[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Has anyone successfully installed the Clarkson async PPP software?

earle@POSEUR.JPL.NASA.GOV (Greg Earle - Sun JPL on-site Software Support) (12/23/90)

After fighting code that wouldn't compile, missing instructions in the
installation steps, absolutely no documentation whatsoever on how to run it,
and (finally) Segmentation faults when feeding it IP addresses that are
more than 12 digits long (e.g. `' works, but
`' gets a SIGSEGV), I could never getting the damn
thing to work right even when I could get it to run (the ppp0 interface gets
configured, seemingly correctly, but even though on the remote host there
is a host route from the local IP addr fed to `ppp' to the remote, a `ping'
of the local addr yields `Host unreachable' - !!! - and a `ping' of the
remote hosts sees packets going out over the modem, but no response from the
remote end )^: ).

Has *anyone* successfully installed the Brad Clements asynchronous version of
the CMU PPP code between 2 post-4.0 Suns?!?  If so, would you care to share
your wisdom?  I've been banging my head on this for 2 days now ...

	- Greg Earle			| "This is Kraft.  It uses a blue box.
	  Sun Microsystems, Inc.	|  This is Stouffer's.  It uses red.
	  JPL on-site Software Support	|  The choice is yours."
	  earle@poseur.JPL.NASA.GOV	| Pretty damn convincing argument, eh?