Hi, I edit an Internet/THENET library guide (UNT's Accessing On-line Bibliographic Databases). I am working on the next version. I would like anyone who is aware of how to access a card catalog system over the Internet (that is not listed below) to please send me mail directly with instructions on accessing that system. I will post a message to this newsgroup when I finish the update explaining how to get a copy of the new version. The current version (July 90) is available via anonymus FTP on VAXB.ACS.UNT.EDU. The file name is LIBRARIES.TXT. Numeric IP addresses are list in LIBRARIES.ADR. The libraries I currently have instructions for are: Auburn, Auraria University, Boston Univ., Boulder Public Library, Brown, Cal Poly State, California State Univ, Case Western, CARL, Clemson, CMU, Colorado School of the Mines, Columbia, Cornell, CWRU, Dartmouth, Deakin Univ., Denver Pulbic Library, Denver University, Emory, Florida A&M, Florida Atlantic, Florida State, Florida International, Harvard Univ, Indiana Univ., Kent State, Lehigh, Luther College, MARMOT library (Colorado Western Slopes), Monterrey, Mich State, Montegomery County (Rockville, MD), New Mexico St., New York Univ, Northeastern, Northwestern, Ohio State, Penn State, Pikes Peak Library, Princeton, Purdue, RPI, Rice, Rutgers, Sam Houston State University, SUNY -Binghamton, Texas A&M, TWU, Univ of Cal, UC Berkeley, U of Central Florida, U of Chicago., U of Colorado at Boulder, U of Delaware, U of Florida, U of Hawaii at Honolulu, U of Hawaii at Manoa, U of Ill. Champaign/Urbana, U of Ill/Chic, U of Kansas, U of Maine, U of Maryland, U of Michigan, U of Minnesota, U of Missouri, U of Nebraska, UNLV, U of New Mex., U of North Florida, U of North Texas, U of Northern Colorado, Notre Dame, U of Oregon, U of Penn, U of Pitt, U of South Florida, U of Tenn, U Tenn Memphis, U of UT Arlington, UT Austin, UT Dallas, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, UT Health Center at Tyler, U of Toledo, U of Utah, U of Wash., U of West Florida, U of Wisconsin, U of Wyoming, Vanderbilt, Victoria U Wel, Virginia Commonwealth, Virginia Tech, Wash U at SL, Wayne State. Also, I have instructions that I can not get to work for John Hopkins, UNC, Duke, NC State, Australian National University, and University of Konstanz. Finally, if anyone knows the nodename (not numeric address) of the Virginia Tech library (, please let me know. Thanks, ================================================================================ Billy Barron Bitnet : BILLY@UNTVAX VAX/Unix Systems Manager THENET : NTVAX::BILLY University of North Texas Internet : SPAN : UTSPAN::UTADNX::NTVAX::BILLY ================================================================================
C0017@UMRVMB.UMR.EDU ("A. Meg Brady, Mgr. of User Services") (11/27/90)
Can I assume you want me to send them our info for accessing LUMIN through the Internet? Meg
C0001@UMRVMB.UMR.EDU ("David W. Dearth, Director") (11/28/90)
No. It was for your information or for Terri or maybe Jean Eisenman.