(Vance Morrison) (02/28/91)
Hello, The latest beta version of PCbridge now supports 3COMs Etherlink-16 (3C507) card. This card is a fast 16bit bus ethernet card designed for high performance machines. With it a 12Mhz AT will filter ethernet packets at 20,000 PPS and forward at 11,000 PPS. I have tested the software myself quite a bit, but before I make it 'official' I am hopping to get some other people to test it out too. Thus I need people who ether have 3c507 cards, or what a high performance bridge and are thus willing to buy the 3c507s. If you fit this category, you can pick up the code and documentation from ( in pub/pcroute/exp. The files you want are pcbridge1.2b.r10.src.tar.Z and pcbridge1.2b.r10.tar.Z. Vance