[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Call for Papers SIGCOMM '91

craig@NNSC.NSF.NET (Craig Partridge) (11/30/90)

		       Call For Papers

  Communications Applications, Architectures and Protocols

	       ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
      September 4-6, 1991 (Tutorials September 3, 1991)

The conference provides an international forum for the  presenta-
tion  and  discussion  of  communication network applications and
technologies, as well as recent advances and proposals on commun-
ication  architectures,  protocols,  algorithms,  and performance
models. It is the first time that SIGCOMM will hold  its  confer-
ence outside of North America.

Authors are invited to submit full  papers  concerned  with  both
theory  and  practice.  The  areas of interest for the conference
include, but are not  limited  to  the  following:  Analysis  and
design  of computer network architectures and algorithms, innova-
tive results in local area networks, computer-supported  coopera-
tive  work,  network  interconnection  and  mixed-media networks,
high-speed networks, resource  sharing  in  distributed  systems,
network  management, distributed operating systems and databases,
protocol specification, verification, and analysis.

Papers should be about 20 double-spaced  pages  long  and  should
have  an  abstract of 100-150 words. All submitted papers will be
reviewed and will be judged with respect  to  their  quality  and
relevance. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign an
ACM copyright release form. The Proceedings will  be  distributed
at the conference and published as a special issue of ACM SIGCOMM
Computer Communication Review. Notable papers will be  considered
for publication in ACM Transactions on Computer Systems.

Submit 5 copies of each paper to  the  program  chairman  (or  in
North America, to the North American program committee contact):

Prof. Bernhard Plattner
Technische Informatik und Kommunikationsnetze   Telephone: +41 1 254 7000
ETH-Zentrum (IFW)                               Fax: +41 1 262 3973
8092 Zurich, Switzerland
EMAIL: <plattner@komsys.tik.ethz.ch> or
<C=ch; ADMD=arcom; PRMD=switch; O=ethz; ou1=tik; ou2=komsys; s=plattner>

The North American program committee contact is:

Greg Wetzel
AT&T Bell Laboratories                     Telephone: +1 (708) 979-4782
M/S IH 1B-213                              Fax: +1 (708) 979-2350
2000 N. Naperville Road                    E-Mail: g_f_wetzel@att.com
Naperville, IL  60566

For  more   information   about   the   conference,   e-mail   to

Special session: Applications of High Speed Networks

One or more sessions of the conference will  be  devoted  to  the
subject  of  applications of high speed networks. Papers in these
sessions will focus on concepts, implementation and experience of
applications  that  need  the  performance that future high speed
networks will offer. Topics include, but are not limited  to  new
approaches  to computer-supported cooperative work, graphic visu-
alization, and access to  supercomputers.  Papers  submitted  for
these topics should address applications and their communications

Student Paper Award

Papers submitted by students will  enter  a  student-paper  award
contest.   Among the accepted papers, a maximum of four outstand-
ing student papers will be awarded (1) one full conference regis-
tration  and  (2)  a  travel  grant  of US $1000. To be eligible,
student(s) must be the primary contributor(s) to the paper.


Deadline for paper submission:   March 2, 1991.
Notification of acceptance:      April 30, 1991.
Camera ready papers due:         May 31, 1991.