[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] SNMP test

etstjan@dutepp0.et.tudelft.nl (Jan van Oorschot) (02/22/91)


Could some SNMP-able person on the net help me with a test of our 
ethernet spy debugging ?

We have a beta version of out ethernet spy Beholder running on:


This spy can report it's findings through SNMP. We have developed our own
UDP/IP stack with a SNMP library. Our in-house testings work ok, but I
would like some external testing.

Could somebody try to reach the above host, and request the SNMP variables
in the 'public' community ?

Thanks for the trouble


-- Ir. Jan van Oorschot.             --- Email: JPMvOorschot@et.tudelft.nl --
-- Data Network Performance Analysis Project                               --
-- CARDIT, Delft University of Technology ------------ Tel: (31)-15-786179 --
-- P.O.Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands ------ Fax: (31)-15-784898 --