the 82586 generic driver. o We have two new drivers in the works, an HP Ethertwist, and a DEPCA. o Someone is working on a Mylex driver. o I am working on "genericizing" the 8390 drivers, similar to the way the 82586 drivers use a common file. This serves two purposes, one to include the wd8003e high performance code in all 8390 drivers, and the other to write the Ethertwist driver. o I will include Jochen Kornitzky's changes that let a packet be upcalled to multiple protocol stacks. This is of great use to those running Novell who wish to run a packet spy, such as Netwatch or FTP's Lanwatch. Anyone thinking about using it to run two stacks of the same protocol should get more sleep, he says at midnight. :-) Useful projects I don't see myself finding the time for: o A real but small program written in C that uses the packet driver, with source code for study and modification. o A program or programs that exercise the packet drivers. For example, a ping client that loops through all possible packet sizes would be handy. Perhaps the PC-IP ping client could be modified to do this? o Genericize the three LANCE-based drivers, the ni6510, the nti16, and the (unreleased) isolink. o Write an article on the packet drivers for a PC programmer's magazine such a Programmer's Journal, or suchlike. -russ